Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 185 - Search! 2

Why would someone bring a hundred soldiers with them just to have entertainment?

"Young miss and lord, it seems like you both are not here for entertainment, may I ask why you have come to Ruyi pavilion with soldiers behind you?" One of the senior entertainers inquired as she walked up to the duo with elegance ringing in every step she took.

With the lady standing in front of her, Ruo Rufei smirked, she couldn't believe that a mere entertainer is almost dressed with the same luxury as her, everything she was wearing from the jewellery to the dress and flowered shoes all looked like things only high-class ladies like herself should have....{exactly how wealthy is this pavilion}

The most outrageous thing is that she didn't bow her head to greet her and she is even looking her in the eyes.

She stepped forward and smiled broadly.

"I think you are forgetting something, aren't you supposed to bow your head and give your greetings at first sight," she stared intently at the young lady with authority resounding in her voice as she spoke.

The young lady looked at her blankly for a moment then everyone in the hall started laughing, excluding the young lady in front of her, she and Wei Xianlu were confused as to what is so funny that they all started laughing at the same time.

The young lady raised her hand to stop them from laughing then they stopped and continued what they were doing before the joke Ruo Rufei made.

"Young miss, it seems like this is your first time of stepping your foot in Ruyi pavilion, no matter who you are or what your background is, as soon as you step your foot into this place, you are equal to everyone present here," the smile on her face as she spoke annoyed her to the bones, she couldn't believe the utter nonsense she is uttering from her mouth.

"How dare you utter such nonsense in front of my young mistress, you rude wench!" Xixi snapped with her finger pointing at the young lady.

"Keep Quiet, what place do you think you are in, I see you are just here for trouble," one of the entertainers retorted angrily while the girls started murmuring in agreement with her.

"This is the son of the prime minister and this is the daughter of the governor, how dare you be so rude, it seems like you don't want your head on your neck," Xixi responded with pride, as she pointed at the both of them as she spoke, some of the guests hurriedly stood up and left the pavilion while the others who had no reason to fear them sat still with mocking gazes on their faces.

"I am sorry for not recognising you but that doesn't mean that you can come here and cause ruckus just because of your status, please state your reason for coming here or leave if you have none," she didn't change her attitude towards them so did the guests and other entertainers, it almost seemed as though the names are insignificant to them, which was quite shocking to both of them.

"Interesting..." Wei Xianlu softly remarked, it amused him that he hasn't been reverenced ever since he entered the city and seeing that mere entertainers are even speaking to him such manner it really amused him, if it wasn't for the emperor keeping watch over him, he would have killed every single one of them.

"Now even mere entertainers dare speak to this young master in such master!" Wei Xianlu roared with his eyes bulged, the girls were almost frightened by his sudden outrage.

"Young master, please watch your attitude here!" the lady roared back with the same mannerism and authority as him.

Ruo Rufei was now burning with anger, she looked at the young lady with contempt in her eyes, Xixi could see the murderous look on her young mistress and she already got the feeling that something really bad is going to happen at any moment...

And it did happen!

She pulled a sword from one of the soldiers and placed it on the young ladies neck, the ladies in that hall screamed while the guest gathered at one part of the pavilion where they could watch what was going on.

"Who do you think you are, are just mere entertainer," she drawled, Wei Xianlu was quite surprised seeing her place the sword on the lady's neck.

{She is really bold}

"I advice you to drop the sword," the lady warned even with a sword on her neck, this made her even angrier, she drew the sword to slit her neck but just as she made a bruise on the lady's neck, she was pushed back with a strong force.

She slid back but just when she regained her stamina, she raised her head to see who it was.

A veiled lady was holding the sword in her hand and she even placed the sword on her neck, she didn't expect an entertainer to have such strength and even Wei Xianlu was taken aback.

{ many badass girls today} haha

"Even if you are a princess, that doesn't give you the right to cause a ruckus in the pavilion," Hua Meixiang remarked with no emotions in her eyes which is the only part of her face they could see but her clear and bright eyes depicted how much beauty is hiding under her veil.

"Do I need to get madam?" the young lady who neck was bruised by Ruo Rufei inquired

"There is no need to disturb her over such fuss when we have the emperor's tally," she answered then she stretched out her hands, one of the girls handed the tally to her then she walked away with the young lady to get her neck treated before it causes a scar.

Meixiang stretched out her hands to show them the tally.

"This is the tally given to Ruyi pavilion by the emperor, no one is allowed to come here and show their authority, the moment you step your foot into this place, you have to obey the rules," Ruo Rufei's squinted at the sight of the tally, she couldn't believe that a mere entertainment pavilion has a tally from the emperor, seeing the tally, Wei Xianlu decided it is better for him to keep things low and not go as far as he intended to.

"Young master Wei, we found two horses that fit the description at the back of the building with blood on one of them," a soldier announced as he ran into the pavilion with excitement, everyone was thrown into confusion with his announcement while Ruo Rufei and Wei Xianlu smiled triumphantly.

"It seems like this is really the emperor's tally but I am sure the emperor did not permit you to harbour criminals, where did you hide them?" 

"I don't know what young master is talking about but I can assure that we do not harbour criminals here,"

"There is no rush... when I search the building and I don't find the people I am looking for then I will quietly leave the pavilion with my soldiers but if it is confirmed that the criminals I am looking for are in here, I will make sure that every single one of you is beheaded," Wei Xianlu threatened with an evil tilt on his lips.

"Search!" he ordered then the soldiers immediately dispersed, they scattered everything in sight in search of the criminals while the girls started screaming and the girls took their leave.

"If you can't find the criminals then be prepared to face the emperor, this tally represents his authority but you just disregarded it, I heard the emperor and the prime minister are at odds and the emperor has always guarded himself against the prime minister, it seems like he will have a good chance to get rid of the prime minister very soon," Hua Meixiang boldly remarked with her eyes fixed on Wei Xianlu with a threatening smile on her lips and her sword still placed on Ruo Rufei, she glanced at the girl who still glared at her with contempt then she dropped the sword on the ground.

"You are really bold, you dare speak of what is going on in the court, do you know the punishment for crime of discussing political matters," he drawled.

"I know, DEATH! but I don't think you can threaten me with this, if I am beheaded then you will also be beheaded since I am discussing politics with you but considering that you are part of the court, neither of us will be beheaded so rest assured," 

They were shocked at her boldness, though she was selected as the premium entertainer based on her beauty and other skills, they haven't seen this bold side of her before, they were now full of admiration for her.

"Just wait..." 

He took a step forward to go up the stairs but she obstructed him.


"No one is allowed there, that is where the madam is residing," 

"I said move!" he warned again but she didn't budge, he raised his hand to push her away but she held his hand and pushed it back, seeing that she seems to have martial skills, he decided to go the rough way.

He used his internal strength to hit her chest but she tried to obstruct him with both hands which failed, she slid back but was held by some of her peers.

{Damn...I didn't think he is this strong}

He and Ruo Rufei gingerly climbed up the stairs, hoping that they will find just what they are looking for and also get the chance to show the rude entertainers who the real boss is.

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