Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 149 - My Brother Has Fallen In Love!

"Jia Yu, since when did you arrive?" Yu Yan asked with her hands placed on her chest in relief.

"Do you even know where you are?" Jia Yu asked, prompting Yu Yan to look around, she realized that she is in an elevator then she looked at the set of buttons to know what floor she is going to...​​

"first floor!" Yu Yan shouted in shock with her eyes widened, while Jia Yu crossed her arms on her chest with her lips scrunched up.

"What am I doing here, this is the third time I am entering the elevator now?" Yu Yan asked loudly with her widened eyes gazing at Jia Yu.

"Are you sure you should be asking me that question, don't you think it is time we talk about you and my that jerk?" Jia Yu questioned with an accusing look in her eyes, Yu Yan stared at her without saying anything for some seconds then she realized that there is definitely no way out of what she has gotten herself into, once Jia Yu starts digging, you won't rest until she finds out what she wants to know, she fluttered her lashes in guilt.

"What are you talking about, why would I have anything to say about your brother?" Yu Yan questioned in guilt while her eyes averted Jia Yu's accusing gaze.

"Don't bother lying to me, I heard everything you said just now, moreover you have to explain why you were with my brother last night," the look on her face was just too obvious that she won't relent, at this point, Yu Yan realized that she has no other choice than to spill the truth before Han Chen ends up doing it and making the situation worse.

Just then, the elevator door opened, arriving at the first floor, Jia Yu pulls Yu Yan's hand and walked towards the cafe but just as they walked past the revolving door, Han Chen dashed past them with a distressed look on his face, the both of them stopped while they watched him take in a deep breath to compose himself like he was going for an interview, Jia Yu dropped Yu Yan's hand while she folded her arms on her chest, Yu Yan scoffed upon seeing him and licked her lips, finally the person she wants to interrogate most is here, she had almost forgotten about Jia Yu's case.

"I didn't even need to find you, very good...." Yu Yan muttered


"Han Chen!" the both of them chorused in unison, not minding the people that were passing by, everyone turned to look at them including Han Chen who was about to take a step forward, his shoulders dropped upon seeing the both of them together.

"the interrogators..." he softly remarked, while everyone went about their business, Jia Yu turned to look at Yu Yan with an amused look but Yu Yan just looked at her confusingly, she didn't understand what she did to earn that look.

"Han Chen..." she scoffed, Yu Yan quickly realized her mistake, calling him Han Chen has made the situation worse.

"Since when did you two become close that you now call him by his name, seems like you both have a lot of confessing and explanation to do..." Jia Yu softly spoke, returning her gaze to the terrified person standing away from them while Yu Yan followed suit, seeing as he still wasn't coming to them., she decided to invite him.

She slowly walked towards him with an evil smile on her lips, Han Chen realized at that moment that whatever she is planning to do, it certainly isn't something good but he still couldn't run away because of Yu Yan, he still has to clarify the situation.

"Jerk, Liar...." standing on her toes, she managed to reach his ear, she pulled his ear and squeezed it while she walked back to where Yu Yan stood, Yu Yan widened her eyes in shock and covered her mouth with both hands, even the people passing by were also shocked at the sight of a well dressed and tall grown-up man being pulled by the ear by a female doctor of average build.

"Jia Yu...Jia Yu wait, wait, you are embarrassing me..." Han Chen squealed, it has been long since he has gone through such a dilemma before, he might look like he is in charge but In truth, Jia Yu is the one in charge.

"I don't care, anyways, Ji Chen isn't here to see this side of me, you lied to me," Jia Yu replied still pulling his ear, she was now standing with Yu Yan who was still looking shocked and somewhat terrified that her ear might also get pulled, she quickly uncovered her mouth to protect her ears.

"Why are you..."

"Jia Yu!" a voice called from behind, recognising the voice, her eyes widened, she slowly turned back with an innocent look on her face but her hand still pulling her helpless cousin's ear.

"Let me go..." Han Chen squealed again but this time, she quickly released his ear.

"Ji Chen," she pronounced while her shoulders dropped, she couldn't believe that he caught her pulling her cousin's ear, she closed her eyes tightly and covered her face in shame but Ji Chen was amused, he just knew that she is someone who is capable of doing something so outrageous, an amused laugh escaped his mouth.


"So spill it, what is happening?" the both of them were now seated in front of the interrogators, Ji Chen and Jia Yu in a secluded part of the cafe, the both of them cowered their heads like teenagers who had just been caught in a secret rendezvous.

"There is nothing going on, why are you so nosy? bye, I am taking my leave," Han Chen answered firmly, then he stood up from his seat while Jia Yu still had an evil smile lingering on her lips.

"Are you sure you want to leave? when last did I speak to mum, she will be so excited when I tell her that you have returned home, from what I can see, It doesn't seem like your stay will end anytime soon so why don't I tell her that you have been suspended from the mili...."

"Jia Yu!" Han Chen quickly shouted to stop her from spilling the beans, he quickly hushed with her eyes gazing at his seat, he immediately sat down obediently but helplessly.

"go on..."

Ji Chen watched in amusement as his girlfriend controlled her seemingly domineering older brother but he was also curious to know what was going on.


"I will do the talking," Yu Yan interjected him.

