Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 114 - Mind Destroying Pagoda! 1

Everyone who had an important position in the sect including all the advanced sect disciples gathered in the sect hall, the next day after Mo Yuhan visit, everyone in the sect was already aware of Huo Li actions which are about to cost the sect their peace.

They had already known about her anger issues but they hadn't expected that she would do something as extreme as killing a captain, the disciples were not against her after hearing what she had done except for the few that were already against her being the leader of the advanced disciples but they couldn't overthrow her because their abilities are nowhere comparable to hers but now that they had a chance, they were ready to seize it.​​

"Today's meeting is to discuss the incidents that happened when the guardians and the leader of the advanced disciples left the sect" the sect leader announced after he and the elders took their seat at the high seats. As soon as the sect leader announced the meeting's agenda, everyone in the hall started discussing their opinions regarding the issue while Huo Ying and the other guardians had an anxious look on their faces. Huo Li stood below the high seat along with the guardians and Huo Ying with a blank expression on her face, no one could tell what she was feeling at that moment which seems strange considering Huo Li's character.

"Huo Li seems to be calm even though she might be losing her position, this is not like her, could it be that she and my mother had already talked about it," Huo Ying said inaudibly with her eyes fixed on Huo Li who stood in a calm posture, she felt a tap on her shoulder which prompted her to turn back.

"Are you thinking the same thing?" Huo Qiang asked with a whisper behind her ear.

"You mean...."

"Yes, there is no way Huo Li would be this calm when she might even lose her position, we all know how hard she worked to become the leader of the advanced disciples, her behaviour is quite strange" Huo Qiang whispered.

"I am also thinking the same thing, she seems to have discussed something with my mother yesterday, we can only hope that whatever they discussed will be able to save her from being demoted or given even worse punishment," Huo Ying said

"We can only hope for now," Huo Qiang said then he moved back.

"Huo Li, do you admit to killing a captain and severely injuring the disciples of the vitality sect," the second elder asked

"I admit" Huo Li replied

"Did you commit this crimes alone or the other guardians who went with you had a hand in it?" the second elder asked

"No, I committed these crimes alone, Bingchen and Huo Qiang were the ones who stopped me from committing more crimes so they have nothing to do with it" Huo Li answered.

"As the leader of the advanced disciples, you are supposed to prepare the disciples for what they would face when the flame sect is ready to go out into the world again but instead, you have committed heinous actions that would implicate the sect, do you think you deserve to be punished or not?" the third elder said with his voice slightly raised, from his tome, it was very obvious that he was very angry at her for her actions including the other elders.

The third elder who has always been lenient also ha a fierce angry look on his face as his eyes were fixed on her face, this time, her calm look was almost disappearing, hearing the second elder rebuke her reminded her of how serious her actions were and the troubles it would bring to the sect, she could feel the blaze of their eyes on her, she had already started becoming anxious and rubbing her hands together, she raised her head to look at her master with an anxious look but her master gave her a gentle look to reassure her, she looked away and swallowed the saliva in her throat then she raised her head and looked straight at the second elder.

"I am aware of how reckless and irresponsible my actions were, I am ready to accept any punishment" Huo Li answered with confidence but in her mind, she knew that if her master's plans don't work then she would end up losing the position she worked very hard to attain.

Her position can be considered to be on par with the guardians since they both have commands over all the disciples even though she still has to respect them, although she knew that some of them were looking down on her, she treated them strictly to command respect for herself, she knew that she just wasn't ready to lose that position.

The advanced disciples started discussing amongst themselves, they all had different positions but they knew that from what the second elder said, he was planning to make Huo Li lose her positions. some of them were not happy with the idea of Huo Li being demoted but the few others who have always been against her were certainly happy, she turned to look at the side of the hall where they lined up, she observed their faces as she looked around. she wasn't surprised to see that few of them were happy with her current situation but she was just marking their faces, if she somehow gets to avoid losing her position then she would surely make them suffer.

"Sect leader, Huo Li actions are irresponsible, as the leader of the advanced disciples, she has put the sect in danger and disrupted the peace that we have had for years, I hereby propose that Huo Li should be stripped of her position as the leader of the advanced disciples before we discuss the other punishment she will have to receive according to the rules of the flame sect," the second elder said then he took his seat with a satisfied look on his face, apart from the fact that she had put the sect in danger, Huo Li being the leader of the advanced disciple would give the sect madam more authority in the sect which the first and second elder is very opposed to.

Huo Li bit her lower lips upon hearing what the second elder had proposed, Bingchen noticed this then he leaned closer to her ear...

"Don't worry, you won't lose your position, your master would never let that happen no matter how angry she is with you" Bingchen whispered then he moved back, she felt all her worries dissipate as soon as she heard his whisper behind her, she slightly turned her head back and then looked forward again.

"Sect leader, Huo Li actions are indeed irresponsible, I am in support of stripping her of her position" the third elder added, Huo Ying raised her heard in an alarmed manner after hearing the thrid elder speak.

She was hoping that the thrid elder would speak for Huo Li but now that he is also siding with the second elder, Huo Li's chances of retaining her position seemed very slim.

