Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 148 - Why Did He?!

"Oh, s***!!" Han Chen exclaimed as he quickly opened the garage and hopped into the same car he used yesterday, the Volvo XC90 T8 Hybrid which is the last car he recently bought, he ruffled his perfectly styled hair and bit in his lips in anxiousness that his lie will be exposed.

What happened?​​

He woke up from his sleep to meet the shining rays of sunlight that escaped the little space he left when he left the balcony last night reflecting on the glass vase in the room and eventually entering his eyes, he covered his eyes then he slowly stood up from his bed, he walked to the balcony of his room then the curtain automatically opened, he stretched his arms and yawned aloud before smiling at the lively view of the house now that the morning staffs are cleaning the mansion, he suddenly got reminded of his decision to authorize some of them to live in the staffs quarter to make the mansion look homely.

He retired to the bathroom, standing in front of the sink, he ruffled his hair and bent his head to wash his face, he poured the water on his face using his hand and raised his head to admire his handsome look bestowed by his super handsome dad.

But this isn't something he does every day! strange.

He suddenly started feeling like he has forgotten to do something very important but he still couldn't figure out what it is.

"I have already gotten suspended from it can't be anything related to that,"

"I have nothing to do at the it can't be related to that,"

"Nothing bad happened between Yu Yan and it can't be, no wait...Yu Yan Yu Yan, there is something I am definitely forgetting about her," he hissed loudly and scrunched his face in an attempt to remember what he had forgotten or omitted yesterday.

He couldn't ignore the feeling knowing that it is something that frequently happens when he needs to desperately remember something.

Still confused, he removed his bathrobe that he slept in and entered the shower cubicle, he felt all his muscle relaxed as the cold water poured down from his hair to his toes, he took in a deep breath to relish the comfort as he ran his hand through his hair down his neck, making his hair sleek.

He smiled to himself knowing that the only thought filling his mind at the moment is 'Yu Yan', he kept chanting her name in his mind as the water ran through his body then he realized that he hasn't actually started devising his plan to get back his woman.

Yes, she has always been his, she will forever belong to him and he will forever belong to her.

He took one step out of the cubicle, making the shower shut itself down, he put on his bathrobe again and retreated to his luxurious walk-in closet, which is big enough to be an apartment, still chanting her name in his mind, he walked into the walk-in closet full of smiles, he just couldn't help himself from smiling when all he could think of is Yu Yan.

It reminded him of the days when he failed his exams because he answered all the questions in the exam but the only answer he wrote for all the questions is 'Yu Yan', all his teachers were confused but they didn't know who Yu Yan is since they were going to different schools, in the end, he ended up getting suspended for a week for messing with his teachers and joking with his exams even though it wasn't intentional.

The round-shaped walk-in closet is of course not designed in a mediocre manner, every corner of the room was painted with a gold colour and the curtains in the closet are all coloured red, at the centre of the closet is an extra-large glass shelf filled with his jewellery, chains and cufflinks made of gold and silver, over fifty watches of different brands are displayed in another part of the shelf, some watches are diesel watches, gold, silver, titanium and others costing fortunes, accessories like bows and ties are also well arranged in the shelf.

Round the closet are compartments for the different categories of clothing he possesses, the formal and informal ones are well arranged while the suits are kept in protective covers to prevent them from being damaged.

He walked over to the compartment for his denim trousers, he ran his hand through their sides as he walked past them, trying to make a choice on what to wear when his eyes caught a jumped blue denim trouser, he decided to wear that then he walked over to the compartment for his turtle-necked top, he picked a black turtle neck top.

Standing in front of the mirror, he was satisfied with what he picked, running his hands through his hair, he turned to look at his image from another angle and decided that it is indeed perfect for the new impression he wants to make on her....maybe not new, the old impression.

The dark blue denim trouser reaching up to his ankle made the look even more casual, then he picked a perfect pair of dark blue sneakers reaching his ankle, he decided that it is the perfect match for a casual but serious look.

His hands grazed through the glass edges of the glass shelf at the centre of the closet in search of nice looking watch that is not too flashy or too formal but he couldn't find any until he got to the end of the shelf, he found just what he was looking for, a black quartz watch although very expensive, it doesn't look its price, his look was now complete.

The only thing left is to style his hair, he sat on the dresser containing all the things he needs to style his hair, he first of all trimmed his hair before anything else then he used a wave cream on his hair, he styled his hair in a messy wave then he ruffled it with his hand and pushed it back to make it look perfect.

If his bros were there to see how meticulous he was in styling his hair, they would have fainted in shock, since he has never really cared about that, he entered his bedroom and picked up his wallet on his side table then the terrifying thought of what he had forgotten flashed into his head.

His hands had just touched the wallet then he suddenly remembered the lie he told...


"ehmmn....where else would I have gotten it from if not from Jia Yu?"


He felt his head spinning around, he intended to call Jia Yu and ask her to send Yu Yan's address again after he drops her home since she was bothering him with too much question but now that he didn't, if Yu Yan eventually asks her Jia Yu would definitely spill the beans.

