Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 184 - Search! 1

"Sir, Sir" one of the soldiers called as he ran towards Wei Xianlu who looked at him with an expectant look in his eyes.

"Young master Wei, someone said he saw a young man riding a horse with someone in front of the horse going towards the west and his description of the men and the horse fits the description you gave us," the soldier disclosed with pride knowing that if he finds the culprit then he might end up getting rewarded.

"Is that so?" he questioned with a delightful look on his face.

"Yes," the soldier responded with confidence.

"Inform the others, let's go," he returned to his horse next to the carriage Ruo Rufei is seated in, she looked at him with a quizzical look on her face as he approached the horse so he didn't need her to ask to disclose the news to her.

"Someone reported seeing them go west," he disclosed as he hopped on his horse.

"That's good, I told you we will be able to get them, rest assured," Ruo Rufei responded with a pleased smile on her lips which he doesn't know how to interpret, on one hand, she seemed as though she really wanted to punish him and his subordinates for their actions and on the other hand, she was acting like she really cared about the young man.

They hurried to the west of the city to find the criminals at the fastest speed they could since it was already getting dark, Ruo Rufei felt happy at the thought that she will be able to see the young man again but she has already decided that his attitude towards her is what will determine whether or not he keeps his head, as long as he is willing to stay by her side as an object she is interested in then she doesn't mind forgiving him but she has already determined in her heart that both his subordinates must DIE.

Meanwhile, Hua Meixiang who was sitting upstairs in her bedroom while she combed her long and silky hair, she had already gone into her deep thoughts again in no time.

{I am sure this pavilion is definitely not what it seem}

She raised her head and looked into the bronze mirror with her eyes squinted as she racked her brain to understand what exactly is amiss in the brothel, ever since she arrived at the brothel, she has noticed some of the girls visiting the madam privately and during those times, she is never allowed into the room and there is always a specific time when she won't see some of the senior entertainers around and the madam will also not be in her room during those times.

She has also noticed that most of the guest who comes into the brothel are always drowning in the music and dance and some of them always come to the pavilion even though they don't want to listen to music or dance, she once spied on one of the entertainers who was serving about fvie men who seemed to be government officers.

As soon as the girl finished playing the music, she walked over to them and poured them wine, after they drank, they started spilling all their secrets which was a surprise to her, even if they were drunk, it still didn't seem normal to her that they would spill all their secrets.

{that young man that visited the pavilion is the only one who didn't follow this routine, there must be something I don't know and they are all keeping it from me, if they won't tell me then I will find out myself,}

She decided!

{The girls here might seem stupid but I know they are not...}


She screamed as she came out of her thoughts, she glanced at her arm only to see a large cut on it, she quickly tore a piece of clothing front her white undergarment then she wrapped it around the cut, she looked around to see what might have caused her injury then she noticed that she swiped her arm across the edge of the mirror.

She winced in pain but did her best to endure it to prevent others from finding out about the cut, she suddenly heard voices of some girls coming towards the room so she quickly tied the cloth around her wound and covered it with her sleeve.

"Madam is really acting strange these days,"

"I agree, first she personally agreed to see an unknown man which she has never done and is identity is not even known,"

"I have never seen her be so aggressive when speaking to us like she was today,"

"She has never stopped us in the middle of a massage unless she has gotten enough of it but today, we haven't even massaged for five minutes before she sent us out,"

"Do you think we did something to offend her?"

"Certainly not, what..."

"What are you girls talking about," She questioned, standing in front of the startled girls.

"Senior sister," they greeted, even though the girls have been in the pavilion one year before her, because of her position in the pavilion, they have to respect her.

"What were you saying?" she maintained, ignoring their greetings, the girls glanced at each other in hesitation.

"Did I not ask you a question?" they clearly took the hint of threat in her voice.

"We were giving the madam a massage but she suddenly sent us out aggressively without any reason which is not normal so we were just discussing it," one of them answered in a coquettish manner.

"Are you sure you didn't make any mistake," she questioned in suspicion, every entertainer in the pavilion knows how important the madam deems her massage which always lasts for five to six hours every day.

"We are very sure, we didn't even last for five minutes before she sent us out," another replied

"Five may leave," the girls bowed their heads and walked away hurriedly.

"Something is definitely going on, I have to take this opportunity to find out what it is or I won't get a chance like this again," she returned to her room to wear her veil then she hurried down the stairs.

They inspected everyone as they rode towards the west with their eyes scrutinising everyone in the street.

They stopped moving when they got to Ruyi pavilion.

"Search!" Wei Xianlu ordered, the soldiers immediately started searching the streets and inspecting everyone and every shop. Ruo Rufei attention was drawn to Ruyi pavilion as she remembered that was where she saw the young man enter the first time she saw him.

She suddenly had a suspicion arousing in her mind that he might be inside the pavilion, Wei Xianlu noticed that she was staring intently at the pavilion.

"Miss Rufei seems to be interested in the pavilion," he remarked, indirectly asking why she was staring at the pavilion.

"I have a suspicion that he might be in Ruyi pavilion, in fact, it is more than a suspicion," Ruo Rufei answered with her eyes still fixed on the pavilion.

"If miss Rufei thinks so then there is no reason why we can't search the pavilion," Wei Xianlu got down from his horse.

"Follow me," he ordered then the soldiers formed a single line and followed him as they marched towards the pavilion, the people on the streets were confused while they wondered what criminal they are looking for, considering that Shannanxi is always peaceful.

"Let's go," she held her dress and got down from the carriage while Xixi followed behind her with a frown on her face.

As soon as they got to the front of the pavilion, Wei Xianlu ordered the soldiers to search the surrounding of the pavilion while he entered the pavilion with some of the soldiers, as soon as they entered the pavilion all eyes fell on them considering the fact that about a hundred soldiers had entered the pavilion.

He was amused seeing what the pavilion looked like, the girls were not lewdly dressed like the girls in the brothels and they looked very beautiful...every single one of them, the brothel was luxuriously decorated and it was clear that this is not just an entertainment place for people of high status considering the variety of people inside the pavilion.

"It seems like young master Wei is also taken aback, seeing what the pavilion looks like," he was almost startled by her sudden arrival but he managed to cover it with a smile on his lips.

"I won't deny that I am quite taken aback by the scenery inside the pavilion, when you first described it to me I thought it is just like every high ranking brothel but this is so out of the world," Wei Xianlu answered, even if he has an interest in her, he didn't think he has to pretend to be what he is not in front of her, after all, he has the power and the influence it takes to make her his.

She was quite surprised that he admitted taken interest in the place and she admired him for it, at least she has found two good points in him.

"This is also the first time I am coming into this place but I am surprised at how luxuriously decorated it is and how elegantly dressed the entertainers are, it is really a surprise to me," Ruo Rufei answered with a gentle smile on her lips, the bystanders in the pavilion were confused seeing the two of them converse with soldiers behind them.

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