"I assume that the first elder is also in support of striping Huo Li of her positon as the leader of the advanced disciples" the sect leader asked

"That is right, although Huo Li has been doing well as the leader of the advnaced disciples, she has disoeyed the sect rules, so she must be punished" the first elder answered.

"Sect leader, we cant just decide this issue based on the words of the elders, the advanced disciples and the guardians should also have a say in this matter" the sect madam spoke in an unflinching manner even though her personal disciple was almsot losing her position in the sect.

"Father, Mother is right, the advanced disciples and the guardians should also have a say in this matter" Huo Ying said with her hand supped and her head slightly lowered.

"Alright, since you both say so, i will give the advanced disciples and the guardians a chance to say their opinions, if anyone has anyhting to say at this point, you are free to speak," the sect leader said

One of the advanced disciples stepped forward with long strides and a confident look on his face, t was no surprise that he would be th first person to speak and they already knew what he was about to say.

"Sect leader, Senior disciple Li has been a good leader and she has been training us to live accoridng to the sect's expectation but she had gone against her own teachings. for this reason, i am in support of striping her of her position" Wu Que said, he has always considered himself to be better than Huo Li, if Huo Li didnt win him at the competiton, he would have been the leader and now that he has the chance to over throw her, he definitely wouldn't let it slide.

"Wu Que, do you think you can replace senior disciple Li if she is stripped of her position, dream on! you are nothing compared to her" Li Bing shouted without minding that the sect leader and the leder were in the hall, she could be considered as Huo Li's disciple of she wasnt a disciple herself and she had the same temperament as Huo Li.

Huo Li sighed, she knew that she would get reprimanded for speaking recklessly if she doesn't scold her hersefelf...

"Li Bing, shut up! how dare you speak abruptly in the presence of the sect leader and the elders, wont you apologise now?" Huo Li shouted at her, Li Bing understood her intention so she walked forward and bowed her head to aplogise.

"Sect leader, senior disciple Li's behaviour was indeed wrong but considering her merits, her actions should be forgiven" Li Bing said then she walked back into the line.

"Seems like she has the same temperament as you, I am not suprised...." Bingchen whispered behind her ear.

"Shut up! do you think i am in the mood for your useless comments" Huo Li whsipered back but Bingchen smiled at her fiestiness eve in such situation.

"Sect leader, Huo Li played a very vital role in obtaining the herb which was used to treat Huo Ying, i hope you will take into consideration that she has obtained many merit as the leader of the advanced disciples" Huo Qiang said

"I agree, although her actions were reckless, she wouldnt have comiited those crimes if she wasnt controlled by her inner demons, I hope sect leader will take these into consideration" Huo Mei said

"Sect leader, I also disagree with the decision to strip Huo Li of her position" Huo Lian said

"Sect leader, I am also against it, please decide with leniency" Bingchen added, his grandfather glared at him as soon as he spoke, everyone in the hall were surprised that he actually spoke up for her even though she is loyal to Huo Ying.

"Since all the guardians have spoken, Huo Ying, is there anything you will like to say?" the sect leader inquired.

"Father, this incident occured because of me, Huo Li has not been out of the sect so she didnt know how to control her inner demon when faced with an actual threat, her inexprience has also contributed to her actions so I ask that If you want to punsih anyone then that person should be me" Huo Ying said with her hands cupped and her head bowed, Huo Li looked at her with her face filled with gratitude, she knew that Huo Ying would definitely side with her but she didnt expect her to take the punishment for her.

"Sect leader, regarding this issue, since Bingchen and i were also present during the time of the incident then I think we should also share in the punishment" Huo Qiang added, Bingchen eyes widened as he stared at Huo Qiang....

"If you want to be punished, why must you include me in it...." Bingchen whispered loud enough for Huo Qiang to hear him, he turned to look at him with an accussing glare...

"Fool!" Huo Qiang whispered which made Huo Ying and the oher guardians chuckle even thoiugh they tried not to.

"Based on you opinions, Huo Li has done a very good job as the leader of te advnaced disciples over the years but her irresponsible actions has gone against the rule of the sect, therefor..."

"You still haven't asked for my opinion" the sect madam said, the sect leader who was stopped at the middle of his sentence sighed in frustration, just when he had made his judgement, she just had to interfere.


"I dont think striping her of her position is enough for her to atone for her crime" the sect madam said to the surprise of everyone in the hall, they all stared at her in surprise while they whispered amongst themselves.

"Huo Li, is your master turning against you" Bingchen whispered

"Shut up!"

"What is mother doing, is she really truning against her own personal disciple"

"I dont think it is as simple as that, no matter how angry she is at Huo Li, she would never suggest something worse than her losing her position, she must have a plan" Huo Qiang said

"What does sect madam mean?" the third elder asked

"Even is she is striped of her position, she can still climb back to where she was before, she is my personal disciple so i should be the one to decide her punishment" the sect madma replied

"then what do you suggest?" the sect leader asked

"She should be taken to the mind destroying pagoda!" the sect madam answered.

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