Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 125 - You Are The One Who Needs To Be Educated!!

"So that is how it is, it is such a pity that I couldn't see him before he went into seclusion, seeing as he has passed his position to you, he must believe in your leadership skills, I hope you do him proud" she counselled, with gestures that assured that the both of them are surely meeting for the first time.

"I definitely will Senior....ehmmn....those people I saw, could they possibly be the guardians of the flame sect and the young mistress?" Mo Yuhan asked with uncertainty in his voice while he stood upright.​​

"You are right, I wonder how sect leader Mo managed to guess that?" the question she just asked is what everyone also wanted so they listened with rapt attention while they anticipated his reply.

"I have longed admired the flame sect so I read many things about the sect, the emblem of the guardians and the young mistress is different, they all have the emblem of the golden eagle on their uniforms but the golden eagle of the guardians has eight red feathers underneath his wings while the young mistress has twelve, am I right senior?" asked Mo Yuhan with a confident look in his eyes.

"You are indeed correct" a young feminine voice answered, they all turned to see who it was, they were flabbergasted at the sight of the three masked people he was just talking about standing at the entrance of the hall, the question they all wanted to ask is 'how and when did they get there without being noticed'.

"May I ask who you are?" Sect leader Lin asked while fixing his eyes on them with a deep frown on his face that expressed the displeasure he was feeling at the moment with Mo Yuhan delaying the meeting with his endless conversation with Huo Jingyu and the appearance of the three people standing at the entrance of the hall whose identities are quite obvious.

"It is my honour to see you today sect leader Lin as well as as other sect leaders gathered here today, I am Huo Ying, the young mistress of the flame sect, I would have arrived here with my mother and the elders but we had some trivial things to take care of in the sect before coming here" Huo Ying answered with a clear and powerful feminine voice just like her mother and a light bow.

To them, it was unfortunate that the flame mask covered half of their face so they couldn't see their face clearly, however seeing the mask itself reminded them of the glory of the flame sect in days gone by, that mask that made people tremble at the sight of it has once again appeared.

The mask is made in the form of the golden eagle and it cannot be removed unless someone who is very powerful shatters the mask and there are other ways to remove it but the mask cannot be removed ordinarily.

"I am Huo Qiang, one of the four guardians of the flame sect, it is my honour to meet everyone present here today" Huo Qiang introduced himself with a slight bow and his cupped hands raised in front of him.

"I am Huo Mei, one of the four guardians of the flame sect, it is my honour to meet everyone present here today" she introduced with the same posture as Huo Qiang.

Everyone in the hall didn't know what to say as they just watched them, were they supposed to welcome them or to show their disapproval of them?

Although his plans for the meeting has gone awry right from the start, sect leader Lin still felt that there is a chance that he might get the end result he wanted seeing as she even brought their guardians here but it depends on his witnesses to do the job.

He would have tried to bribe them to testify against the flame sect regardless of what the truth is but that would soil his reputation as a righteous alliance leader but since he was sure that they were the culprit, he had no need for that.

"Since you are here, I believe that there is nothing else we have to wait for, please take your seats young heroes," Sect Leader Lin said with his hand gesturing towards the extra seats the disciples had brought in before, the three of them walked to their seats then they sat down and turned to look at their sect madam with a look that says 'we have nothing to worry about'.

"I would like to announce once again that the agenda of the meeting is to find out the culprits behind the infiltration of the vitality sect and the murder of a governmental official which has been confirmed to have been the work of a cultivator, before the emperor finds out about this, I have decided to find out the culprits and then hand them over to the emperor, to avoid any reason for conflict between the court and the sects" Sect Leader Lin concluded then he gave Bohai a hand over look. He stepped forward after his father spoke then he bowed his head and cupped his hands together then he raised his hands above his chest.

"From the last alliance meeting that was held, the flame sect is considered to be the main suspect of these crimes, we...."

"What is the meaning of this alliance leader, are you accusing my sect of infiltrating the vitality sect and killing a governmental officer when we haven't even been out of the mountain for eleven years, can't you hear absurd and funny your accusation is?" Sect madam Huo interjected before Bohai could even complete his statement upon hearing that they are the main suspect.

"Junior sister, it seems like you haven't changed your character all these years, you are still as impulsive as you were before, we wouldn't have made this accusation on a baseless ground, there are evidence and witnesses, holding this meeting today is to give you a chance to explain yourself and not to convict you without giving you a chance" Sect leader Lin entreated

"What evidence do you have to accuse my sect of committing these crimes?" Sect madam Huo questioned

"On the day of the second appearance of the flame sect, the captain was killed and according to witnesses, the golden eagle landed in Yu-Shan where the captain was killed and the golden eagle also appeared immediately after my sect was robbed, the three people who caused a scene in Yu-Shan were the same ones who killed the captain and robbed my sect, Junior sister, will you still insist that our accusation is baseless?" Sect Leader Yang restored sharply with his anger resounding in his voice while he pointed his finger at her and waved it at the elders and Huo Ying.

