Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 959: "·Decision to go north"

Falling in love with a beautiful body is one thing; it is very superficial; falling in love with a beautiful existence adds a depth, which is unfathomable.

——Osho (founder of Rajnihi Retreat Center)

For the navy, the typical barbarian wooden ships owned by the Eastern Alliance and the Kingdom of Essini determined that it was difficult for them to launch large-scale landing operations; while the Eastern Alliance’s army could not cross the border without knowing the west of Lu, Entering southwestern Lu to fight.

In this way, the situation in the eastern region will become clearer; the only force with the strength to send troops to land in southwestern Lu is the newly rising mysterious power on the south bank in the eyes of western Lu, namely the Roman city of Baifeng.

At that time, the leader of the West Lui will be mobilized to drove south to expel the Roman army; while the empty border defense in the west of Lu will make the Eastern Alliance that is about to attack will benefit the fishermen. This is not Bai Fengfei. Think hard about the results you want to get.

According to Bai Feng’s established strategic plan, the Eastern Alliance and the West of Lu should be the first to fight against each other. After their snipe clams fight for both defeats and wounds, the Roman army swept across the northern bank of the Cangluo River with elite teachers. The winning party.

Under the premise that the general strategic direction remains unchanged, Vermina's view on the situation in southwestern Lu is undoubtedly very accurate; especially his suggestion of being cautious and even avoiding the Roman army as much as possible, it is not the same as Bai Feng's idea. Coincide.

"Vimina, I'll give you two days. You must sort out the plan to lay down the rebellious army in the west. Whether or not the rebellious army in the west is composed of pure northern soldiers, we have to let Naoki Yoshikawa tried it."

"Nuo!" Vimina, who had a rough plan in mind, responded calmly.

Thanks to Bai Feng’s previous military meeting to encourage everyone to express his opinions, while Victoria’s order was returned to his seat, Lucurus stood up and made a suggestion: "The Governor, should Yoshikawa Naoki command, Let him send some troops to try it out."

"Otherwise, once the counterinsurgency army in the west of Lu is really composed of pure northern soldiers, not only will the alienation plan led by Yoshikawa Naoki fail, even the already limited strength of the rebel army will be seriously damaged, which will develop the next battle. unfavorable."

"No, there is no need for it." Bai Feng shook his head and refused: "Even if Luping's rebellious army is made up of northern soldiers, our alienation plan will still succeed; but this success will take time to verify It’s not immediately effective."

Seeing the color of doubt on Lukulus's face, Bai Feng explained to him in detail: "Among the 550,000 troops in the west of Lu, 150,000 were second-line infantry provided by their tribes; the rest The 400,000 soldiers are the army that truly belongs to the western part of Lu."

"If the counterinsurgency is made up of soldiers from northwestern Lu, half of the other 300,000 Luxi troops are composed of soldiers from southwestern Lu; this means that as long as the counterinsurgency dares to kill the killer, this Half of the soldiers in southwestern Lu will surely make trouble."

"Although the news from southwestern Lu spreads to northwestern Lu, it will take time, but I believe that the leader of the western part of Lui, Williasius, will certainly not take such a risk; An army of pure northern soldiers."

"That's what it is!" Lukurus, who suddenly realized, re-suggested while nodding his head: "Governor, then we can let Naoki Yoshikawa command the time and control Southwest Lu in his hands as soon as possible. This is simply It is a guarantee of being invincible!"

"This is true." Bai Feng nodded slightly and immediately ordered: "Li Sini, Vimina, Lucurus, immediately dispatch the light cavalry brigades directly under your respective legions and give them to the leader of Naoki Yoshikawa. Command, help him unify southwestern Lu as soon as possible!"

"Nuo!" For this command, Li Xini and his third cavalry, who had sufficient cavalry, had no objection.

The multi-armed Roman legion consists of four infantry wing groups; each infantry wing consists of four infantry brigades, a Roman light cavalry, and a Roman auxiliary cavalry. The infantry brigade consists of Roman light infantry, Roman youth army, The Roman heavy infantry consisted of a team.

In this way, the Roman Legion Infantry Wing, each of which has its own two teams of cavalry, can not only serve as a reconnaissance force, but also play an assault role in combat; in this way, each wing can become Relatively independent combat units.

The Roman Light Cavalry Brigade and the Roman Auxiliary Cavalry Brigade, which are directly under the Legion, are small cavalry clusters consisting of five teams of cavalry; the system must be a fine product. Although the cavalry of these two cavalry brigades is not large, but the combat effectiveness is not Not to be underestimated.

The Roman light cavalry brigade composed of five teams of 540 Roman light cavalry, the Roman auxiliary cavalry brigade composed of five teams of 540 Roman auxiliary cavalry, the fighting power of the 1,800 Roman cavalry, compared with ten thousand Barbarian light cavalry are only strong but not weak!

This is not to say that every Roman light cavalry or Roman auxiliary cavalry can defeat ten barbarian light cavalry with an enemy of ten; it is just a variety of superb cavalry tactics proficient in Roman cavalry, with excellent weapons and high-quality war horses. Not available for barbarian cavalry.

Therefore, if you really let the two groups of Roman cavalry against 10,000 barbarian cavalry, then the ring-shaped shooting of the Roman auxiliary cavalry and the wedge-shaped charge of the Roman light cavalry will let the barbarian cavalry who only know a rush of rushing, see what It's a real ride!

Therefore, Li Xini and others who had confidence in the fighting power of their Roman cavalry, and the command of their governor to transfer a Roman light cavalry brigade from their army to support the rebels of Naoki Yoshikawa did not produce any repulsion, but instead used this as a Glory.

"Leonida, from tomorrow on, the two cavalry wing groups under your command will shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the outside of the army; before the fall of Lu Xi and the official start of the Eastern Alliance, the trace of our army must not let Lu Xi The tribes are aware!"

"Nuo!" Leonida, who was not used to fighting with cavalry, had no objection.

"Generals." After arranging the assistance to the rebels and the security deployment to the periphery of the army, Bai Feng continued to order: "If we don’t attack temporarily, it does not mean that we have to wait passively; tomorrow morning, the army will be re-opened to take 50 miles a day. Speed ​​goes north."

"Our current position is about 300 miles from the south to north of the rebels of Naoki Yoshikawa; the position of the rebel army in West Luping is about 150 miles from the north to south of the rebels of Naoki Yoshikawa Here, this gives our army enough space to move."

Speaking of which, Bai Feng, who stood up, walked directly to the map and pointed to the various colored triangles representing the various military forces on the map: "As long as the situation on the front line is not unmanageable, we have been keeping with the rebels for about fifty miles. Safe distance."

"This distance not only ensures that once the situation shows signs of loss of control, our army can rush to the front line to control the situation in a timely manner; it can also ensure that the rebellious army in the west of Lu can’t find the presence of our army and does not affect our established strategy. Implementation."

Seeing that the military conference was coming to an end, Vermin asked: "Governor, how should the four marches be divided?"

"The first and second Roman legions are the former army, the Spartan legion and the five thousand Tuntian soldiers are the middle army, and the seventh Roman legion is the rear army."

"Nuo!" The four generals responded in unison.

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