"It isn't what you are thinking, we only met a few time after we hung out together, I was coming back from an appointment when I met him one day beating up some men, we transported them to a nearby hospital then we separated but he later called me to treat his wound...." Yu Yan hesitated, not wanting to tell them that she has actually been to his mansion.

"Where?" Jia Yu asked seeing that she hesitated just at the denouement.

"at my house," Han Chen replied, while the other two looked at him in shock.

"Brother, you never let anyone into your house, I don't even know when last I was allowed in there, why did you..."

"What are you talking about, when did I say no one is allowed to come?" Han Chen quickly defended to avert the suspiciousness arousing in Yu Yan's mind.


"Do you still want to hear the story or not?"

"Alright, go on," Jia Yu said still raising doubts in her mind.

"so we drank together and we both got drunk so she slept at my house, her car broke down the next day so I lent her one of my cars to take to work, after that I got stranded so I pleaded with her to pick me up with my car which she did after much persuasion, when we got to my house I offered her a drink and she fell asleep so I took her home since that I am the cause of her stress, that is all!" Han Chen concluded, Yu Yan heaved a sigh of relief seeing how simple and short his narration was and he thankfully omitted some things.

"So what you are saying is that you, the brother I know gave her your car, someone you just met and you let her into your mansion, when you were stranded, you didn't call me but you called her to pick you up," Jia Yu summarized in surprise of her brother's shocking narration, the brother she knows has never gotten close to any girl despite their huge family connections ever since he left high school not to talk of letting someone apart from her and her parents into his mansion, he even offered her drinks in his house.

If this isn't suspicious then what is!

Ji Chen doesn't know Han Chen that much except for the things Jia Yu told him about her brother but he was surprised that Yu Yan, whom he has known for years to be restrained when it comes to strangers or anyone outside their friend group actually let her guard down with Han Chen, she has never even gotten drunk with anyone apart from them.

But she actually got drunk in his house!

"Brother, are you in love with her?"

"Don't you love Chen Kai anymore?"

The couple asked in unison.

"Of course not, what are you talking about?!" the both of them answered in unison, they turned to glance at each other, they quickly averted each other's gaze.

"Brother, I told you that she has a boyfriend," Jia Yu stressed still convicted that her brother has finally fallen in love but with the wrong person.

"I didn't ask..." Han Chen drawled.

"Brother in law..." Before he could even say anything to make the situation worse, Han Chen had already glared at him, he hastily swallowed his words back.

"Jia Yu, this isn't what you think it is, you are overthinking this issue," Yu Yan said in defence.

"No, I am sure of what I am saying and you, this is not something you would do, If I wasn't sure of your feelings for Chen Kai, I would have suspected that you are also in love with my brother,"

"nonsense, I am done!" Han Chen said in resolution then he stood up from his seat and held Yu Yan's hand, pulling her up, he dragged her out of the cafe even though all eyes were on them seeing surgeon Yu Yan getting pulled by a charming and well-built guy, the rumours will definitely spread like fire.

Jia Yu and Ji Chen turned back until both of them were out of sight, Jia Yu opened her mouth slightly in shock, she couldn't believe it before but now, she has just confirmed it, her brother definitely is in love with Yu Yan, this would have been good news to her but considering how much Yu Yan loves Chen Kai, the both of them will never be.

"Why are you taking this too seriously?" Ji Chen asked, looking at Jia Yu who is wearing a distressed look on her face.

"You don't know my brother, My brother has only fallen in love once in his life and my parents have been trying to help him open up with other girls but he has refused, he once had a girlfriend that he was going to introduce to us after my mum caught him sneaking her into his mansion but the next day, an accident occurred and he has never looked at any other female as a woman or even try to get close to them," Jia Yu explained, she felt sad knowing that the same thing that happened before might happen again, she felt the need to inform her parents of this before the situation gets worse but Ji Chen still couldn't understand why she had such a reaction.

"That is really bad but how does that concern the situation?" Ji Chen asked in confusion.

"Don't you get it? my brother who is always cold to women has never talked to any woman unless necessary or tried to get close to any woman but he allowed Yu Yan into his house and called her to treat him when he could have gone to a hospital or call me, I didn't want Yu Yan to feel uncomfortable around him that was why I didn't say this but...." she hesitated for a moment.

"But what..."

"My brother is not good at memorizing numbers but there is only one person's number he has ever memorized and that is the girl he dated in high school before the accident, my brother said he lost his phone when he was stranded but how did he manage to call Yu Yan if he didn't have her number?"

"oh oh oh...he memorised her number" Ji Chen replied, if what Jia Yu said about her seemingly cold brother when it comes to women then he must really be in love with Yu Yan.

"My brother has fallen in love again, which is a miracle but he and Yu Yan are never going to be,"

"Wait, are you shipping Yu Yan and Chen Kai instead of your brother, really, where does your loyalty lie?" Ji Chen asked, he has never really liked Chen Kai anyways so he is now a hundred per cent on his brother-in-law's side.

"This isn't about my loyalty, don't you know how much Yu Yan loves Chen Kai and how much he loves her, she will never fall in love with my brother"

"That's true, although I have never said this to Yu Yan, don't you think Chen Kai is too selfish, he hasn't introduced her to his parents even though they have been dating for so long and we all know that his parents might not accept her because of Xiaomeng,"

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