Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 144 - The Emperor's Anger! 1

The next day at the imperial court.

All the ministers gathered in the imperial hall as early as seven in the morning, they were all very aware that the emperor has lost his fight in this round since there is no way the ministry of justice will be able to investigate what happened in Yu-Shan in just a day and this is exactly what sect madam Huo used to her advantage if the court refuses the one day limit she gave them then it would mean that the court is not competent so, of course, the emperor has no choice but to concede to her demands.​​

After all, the ministers had arrived and they were now standing in their position according to their ranks in influence, the head eunuch came into the hall to announce the emperor's entrance, then they all turned their head towards the entrance of the hall, as the emperor entered the hall, they bowed their heads until he was now seated on his throne.

"Greetings to your majesty!" the ministers chorused in unison with their heads bowed as soon as the emperor sat on his throne.

"Please be at ease," The emperor responded with his hands raised as a dismissal signal.

The emperor looked around to see if sect madam Huo and Huo Ying are in the hall, he was about to ask for their whereabouts but when he raised his head, he saw them walking into the hall with long strides, befitting for women of power, the both of them stopped after they got to the front of the hall then they bowed their heads.

"Greetings to your majesty!" they chorused at the same time.

"Be at ease," then they raised their heads with a faint smile on their lips, looking at their expression, he could tell that they are extremely confident that the ministry of justice would not be able to find anything in a day even if they try to get fake witnesses or evidence against them, that was exactly her plan, forcing them to do the impossible and then using the chance to win the fight but even if it gets out, it will only seem like the emperor gave them mercy.

Typical Huo Jingyu!

Although her smile seemed faint, he could tell the meaning behind that smile of hers, she has won and she would be able to see her daughter, the smile might be faint but it shows that she is feeling triumphant, with just a mere trick, she and her daughter have managed to give him no other choice, at first, he called them to the court to interrogate them but he ended up being a genie to satisfy their wish.

"Judging from your look, I can tell that you are very confident that no evidence will be found against the flame sect," the emperor remarked with one of his brows raised, judging from his expression, they couldn't tell if he meant what he said in a hostile way or in a friendly way but for Sect madam Huo, it doesn't matter, what matters to her is that she has won this fight even before the result is announced.

"Your majesty is indeed scrupulous, you have managed to tell my thoughts just by my expression since the flame sect has done nothing wrong, I have no reason to be afraid of today's outcome," Sect madam Huo tactfully replied in a courteous tone, since that was how she started off yesterday in the court, they weren't surprised at her courteousness.

{you mean since you have played the game skillfully, you have nothing to fear}

The emperor remarked in his mind, the triumphant smile on her lips irritated him, he knew that he has indeed lost today's fight but he would do everything within his power to get rid of her and the flame sect, now that this case has made them come out of their shell.

"Hmmn..." with a dark expression on his face, filled with expectations, he looked towards the minister of justice who sent several officers from the ministry of justice to investigate the case but didn't get any report from them since they haven't returned.

"Minister of justice, do I need to ask for your report?" The emperor questioned with a deep frown on his face, he still has a little hope of hearing good news from the minister but in his heart, he knows that the chances of hearing what he wants to hear are very unlikely so he can only pour his anger on the minister of justice.

"Your majesty...I have sent people to Yu-Shan to investigate the issue but it is impossible for them to get any news within a day, not to talk of delivering the reports of their investigation within a day," The minister reported after stepping forward with his hands cupped and raised in front of him and his head bowed, the emperor balled his fist while his anger boiled inside him, he has been played and deceived by this woman again, he hasn't even thought of it if the minister of justice didn't mention it.

{even if they find anything, it would be impossible to deliver the news back to the court within a day, so any fake or real evidence they find is useless and the emperor cannot go back on his words,}

Huo Ying said inwardly, after listening to the emperor's report!

{It turns out that this is exactly her plan, even if they get any evidence, the journey from Yu-Shan to Chang-an is too long, it is impossible to reach the capital in just a day, how cunning!}

The regional commander commented in his mind, he smiled inwardly at her cunningness, he didn't dare to show his amusement on his face to avoid suspicion from the emperor, everyone thought that she gave the court a day deadline because they might not be able to find any evidence within a day but no one thought about how the reports of the investigation will reach the capital within a day, if not, they would have added more days for the report to reach the court.

They have all been played by her!

The emperor who was planning to pour out his anger on the minister of justice if he fails to hear what he wants couldn't even pour out his anger anymore, he fixed his eyes on her with a calm but deep look in his eyes, his current emotions are very far from calm but he mustn't show it.

"Since the result has been announced, I trust that your majesty will keep your word," Sect madam Huo remarked with a widespread smile on her lips, the anger boiling inside him increased, he clenched his fist tighter seeing that smile on her lips, other men might be enticed by her smile but he has always hated that smile on her lips from the moment she opposed him, his finger dug into his palm to the point that it started bleeding, the blood dropping on his golden royal robe dyes the spots red but since he was up high, those below him are unable to see it except for the head eunuch standing beside him.

"Of course, I will send a letter to inform sect leader Lin of your visit instructing them to send a letter to you as soon as they receive my letter, your second daughter will be sent to the flame sect for one day," the emperor said, gritting his teeth while the lines of his veins were clearer than they have ever been on his neck.

"Your graciousness is immeasurable," both mother and daughter responded in unison with their heads bowed, they were overjoyed at the thought of delivering the news to the sect, but it is such a pity that her father is in seclusion so he is unable to see Huo Lan.

