Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 115 - Mind Destroying Pagoda! 2

"What!!" the three elder exclaimed while the others gasped with the eyes widened, the whole hall became silent in an instant while the looked at each other to confirm that they didn't hear the wrong thing but since everyone had similar expressions on their face, they could confirm that what they had just heard was real.

"Dear, Huo Li is your personal disciple, although her actions have endangered the sect, it is still not enough to put in the mind-destroying pagoda," the sect leader said in a very alarmed tone, he had initially thought that she was going to speak up for Huo Li or suggest an easier punishment for her but he didn't expect that she would choose something so deadly for the disciple she adores the most, as soon as the sect leader spoke, the hall became noisy, they all began to discuss amongst each other, never would they have expected the sect madam to sentence her personal disciple to the mind-destroying pagoda which is a place that no disciple has been sentenced to ever since the late sect leader became the sect leader.​​

"I have made my decision on this matter, putting the sect in danger is not her only crime, she murdered innocent people which goes against the rule of the sect, if the people hear of this, wouldn't it proves to them that we are the demon sect they think we are in their minds," the sect madam said, the disciple shuddered in fear after they realised that she really meant what she had just said, those who were formally vying for the position of her second personal disciple since she hasn't taken another disciple except for Huo Li for years were thanking their stars that they didn't make it as her second disciple, they have never seen anyone who would be so cruel to their disciple not to talk of her only disciple.

"Mother, Please change your decision, now that she can no longer practice the sutra, if she enters the mind-destroying pagoda, she might give in to her inner demon and never be able to come out again, you have to rethink your decision" Huo Ying pleaded, from the look on her face, it is very obvious that she is terrified at the thought of Huo Li entering the mind-destroying pagoda, they all knew that even if anyone should be sent to the mind-destroying pagoda, it can't be Huo Li, if she can't even control her inner demon, how would she be able to survive the torment of the demons that reside in the mind-destroying pagoda.

"Sect madam, please rescind your decision, Huo Li cannot enter the mind-destroying pagoda, the demons there will torment her until she gives in to her inner demon and she will never be able to come out of it" Huo Qiang also pleaded as he stepped forward and bowed his head slightly with his hands cupped in above his head.

"Sect madam, the guardian and the young mistress are right, she will have to stay inside the pagoda forever if she can't reach the thirteenth level in one month, with Huo Li's condition, she might not be able to accomplish that," the second elder said, although he wanted her to be stripped of her position, he had nothing against her so he couldn't let the sect madam send her to her death.

"Sect madam, in the past, all the disciples who were sent to the mind-destroying pagoda all dies when they couldn't take the suffering anymore and they were all void of inner demons, the only disciple who managed to come out ran mad and later committed suicide, Huo Li is your personal disciple, no matter how irresponsible she was, it is still not a good idea to send her to the mind-destroying pagoda," the third elder said

"I have made up my mind, she has wasted all the years and effort I spent in helping her practice the sutra, if she doesn't get rid of her inner demon, after some years, she would become a maniac killer and she wouldn't be able to recognise anyone but the mind-destroying pagoda can help her get rid of her inner demons if she manages to survive the torment," the sect madam said in a firm manner that convinced everyone that they can't change her mind.

"Mother, all this started with me, I would rather take enter the mind-destroying pagoda than let Huo Li enter the pagoda for something that started with me," Huo Ying said, with her knees on the ground.

"Dear, Huo Li is your personal disciple so the decision is yours to make but you should still think about it, she might never be able to leave the pagoda" the sect leader advised

"Mother please let me enter the pagoda instead of Huo Ying" Huo Ying pleaded again.

"Huo Ying!" her mother shouted

"Master, I am willing to enter the mind-destroying pagoda," Huo Li said as she stepped forward and raised her cupped her hands with her head slightly lowered.

"Senior disciple Li!!" the advanced disciples shouted except for Wu Que who felt bad about the idea of sending Huo Li to the mind-destroying pagoda but he was still happy with it as long as he can take her position.

"Huo Li!!" Huo Ying and the guardians shouted

"Young mistress, you don't have to speak on my behalf, I am willing to enter the mind-destroying pagoda, as long as there is a chance of getting rid of my inner demons," Huo Li said with a confident and unflinching expression on her face.

"Huo Li, are you aware of the danger involved with entering the mind-destroying pagoda, even those without inner demons cannot survive in the pagoda for five days not to talk of you?" the sect leader asked

"I am very confident, my master means well for me by asking me to enter the pagoda and I will also have an opportunity to atone for my mistakes" Huo Li answered.

"Then so be it, tomorrow, you will attend the mind-destroying pagoda, as long as you can come out in thirty days, there won't be any problem after you leave the pagoda but if you cannot leave the pagoda in thirty days then you will lose your mind even if you make it out," the sect leader said in a gentle manner.

