Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 124 - TALES!

"Sect Leader Meng, why don't you just chop the nails and sever the iron, what exactly are you trying to say" She replied in a very calm voice but with a serious expression.

"Since you have asked me to be straightforward then I will do just that, Your flame sect has been hidden away from the world for years and you have disregarded the sect alliance on my occasions, your husband has not attended of the meetings where the sect leaders are supposed to attend even though it concerns the safety of the world not to talk of Tang dynasty and you haven't made any contribution to the sect alliance for years, do you really think you are worthy to attend this meeting or to claim that you are still part of the sect alliance" Sect leader Meng stated with obvious contempt in her voice as she directed all the blame on her without even facing the elders who accompanied her.​​

"That is right, Sect leader Meng must have read our minds to have mentioned all the questions that everyone here has for you, no sect is forbidden from being secluded from the world but the sect alliance has its rule that no member of the sect alliance can disobey, even the white jade sword sect has always been following the rules of the sect alliance despite their seclusion but your flame sect arrogance knows no bound" Sect leader Wu added with his fingers pointing at her and the elders while everyone else nodded their head in agreement.

Despite their accusations, she still maintained and calm composure and the smile on her lips while she looked around to see the expressions on their faces which will decide those who are here as their enemy, friend or neutral.

Arrogant fools!!

She screamed in her mind, if not for the sake of the considering the whole situation, she would have lashed out on everyone that dared to point fingers at her or the flame sect but she still maintained her calm demeanour while her fingernails did the venting on her palm forming crescent marks on her palm.

"When the late sect leader of the flame sect was seating on the seat of the alliance leader, every sect performed their duty and obeyed every rule of the alliance but now that the person seating on that seat has changed, the flame sect has revealed their arrogant side by ignoring the alliance rules and committing evils, however, the alliance still gave you all another chance but you have disrespected the alliance over and over again," One of the sect leaders of another minor sect accused after gaining the boldness from the other two sect leaders that accused the flame sect otherwise, he wouldn't have had the courage to blame the flame sect as long as they haven't confirmed just how strong they are yet.

{ I am quite surprised that she still hasn't lashed out yet, Huo Jingyu oh Huo Jingyu, just how strong or weak is the flame sect now that you have even learnt to restrain yourself, that smile on your face cannot be this simple, I wonder what intentions you are hiding}

Sect leader Zhou said in his mind while he waved his fan forth and back as he observed all that is going all in the hall.

"I hope everyone will be at peace with...."

"How dare you accuse the flame sect, aside from sect leader Meng, the rest of you are not worthy of questioning my sect!" Sect madam Huo interjected before sect leader Lin could conclude his sentence with her voice slightly raised, the whole hall becomes silent as soon as she spoke, they all fixed their eyes on her with fear, hatred and shock written on their faces.

Those widened eyes and glare was something that they haven't seen for years so of course, they have forgotten how obedient they used to be when she spoke, she scoffed and ran her eyes through them before straightening her head and lifting her head majestically with authority and female power evident in every one of her actions.

"Although my flame sect has indeed disregarded all the rules of the alliance, you have not given us any chance to explain ourselves now that I have attended the meeting on behalf of my sect after eleven years, we were accused of committing several evils in the world back then and many pieces of evidence were presented to convict my sect but did anyone ever see any of my disciples committing any of those deeds, this was my argument back then and it will remain the same. As for the crime of ignoring the alliance for years, I admit it on behalf of my sect but we didn't want to show ourselves until we were sure that the world has changed its view of the flame sect..." she stopped for a while and swept her eyes through them with an accusing look in her eyes, the hall became even quieter as her look made them feel guilty apart from very few of them.

"But it appears that you still think the same way then my attendance in this meeting is just for nought since I accepted the alliance leader's goodwill by especially reminding us of the meeting" she concluded then she closed her eyes and took in a heavy breath before opening them again.

{I am quite amazed at your eloquence Junior sister you have not only managed to kill their determination but you have also managed to restore the respect and fear they once had for you, I just hope it will remain that way after the meeting}

Sect Leader Lin thought to himself while they stared at each other intently.

{Lin YuanLang! watch how I will slowly destroy your plan to ruin my sect and take revenge on you, this is Just the beginning}

She said in her mind! with a death glare directed at sect leader Lin

"Junior sister, I am very well aware of your difficulties but I would still like to ask why your husband and your twin daughter are not here at this meeting, your guardians can be absent but...." Sect leader Zhou questioned in a very casual manner to prevent both sides from turning against him, he still isn't sure of how strong the flame sect is, so he can't show that he is also against the flame sect.

"Since everyone is curious about this, I will just answer you, my husband is cultivating in seclusion, as for my daughter, you all don't need to fret, she will soon be here within the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, just be patient" she asserted then she sat back while she waited for someone else to speak.

"Who would have known that everyone here would be so interested in seeing our humble young mistress even though one of them is being held in the wind sect, Sect leader Lin, we can only hope that you have not treated her like a war hostage?" the first elder said with an indirect accusation directed at Sect leader Lin who smiled and stretched his hand forwards in an assuring gesture to reply him.