"I don't know which sect you are from but judging from what you have just said, I wonder how your disciples' are being taught, are you saying that your reason for suspecting the flame sect is because of the appearance of the golden eagle which confidentially matches the day these crimes were committed? I don't think it is reasonable for you to make that conclusion based on these useless guesses" Huo Ying snapped back without any itch of respect for him even though he is her senior, her rude way of speaking shocked them and they all frowned at her mannerless speech and her straightforwardness.

"You, how dare you speak to me in that manner, it seems like your mother has failed to educate you" Sect leader Yang shouted in return after her rude remark with his index finger pointing at her while everyone in the hall started making their own comment and nodding their heads.

"Senior, forgive me but truthfully, you are the one who needs to be educated, how can you make such an accusation against our sect because of such an unreasonable guess?" Huo Ying queried without minding that he is actually old enough to be her grandfather.

"You...." infuriated sect leader Yan started coughing as soon as he opened his mouth to rebuke her but she didn't even act like she had done anything wrong against him.

"Sect leader Yang, take it easy..." then he turned to Huo Ying.

"Miss Huo Ying, you should watch your speech and attitude in this meeting, most of the people in this hall are your elders, you should be mindful of that" Sect leader Lin cautioned, but she scoffed and turned away from him.

{Like mother like daughter.."

Sect Leader Zhou remarked in his mind!

"Huo Ying restrain yourself, it is not your turn to speak while I and the elders are seated" her mother cautioned then she turned to face sect leader Yang with an apologetic look on her face.

"I apologise for my daughter's rudeness, being away from the world has made her lose her manners" her mother apologised on her behalf, then Huo Ying bowed her head to compliment her mother's effort to apologise on her behalf but the look in her eye said otherwise, apart from Bohai, no one looked into the holes of the mask so they couldn't see the sinister look she had in her eyes as though she had an evil intention in mind.

Sect leader Yang scoffed at their apology then he flipped his sleeve and placed his hand on the handle of his chair angrily.

"The golden eagle did leave the sect on the day these incidents took place but I can assure you that it was a coincidence and the flame sect has nothing to do with" Sect madam Huo assured

"Are we supposed to believe you based on your words alone?" Sect leader Wu queried while spreading his hands wide to indicate that he was speaking on behalf of everyone present.

"Are you not also accusing my sect based on your words, up till now, I still haven't seen any physical evidence or witness that can attest to your accusation, so why can't I defend my sect using my words alone?" sect madam Huo questioned with her brewing anger evident in her voice.

"That is not the case Junior martial sister, since the other sect leaders made their speculations in the last meeting, I decided to investigate this matter further to give you a fair and just trial, my disciples travelled to Yu-Shan city and they have brought back witnesses" he paused for a moment while he turned to look at Bohai with a nod.

"Bring them in!" Bohai ordered

Four disciples in the sect uniform entered the hall with one man and a woman following behind them, they walked to the front of the hall then they greeted the sect leader and retreated, leaving the witnesses behind, as soon as they entered the hall, the witnesses had already started scanning the room to look at those that are present at the meeting, seeing how many influential people were present, they felt assured that if they do find the culprit and someone powerful is behind them then these influential people would be able to protect them.

"Sect Leader Lin!!" they chorused in unison and bowed.

"Please be at ease!"

"Thank you, sect leader Lin!" they replied then they raised their heads.

"I am very sure you know why you are here, my disciples have informed me that both of you were present at the scene when the culprits who killed the captain in Yu-Shan city forced their way into the city, is that correct?" he questioned in a calm and reassuring voice that assured them that it is safe to say the truth without getting killed later or get implicated.

"That is correct, on that day, my husband and I were selling street foods on that day to save enough money to treat our sick children but three young people were being escorted by some soldier and all of a sudden, they started attacking the soldiers, the whole market was scattered and destroyed by them, If I see them again, I will definitely be able to recognise them, we lost a lot of fortune on that day because of them, even our children are sick and we can't pay their treatment fees because of our loss on that day," the woman complained in bitterness with her hands placed on her navel, if she had her way, she would have sat on the floor and wailed loudly for everyone to hear.

"I have heard you when the culprits are caught, I will seek justice for you, as long as you can identify the culprit here today, I will make sure that the culprits are punished and your loss is compensated," Sect leader Lin assured

"Sect Leader Lin, my wife might not have seen their face clearly on that day but I ran after them after our stalls were destroyed, I personally witnessed the captain chasing them into the forest but I ran back after then, there is no way I wouldn't be able to identify them," the man added, the loss he was feeling was too evident in his voice that they couldn't help but wonder how much damage the culprits must have caused him and his wife.

"If that is so then I am relieved, I permit you to check everyone present here today to find the culprits, please look carefully so that that you don't point out the wrong person," Sect leader Lin cautioned.

"There is no need to check everyone here, I just need to examine the young people that are present here today," he remarked confidently.

"Sect leader Lin, I don't think this is right, as we all know, it has been the tradition of the flame sect disciples to always keep their masks on, how are they supposed to see their faces with their masks on?" sect leader Meng questioned in a very lucid manner, she is the only person who has never hidden her true intention regardless of the strength of the flame sect and this is the only reason why sect madam Huo has more respect for her than everyone else present at the meeting, if not for loving the same man, they would have been close friends in the past.

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