Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 145 - Your Majesty...!

The attendants shook in fear hoping that the emperor's anger will not be their doom.

"Your majesty, please calm down!" the head eunuch pleaded again.​​

He walked around the room, destroying everything in sight but the eunuch couldn't do anything to stop, except for pleading, standing in the middle of his chamber, he clenched his fist together until crescent marks formed in his palm, then he suddenly started yelling, the anger he was feeling is too much for him to vent, looking around the room for what else to destroy his eyes caught the golden sword hanging on the dragon sword holder, he walked to where the sword is placed while the head eunuch's eyes widened seeing that the emperor has set his eyes on his sword, he quickly ran to his side to stop him from doing anything stupid.

As soon as the emperor's hand touched the sword, the eunuch quickly knelt beside him with his hands cupped and raised in front of him.

"Your majesty, please ease your anger!" the head eunuch pleaded aloud, but the emperor kicked him aside and walked towards the chamber entrance while the head eunuch quickly sprung him from the ground and followed after him hurriedly.

"Your majesty!" the head eunuch shouted aloud, but the emperor turned back to look at him with a threatening glare in his eyes and the golden sword scratching the ground as he walked closer to the head eunuch, he placed the tip of the sword on the head eunuch's neck with both of them widening their eyes in fear and in rage.

"If you dare take a step further, I won't hesitate to slit your neck," the emperor threatened, the eunuch looked into his eyes but he could only see the rage in his eyes, the head eunuch realized that at this stage, he isn't making an empty threat but it is his duty to stop the king from doing any harm to his reign because of his moment anger.

"Your majesty....."

"Her majesty, the empress is here!" the attendant outside the door announced, but the emperor still kept the tip of his sword on the eunuch's neck without saying anything, after waiting without hearing the emperor's order for her to enter, she decided to enter without his permission.

The attendants opened the door for her while she walked in majestically, leaving the entourage of attendant following behind her outside the door, with both of her hands folded on her navel, she walked up to the emperor who didn't bother looking back or dropping his sword from the eunuch's neck while the eunuch heaved a sigh of relief.

"Your majesty.." the empress called softly.

She walks up to him, wearing a red long sleeved hanfu top, and a long hanfu skirt with golden embroideries on it and the skirt flowing on the ground as she walks, a red sash held her waist tightly, joining the edge of her top and skirt together and making her waist seem smaller than it is, a small gold sachet hanging on her waist fills the entire room with the scent of flowers.

She clad her shoulder in a long red shawl covering her shoulder and reaching the tip of her shirt, the shawl is also decorated with golden embroideries, of flowers and birds, the accessories on her hair dangle with every step she takes, she held her lotus styled hair in place with a phoenix hairpin with chains of gold dangling on the edges as she walks, around the phoenix hairpin are flower hairpins with six petals.

The emperor just fixed his eyes on the head eunuch, ignoring the empress who had just walked in, smiling even though she is being ignored, she walked over to his side and placed her hand on the hand pointing the sword at the eunuch's neck, then she slowly brought down his hand, making him drop the sword to the ground while the eunuch quickly moved back with his head bowed.

"Greetings your majesty!" the eunuch greeted with his head bowed, the empress gently smiled at him and nodded her head in response.

"You may leave, tell the attendant to bring calming tea for the emperor," the empress instructed while standing beside the emperor whose robe was now loose because of his tantrum, the eunuch bowed his head and left the room hurriedly, thanking the empress in his mind for arriving in time to save him.

"Your majesty, please take your seat," the empress entreated, with a gentle look on her face, he turned to her to glance at her face, only then did he notice her mesmerizing look that wouldn't have any impact on him no matter how much makeup she uses or how hard she tries.

Her eyebrows are shaped like silkworm and her eyes in the shape of a phoenix, her face is powdered in pink rouge and her cheeks dabbed with light red rouge, to highlight the appearance, her lips are coloured with a vermillion red rouge, making her look very sharp and attractive.

The emperor took in a deep breath then he walked to his bed covered with a gold-coloured duvet and curtains.

"Your majesty, why don't I assist you in undressing?" the empress asked with a concerned look on her face, the emperor has barely started giving her and the other women in the imperial harem his attention ever since his love died, so she wasn't sure if the emperor would allow her to help him undress but she still wanted to try her luck.

The emperor lifted his gaze to look at her with a cold look in his eyes, then his eyes softened, giving her hope, the emperor moved his gaze away from her then he spread his arms wide, giving her a permissive nod, she smiled in excitement but she didn't make it too obvious.

She walked to his front and gently removed his head accessories, then she gently pulled off his robe and hung it on the wooden hanger for his imperial robe, after removing everything else except for his white undergarments, she walked to his side and bowed her head while an attendant walked in with a tray containing a jade tea kettle and a small jade cup.

she knelt down beside the emperor and placed the tray on the small stool next to the bed, after receiving a dismissal wave from the empress, she exited the room.