Without thinking further, he picked up the wallet and ran downstairs like his life depends on it, the door at the entrance opened itself without wasting his time and he thanked the sensor for doing its job fast, the staffs in charge of cleaning downstairs greeted him as he ran past them but none of them got a reply, not even a nod, it felt like a gust of wind just blew past them.

"Young master Han!" a woman in her sixties called out as she walked towards him, recognising the voice, he turned back with a helpless look on his face 'now is not the time nanny', he turned to glance at her for a moment then he bowed his head.

"nanny, I will speak to you later, feel free to enter the house!" he shouted then he turned back and continues running towards the garage, entering the garage and sighting the Volvo XC90 T8 Hybrid, he quickly hopped into it.

"oh, s***!" he quickly pressed the start button of his car and drove out of the compound, he pressed another button to initiate the autopilot mode then he dialled Jia Yu's mobile while the car drove itself out of the mansion, he bit his lower lips as he waited for Jia Yu to pick the call.

"Hello, brother," Jia Yu's cheerful voice sounded

"oh thank God, did your friend call you or ask you anything?" Han Chen asked, referring to her as 'friend' to make them sound not close and to avoid unnecessary questions from Jia Yu which is inevitable.

"Brother, why were you two together yesterday?" Jia Yu curious self asked, she didn't need to ask who he is referring to after last night.

"Do you really have to ask? just answer my question first then I will answer yours," Han Chen answered, he was almost pissed off by her curious personality which makes her dig into everything she is ever curious of.

"She came to work this morning and the first thing she did was ask if I told you her house address but I said no since you ended the call yesterday before I could tell you,why...."

"oh my gosh!" Han Chen exclaimed

"By the way, how did you find out about her house address?" Jia Yu asked again

"Bye," Han Chen replied, ending the call.

"Brother, Han Chen, Han Chen!" she moved the phone away from her ear realizing that he deceived her.

"Jerk! tch," then she dipped her phone in the pocket of her white coat.

"What in the world is going on between those two, they are both acting different and at the same time, there is definitely more to this than meets the eye," Jia Yu concluded but her pissed off look immediately changed as soon as she sighted him, she collected the cup of iced americano from Ji Chen who had just returned with one cup for her then she returned back to her department.


"I just knew it, what am I going to tell her now," he pressed the button again, removing the car from the autopilot mode, he drove speedily trying to rack his brains for an excuse to give when she interrogates him, he knows that once he loses her trust, he might not be able to gain it again so he has to be careful and faultless before her.

"I asked the police for your address, no no no no stupid,"

"I asked Jia Yu's boyfriend, no, she is no fool to believe that,"

"hmmmn, I was passing by that area when I saw you come out of that apartment that was how I found out.....she is going to think I am a pervert,"

"I need to find something, a better excuse..." he raised his head only to find that his car is only one inch away from the car in front of him. he quickly braked the car while his body jammed the steering wheel, then an idea came into his head.

"Yeah, I can just say that I checked her phone GPS to check for her house address but I lied to her so that she wouldn't find out that I invaded her privacy..." he leaned back for a moment to crosscheck his excuse.

"Perfect!" then he started the car again and drove off not knowing that the person whose car he almost hit had already alighted from his car and was hitting his window to force him to come down from his car but because he was too engrossed with his search for an excuse, he didn't notice him, leaving the man on the ground after he drove off.

The man opened his mouth in shock thinking that the person inside the luxurious car had intended to kill by driving off even though he was standing by his window.

- - - - -

"I knew it, he lied to me there is something strange about him and I must figure it out..." she kept on ranting to herself as she walked past the nurses and patients she is familiar with without greeting them and ignoring their greetings, the only thing in her mind at the moment is how she is going to interrogate Han Chen to make him confess his intentions in getting close to her.

"Firstly why would he give his sister's friend his expensive car when we are not even close, secondly, why did he let me sleep in his house when I was drunk, why couldn't he call Jia Yu to take me home, no no no no, why did he even call me to treat him in his house and I stupidly went there but of course, I wasn't worried about him...." she kept on ranting, still speaking to her self with the cup of coffee in her hand and the patient's chart in her other hand, she just wasn't conscious of her surrounding anymore.

{What is she talking about, is she referring to my brother?}

Jia Yu asked inwardly, she had noticed Yu Yan walking absentmindedly after getting a cup of coffee from the vending machine, she called her repeatedly but it fell on deaf ears so she decided to follow her, as a result, she ended up hearing her absentminded soliloquy instead.

"He even drove me to my house, he could have just woken me up, if we have never seen each other prior to our meeting in Jia Yu's villa, why would he do that...?"

"So if I hadn't followed you, you wouldn't have told me about you and my brother?" Jia Yu queried in a loud voice, startling Yu Yan who dropped her cup of coffee, spilling it on her white coat.

"Jia Yu, since when did you arrive?" Yu Yan asked with her hands placed on her chest in relief.

"Do you even know where you are?" Jia Yu asked, prompting Yu Yan to look around, she realized that she is in an elevator then she looked at the set of buttons to know what floor she is going to....

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