"You do not need to worry about that, back then, the emperor decreed that she should be left in the wind sect not as a prisoner but for us to tame the power inside her which is what we have always been doing, if not for his majesty's decree, I would have allowed you to see her but it is beyond my power" Sect leader Lin answered with a hypocritical and assuring look on his face that would have fooled them if they hadn't discovered his secret.

"I hope it is as you say and I won't find it otherwise when the time comes for me to see her" Sect madam Huo remarked.

"Junior sister, from what you have just said, could it be that you have already found a way to make the emperor give your second daughter back to you?" Sect leader Zhou asked with his eyes squinted and his eyebrow raised, although he wasn't satisfied that the second young mistress of the flame sect was handed over to the wind sect, he still doesn't want the flame sect to have her back, he prefers their powers to be balanced so that he would find it easy to take both sects out and then become the alliance leader, hence making his sect the top sect.

Their ears stood erected to hear what she was going to say including sect leader Lin who had a nervous expression on his face and Lin Bohai who seemed half nervous and half happy with the idea of her returning to her sect.

"I wish that were the case but it is unfortunately not, but I believe that when the emperor's heart has been softened which is very soon, he will once again let us have the possession of my daughter" she answered in a sentimental tone that showed her sorrow as a mother but the sorrow in her voice showed didn't last for long.

"I believe this meeting wasn't called to discuss the flame sect, since I have relieved you of your curiosity, the meeting should start, or is there nothing else to discuss?" she chimed in while giving sect leader Lin a deep frown like she was accusing him of something.

"You are right junior sister, we were almost carried away by the updates you have given us, it can't be helped since we haven't been able to hear any news from your sect, I announce that the meeting to discuss the infiltration of the vitality sect and the death of the governmental officer which was caused by a cultivator will now begin" the sect leader announced then he used a rod to hit the golden bell on the table which represents the symbol of his leadership.

"I hope I haven't missed anything," a voice said in a playful tone as footsteps emerged from the side of the hall, from the sound of the voice, they could already tell who that playful voice belonged to.

"He is here..."

"This meeting would have been better off without that joke of a sect leader"

"What was his father thinking to have handed his seat as the sect leader to such a playful and irresponsible son"

"I am deeply sorry for my late attendance once again, alliance leader, although my father has made me the sect leader to cultivate in seclusion for the rest of his life until he receives the thunder tribulation, I still haven't gotten used to these events and my guards failed to remind me of this meeting earlier..." he turned back with his index finger pointed at his four guards in a scolding manner then he turned to face sect leader Lin again.

"I will make sure that it never repeats itself again, I hope all the representatives from each sect will pardon my recklessness" he concluded then he cupped his hands together and raised them above his chest while he bowed ninety-degrees. They all nodded their head in agreement and disagreement at his apology which seemed sincere and at the same time insincere while some of them waved their fingers at they pointed at him and his guards with a rebuking expression on their faces.

"Since you have apologised, there is no need to remain to stand, please take your seat," Sect leader Lin said with his hands pointing towards the direction of the seat at the end of the hall. He turned his head to look at the direction he was pointing at, he smirked at the sight of the position of his seat then he turned forward with a smile on his lips.

"then...I will take my seat now" he turned back and walked towards the end of the hall then he suddenly stopped with his index finger pointing heavenward.

"I suddenly remember seeing three young people wearing masks and heading towards this place and....they are wearing the flame sect uniform, could it be that....." Mo Yuhan hinted lazily as his eyes shifted to sect madam Huo who looked at him as though she was seeing him for the first time. He quickly walked towards her seat as soon as his eyes caught her, then he bowed his head and cupped his hand above his chest.

"I am assuming you are the sect madam of the flame sect," he said with his head still bowed in an enthusiastic manner.

"You are right but I wonder why the young hero is so excited and you are...." she paused while she waited for him to speak.

"aah...I am Mo Yuhan from the azure demon sect, I have long heard tales of your skills and your beauty which has earned the reputation of the most talented female in the nation during your generation, Mo Yuhan is honoured to have had the chance to see you here today, the tales are just as they have been told" he praised with his enthusiasm amazing the audience that filled the hall.

"What is this boy up to again"

"Aaah! don't mind him"

{Since when did Mo Yuhan adore Huo Jingyu so much...could it be that they actually know each other}

Sect leader Lin thought to himself!

{This brat is really good at causing a scene}

Sect madam Huo said in her mind while she struggled to maintain her perfect expression as she was already feeling the urge to burst into laughter, the elders were also trying their best to not give his act out.

"Young hero, your praise has exceeded my capability, I am guessing you are the young master of the azure demon sect, may I ask why sect leader Mo isn't here today?" Sect madam Huo asked to clear their doubts.

"Senior, you might not know this since you have been secluded but father has decided to cultivate in seclusion until he has gotten the thunder tribulation or else he will have to cultivate in seclusion for the rest of his life, hence, he made me the sect leader of the azure demon sect" he explained with his head still bowed and respect resounding in each word he pronounced, from what they had seen, it was obvious that the amount of respect and admiration he has for her is even greater than what he has for the alliance leader and this is exactly the outcome he wanted.

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