"Your majesty, I don't know what has angered you but I hope you will drink this calming tea to calm your nerves," the empress entreated, pouring the kettle content into the jade cup, she picked the filled cup from the tray and held it in her hand with her hands stretched towards the emperor while she took her seat beside him on the bed.

The emperor hesitated for a moment but after inhaling the calming scent of the tea, he decided to accept her kind gesture, he collected the cup from her and brought it to his lips, then he poured the content down his throat without minding that the tea is still hot.

"If you are done then you can leave," the emperor said coldly as he passed the cup back to her without even looking her in the eye, her face immediately turned downcast, she was expecting him to at least share his worries with her seeing as he drank the tea and allowed her to help him undress.

"Your majesty...."

He placed his hand on his temples and massaged them and lifted his hand to stop her from talking.

" you can see, I am not in the mood for any argument, leave..." the emperor said in a tired voice, cowering her head, she stood up from his side and moved to his front, then she bowed her head and turned to leave the room, when she arrived at the entrance, she turned back to look at him but he was still massaging his temple so she just left the chamber looking downcast.

After leaving his palace with her entourage, she changed her expression to an angry look, for years she has been trying to gain his love and attention even if he doesn't love her the same way he loves the fourth prince mother, she was always ready to accept it but he has never shown her or any woman in the harem the same love except for the imperial consort, although he doesn't love her, he still pours out his heart to her and spends the night with her.

"After everything I have done for him, he still wouldn't give me his attention," She complained bitterly while her entourage of attendants was still trying their best to catch up with her, the head attendant walked to her side and looked at her with a motherly concerned look in her eyes.

She was the empress personal maid when she was still a maiden but after she entered the palace, she became the head attendant so she has seen the empress in her good and bad times and she has witnessed the cruel and cold way the emperor has always treated the empress.

"Your majesty, please don't be sad because of the emperor, one day, the void in his heart will be filled with your love in his heart, you just have to be patient," the head attendant entreated.

"When exactly is that going to happen, I have been patient for over thirty years but he still wouldn't give me even a little bit of his attention, I have forsaken my relationship with my father for his sake, I even helped him to bring down my own father but he still wouldn't pay attention to me," the empress complained bitterly.

If not for her, the emperor would never have been able to get rid of the prime minister influence over the court, the emperor used her love for him to make her divulge all of her father's secret and bring him the list of all his properties and his supporters in court, blindly loving him, she did everything and even made her father lose everything that he had, since then the emperor has never given her any attention since he has used her for her purpose and her father has never given her any support because she betrayed him.

"Your majesty, you have to be patient, one day, he will definitely see your worth," the head attendant entreated to make her regain her confidence, but she only sighed and continued heading towards her palace.

"By the way, do you know if anything special happened in the imperial court today?" the empress asked, remembering that the emperor seemed to have been angered by someone or something.

"Oh, I forgot to inform you of the arrival of the flame sect madam in the palace yesterday, It momentarily slipped my mind," the head attendant responded knowing that she might be scolded by the empress for not telling her such a piece of important news.

The empress immediately halted along with her entourage after hearing the news!

"What! how can you forget to inform me of something so important, where is she now?" the empress questioned, the look in her eyes showed how important the news is for her.

"Your majesty, she arrived in the palace yesterday with her daughter to be interrogated regarding the death of a captain in Yu-Shan but she has left with her daughter early this morning after the morning assembly," the head attendant quickly recounted with her head cowered.

"That means that the flame sect has been cleared of the charge, she must be the reason why the emperor was infuriated this morning, Huo Jingyu!" the empress said with an annoyed look on her face, she is also one of the women who has always hated Huo Jingyu's guts and boldness.

"It seems like your majesty has also heard about Huo Jingyu's brief stay in the palace, it is such a pity that neither of us was informed or we would have paid her a visit," a voice said as it came closer to them, the empress and the attendants looked towards the direction then they saw the person who had just spoken.

"Imperial noble consort," the empress softly pronounced while the other smiled gently as she approached the empress.

"Your majesty," the imperial noble consort greeted with her hands folded on her navel and her head slightly bowed she was basically dressed in the same style with the empress, the only things different about them is the colour of their hanfu since the imperial noble consort is dressed in an all-blue combination.

"What brings the imperial noble consort to my palace?" the empress asked with an indifferent look on her face, they had already arrived at her palace and the empress was about to enter into her chamber before the imperial noble consort arrived.

"I realized that it has been long since I last visited your majesty in your place so I decided to pay you a visit today but I didn't expect to meet you on your way in," the imperial noble consort answered in a polite tone, unlike her usual self.

"If that is the case then why don't we go in," the empress replied then she walked into her chamber without saying anything else while the imperial noble consort followed behind her with gentle steps.

As soon as they arrived inside the empress chamber, the empress sat at the head of the small table on a small but well cushioned pillowed seat on the floor while the imperial noble consort who has a lower rank sat at the end on a cushioned pillowed seat.

"Bring us tea and some snack," the empress ordered then the head attendant exited the room to do as she has said.

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