"Since the matter has been concluded, you may return to your sect today, I will not withhold you anymore," The emperor responded, trying very hard to put on a neutral expression, not showing his dissatisfaction, anger and the urge to rip her apart for making a fool out of him for the second time.

"Your majesty...."

The emperor lifted his hands with his eyes closed and his other hand rubbing his temple to interject the prime minister who had already walked forward and was about to make another report.

"I will like to take a rest, the assembly is dismissed," the emperor said, opening his eyes with a perpetually tired look on his face, the ministers realized how much impact the issue has caused for him but the prime minister is amused, even though he and the emperor have indirectly been fighting against each other in the court, he has never seen the emperor so defeated, it amused him that with just one faceoff with Huo Jingyu, he is already looking so defeated, In his mind, he had already confirmed his intention to join hands with the flame sect.

"Yes, your majesty" the prime minister replied, moving back to his position.

"The regional commander will escort Sect madam Huo back to the sect," The emperor instructed then he stood up from his throne and walked down the steps with the head eunuch walking behind him, when he got to where sect madam Huo stood, he stopped and glared at her from the side of his eyes, then he walked out of the hall while the ministers bowed their heads.

{Such a threatening glare}

Huo Ying remarked inwardly but she couldn't care less, after all, she doesn't know the history between the emperor and her mother not to talk of her mother's influence in the days of her youth.

"Congratulation," the regional commander said as he walked to her side., but she only nodded her head at him with a controlled smile on her lips.

"But you need to be careful from now on, I don't know what is between the both of you but from what I know about him, he will never let it go," regional commander cautioned with a gentlemanly expression on his face, showing concern.

"Thank you for your reminder," Sect madam Huo replied.

The prime minister watched them converse from the sidelines although he can't hear what they are saying, he couldn't help getting the feeling that both of them are more acquainted than they seem, if they really have ties with the regional commander then it might be hard for him to join hands with them, he decided to make the first approach.

"Sect madam Huo, it seems like your sect has escaped this crisis, congratulation," the prime minister commented as he approached her with a friendly look, which seemed quite different from what she remembers about him if her memory serves her well.

She gave him a nod to show her appreciation.

"It seems like the regional commander and sect madam Huo are acquainted," the prime minister hinted vaguely, looking at the regional commander and then glancing at her but the regional commander just smirked in response to his comment.

"I am afraid that you have misunderstood, the regional commander escorted me to the capital which is the second time we are meeting after our duel years ago," Sect madam Huo answered with a polite smile and tone.

"It seems like I have really misunderstood then, but now that you mentioned it, I remember that it was the regional commander who removed your flame mask during the duel," the prime minister remarked with a fake reminiscing look in his eyes, like it is a memory he finds important.

"It is normal for mistakes to happen during duels since regional commander didn't do it intentionally, there is no need for me to hold it against him," Sect madam Huo replied while Huo Ying just watched from the sidelines, she felt like she is invisible since they were only facing her mother.

"That relieves my guilt, I was afraid that sect madam Huo might still be angry about the incident," the regional commander chimed in to make it seem like they haven't met since then, the prime minister squinted his eyes at them in suspicion, seeing as they didn't seem to be acquainted, he smiled inwardly.

"If that is the case then I will leave you now, If I am chanced I will pay a visit to the flame sect," the prime minister said with an ending note.

"Prime minister is always busy with the countries affairs, It would really be a shame for you to waste your precious time in visiting the flame sect," Sect madam Huo responded, with her head slightly lowered, showing her humbleness but he wouldn't be fooled, no one can be fooled by Huo Jingyu's humble act since she is not humble...not at all.

"You have really undermined the flame sect, visiting the flame sect cannot be considered as a waste of time, it is rather an honour for me," the prime minister responded, she didn't want to get into an unnecessarily prolonged conversation so she just bowed her head slightly in response.

"Then I will take my leave," he repeated and turned around to leave.

- - - -

Entering into his palace, as he walked into the corridors, the attendant shivered knowing from his angry expression that someone must have angered the emperor so they can't afford to make mistakes, even the attendants following him were trying their best to keep up with his angry steps ever since they left he imperial hall, the beads on his hat dangled loudly as he walked.

The head eunuch quickly signalled the attendants standing by the door to the emperor's chamber to open the door before he nears them which they quickly obeyed, flicking his sleeve, the emperor entered the room with his chest rising up and down.

"Huo Jingyu!!!" the emperor shouted at the top of his voice in rage, he was now breathing too fast and heavily, he needs to vent his rage but he doesn't know how, he turned to the head eunuch who seems like the only person who would enter the emperor's chamber with him even though he is in an angry state.

"Does she think I can't do anything to her or the flame sect..." he stopped to gasp

"She is undermining my power isn't she?" the emperor questioned in rage, with his eyes bulging out of their sockets.

"Your majesty please ease your anger," the head eunuch pleaded, bowing his hand and cupping his raised hands.

"You are telling me to calm down, how can I calm down when that woman is making a fool out of me!" the emperor shouted then he walked to the table where he handles the minister petitions, breathing heavily, he scattered the table and swiped down everything that was on the table to the ground but he still wasn't satisfied, he walked over to the flower vases and lifted them up one by one and smashed them on the ground.

The attendants shook in fear hoping that the emperor's anger will not be their doom.

"Your majesty, please calm down!" the head eunuch pleaded again.

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