"From this moment onwards, Bingchen would be the leader of the advanced disciples....." the sect madam announced, everyone seemed satisfied with her decision except for Wu Que who had a priceless expression on his face that madam Li Bing very satisfied, they had almost forgotten the rule of the sects that states that a guardian cannot be the leader of the advanced disciples.

"Sect madam, Guardian Bingchen being the leader of the advanced disciple is against the rule of the sect," Wu Que said as soon as he remembered the rule.

"That is true"

"I had almost forgotten"

"Even if he can't become the leader, you are still not qualified to become the leader of the advanced disciple," Li Bing said to piss him off and he reacted as expected...

"You...just wait..."

"Enough! If Huo Li manages to leave the mind-destroying pagoda in thirty days then the position will be handed back to her but if she doesn't then another competition will be held to elect another leader" the sect madam declared.

"That is enough for today, Huo Li, you will have to stay in the meditation room until tomorrow and only your master is allowed to see you, as soon as the day breaks, you must enter the mind-destroying pagoda" the sect leader instructed.

"I understand" Huo Li answered.

Then the sect leader and the elders stood up to leave the hall including the sect madam, the disciple followed after them in groups as they discussed while others went to comfort Huo Li.

"Senior disciple Li, are you really going to enter the pagoda again, what if you never come out again"

"I will real;y miss you, you have to make it senior disciple"

"We will wait for you senior disciple"

"remember you promised me that we would fight together at the martial heroes tournament if you are not there then how am I supposed to fight alone, we haven't even shown ourselves to the world," Li Bing said with tears dropping from her eyes as she sniffed her nose in an attempt to hold back her tears.

"Don't worry I will definitely return safely"


"Have I ever failed to do anything I promise to do, I haven't forgotten my promise to you, you and I will definitely fight on the martial heroes tournament together, just wait for my return"

"Senior sister!!" they chorused

"Don't let me come back and find out that you have all been slacking, I don't trust anyone to train you as hard as I do," Huo Li said then she patted Li Bing on her shoulder and walked away but just as she left the hall, she met the guardians and Huo Ying waiting for her.

"What are you all still doing here?" Huo Li asked even though she was very aware of the obvious answer to her obvious question.

"Don't be silly, this is our last chance to see you before you enter the pagoda," Huo Mei said with her almost teary eyes.

"Huo Li, are you sure you want to enter the pagoda, if you don't want to then we can kneel in front of you master's quarter and plead on your behalf until she rescinds her decision," Bingchen said with a worried look on his face which surprised everyone.

"Since I came back from the beast dungeon, you have been acting very strange," Huo Ying said with a hint of surprise on her face.

"What do you mean?" Bingchen prompted

"Since when did you stop being a selfish jerk? I am surprised that you are actually concerned about her since you are taking her position for the meantime, I was expecting you to be happy" Huo Ying said

"You really....."

"Huo Li, you still have a chance to think this through, you might never be able to come out of the pagoda if you don't succeed," Huo Qiang said

"It is still better than turning into a murdering maniac who cannot recognise anyone" Huo Li answered, seeing how determined she was to enter the pagoda, Huo Ying couldn't help but feel guilty, she felt that all of this wouldn't have happened if she hadn't fallen sick and made them risk infiltrating the vitality sect because of her, tears began to fill her eyes even though she was trying very hard to send them back.

"Huo Li, I am very sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to enter the pagoda and lose the sutra cultivation you have been practising for years," Huo Ying said as the tears began to drop, Huo Li tried to avoid looking at her but she couldn't, if she sees the tears on her face, she would also break down and that was something she didn't want but she still looked at her face.

"It isn't your fault, I would have destroyed the sutra cultivation even if you didn't fall sick, you have done enough by pleading on my behalf and even offering to take my punishment for me, even if I can never leave the pagoda, I still wouldn't regret it, it is my fortune to have met my master and become a disciple of the flame sect, if I can't come out....."

"Don't say that Huo Li, we all know how capable you are, you will definitely make it out, we trust you so you should also put all your effort into leaving the pagoda" Huo Lian said

"I will..." Huo Li said then she was about to walk away but Huo Ying stopped her...

"Remember, we still have revenge to fulfil, you still have to take revenge on Qiuhua sect for your mother while I have to take revenge on all the sect on behalf of my sister, you have to make it out, our chance is almost near....." Huo Ying said amd wiped her tears.

"You mean the martial heroes tournament..." Bingchen said

"I will, I will never miss the chance to vent my anger on that day, wait for me," Huo Li said then she walked away.

Everyone watched her back until she was out of sight, they were all feeling deeply worried and anxious while Huo Ying was still feeling guilty. Bingchen felt somehting else as he watched her leave, he felt like somehting important was going farther away from him.

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