Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 958: "·Countermeasures"

Once a person has the opportunity to shed his responsibility, his human nature wants to take a vacation, and the animals that have always existed in him burst out.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

On October 7, the first day that the army landed on the north shore, Bai Feng did not lead the overnight army to go north immediately, but ordered the army to rest on the spot; the first Roman legions who landed first, they rested overnight. Later, he took on the heavy task of peripheral patrol.

In the temporary barracks built by the soldiers of the First Roman Legion, Bai Feng was thinking about the route of the route against the map. On the lower two sides were Li Sini, Vimina, Luculus, and Leonida. After waiting for the four generals, they also looked at their maps.

This map detailing the distribution of settlements in southwestern Lu and the location of the'rebels', as well as the route of the Gregory Army's advancement, was sent to Bai Feng by the Yoshikawa Naoki escort, and also a month before the espionage and the ninjas. The result of hard work.

According to this map, the number of settlements in southwestern Lu has been sharply reduced from the original 27 large and small settlements to 14; the 13 settlements that disappeared on the map naturally become so-called'rebels' 'made of.

After staring at the map and looking at the good rates, Bai Feng, who had a plan in his heart, raised his head and asked the four army commanders in the military tent with a tone of school entrance examination: What is the situation?"

Faced with the questions raised by his governor, the four generals who looked at each other's eyes, did not immediately stand up to make an answer; Bai Feng, who was sitting on the ground, was not eager to get an answer, but read the handsome case calmly. Intelligence, give the four generals enough time to think.

Time passed little by little, about five minutes later, among the four generals, Vimina, who was known as the "General Iron Wall", took the initiative to stand up and answer: "Governor, I think the current situation in southwestern Lu, As far as our military is concerned, it seems that it needs to be cautious."

"Oh?" Bai Feng, irreproachable, raised his brow slightly: "Specifically, why should we be cautious, and how to be cautious."

"Nuo!" After bowing to his command, Vimina walked to the map in the center of the military account and pointed at the sign on the map: "Now southwestern Lu, the black sign representing our city of Rome, has already occupied half. It is even stronger than the yellow sign that represents Lu Xixi."

"Because the special army led by Naoki Yoshikawa has more than 30,000 warriors, the fighting power far exceeds the other 14 settlements in southwestern Lu; more importantly, the remaining ten in southwestern Lu The four settlements are not hostile to this special army."

"General Vermina, your name for this army is really subtle." Before waiting for Vermina to finish, Li Xini on the side interjected and said with a smile: "Anyway, we have not included them, just call them. The Lucy rebels won’t be enough."

This Li Xini, sometimes clever and clumsy in character, has not changed at all from the Roman world to the Dragon Continent; it is indeed an old saying: Jiangshan is easy to change and its nature is difficult to move!

Bai Feng shook his head helplessly, after glaring at Li Xini, he turned to signal Vimina to continue, not to be interrupted by Li Xini's casual words; after glancing at Li Xini without any shame, Vimina What can I say besides grinning and continuing?

"If it were not for the leader of the western part of Lulu, Viriasius sent a hundred thousand troops to suppress, maybe the rebels under the control of Naoki Yoshikawa would secretly control the southwest of Lulu without exposing our Roman city. Unity of the Ministry."

"Although the 100,000 rebellious army in western Luxor is about to arrive in southwestern Lu, we still have to try to avoid exposing our identity; otherwise, we will not only have difficulty in quickly controlling southwestern Lu, but will attract more Luxi Tribal army."

"General Vermina, do you mean that we can't take part in the war for the time being?" Hearing Vermina said, some unsettled Lucurus objected: "But if we don't take part in the war, Lucy The rebels may not be able to stop the repression of the 100,000 Luxi army!"

"I don't think it's necessary." Wei Mina said on the map of West Lulu: "West Lu is divided into two parts: north and south. There are 27 settlements in the south with a population of 900,000, and there are 36 settlements in the north with 150 settlements. 10,000 people, the ratio of the population of the north and the south is about 3 to 5

"A three-to-five population ratio means that the composition of the army in western Luxor is roughly maintained at this ratio; based on the 400,000 troops in western Luxor, the number of troops from the south should be around 150,000, with no fluctuations. Will exceed 20,000."

"Does the proportion of population and army in the west of Lu have any impact on the situation in southwestern Lu?" Li Xini wondered.

"Of course it has an influence, and it is a crucial influence!" Vimina said confidently: "The 150,000 soldiers from the south who fell in the west of Lu, and their families are all in the south; you say, they can Do you want to kill the rebels that originated in the south?"

"Obviously, all the Lusi fighters from southwestern Lu can’t kill the rebels. The only ones who will really kill the rebels are those from the northwest of Lusi. This pair of Naoki Yoshikawa For the commander, it is a good opportunity to challenge."

"With the ability of spies and ninjas, they can definitely easily find out which fighters in the counterinsurgency are southern fighters; then, in a confrontation, only need to let the northern fighters in the counterinsurgency slash the families of some southern fighters , The situation will be reversed instantly."

"I believe that the southern fighters who see their family as more important than their lives will be dissatisfied with the northern fighters who slaughtered their family, even if they don’t fight on the battlefield immediately. The rebel army is falling apart."

"General Vimina, your strategy of responding to enemies is certainly brilliant, but it is a little too idealistic." Leonida retorted, frowning: "What if the 100,000 rebellious army consisted of northern soldiers? What can the rebels rely on to save?"

Rebutting Leonida’s enthusiasm for war, Vermina just explained with a smile: “General Leonidas, I admit that this response is indeed the most ideal situation, but this is not our only response. Law, isn't it?"

"If the 100,000 rebellious troops in Luxi are really made up of northern soldiers, then it is certain that it cannot be resisted by more than 30,000 rebels; therefore, the imperative for Naoki Yoshikawa to lead them is to avoid peace as much as possible. Confront the rebel army and accelerate the expansion of military strength."

"If it is really time for the war to be unavoidable, our army in Rome can participate in the war in an appropriate amount to help the rebels resist the attack of the rebel army; but before the war between the Eastern Alliance and the West of Lulu breaks out, we must not defeat their rebellion. Army!"

Both Li Xini and Luculus are mid-armies generals, and Leonida’s talent is needless to say. When Vermina’s words are here, how could they not understand their deep meaning? In the final analysis, it is nothing more than that the city of Rome shouldn't be stunned.

Otherwise, once Commander Gregory’s 100,000 rebellious army was defeated or completely wiped out by the Roman city army, after receiving this news, as long as the leader of the west of Luvius was not a fool, he would be able to guess The Roman army invaded southwestern Lu.

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