Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 19 - The Accusation

"You are the bravest among us why don't you go in?" Huo lian said to Huo Qiang, they were debating on who was going to wake up Huo Ying, this is something that happens always whenever Huo Ying is angry, none of them dared to go into her room or come two metres close to her, they had a sect meeting so they had to wake her up so the sect elders don't get angry at her.

"It's in this kind of situation the both of you start praising me, you both are the closest to her so she will definitely be lenient with you," He argued, "well you are the eldest among us why don't you take the lead" Huo lian argued

"Why don't we all go in at the same time instead of arguing here, that way we can take the suffering together," Huo mei said, "yeah that is the best suggestion, everyone will take the hit then," Huo Qiang agreed.

Huo lian also responded with a nod, they all agreed to enter her room together, as they were about to open the door and enter into the room, she came out of her room smiling.

They were surprised to see the smile when she came out, it didn't seem like her normal angry self and she would never smile for at least five days after what happened, they kept on staring at her as she stood in front of her room without saying anything.

"Why are the three of you staring at me like that is there anything on my face?" she said as she rubbed her hand on her face to check is there was anything on her face.

"Young mistress are you okay," Huo Lian asked

"Is there anything wrong with me, I am okay," She said as she displayed her pearl white set of teeth and turned around spreading her arms.

"Are you sure? you have never appeared so cheerful a day after your sister incident happens," Huo Qiang said, "and your makeup is brighter than usual you are really strange today," Huo Lian added

"Ooh is that what you guys are talking about, I talked with my dad about this and I promised to change, so I won't be like that anymore,"

"I was really scared young mistress when your murderous intent increased yesterday," Huo Mei said as she held Huo Ying hand.

"I am sorry I won't be like that anymore don't worry",

"We were just debating on who was going to wake you up for the meeting…" Huo Qiang said as he was about to finish his sentence, they all gasped

"THE SECT MEETING !!!!" they chorused

"What do you guys mean?" Huo Ying asked with confusion written all over her face as she watched them open their mouth agape.

"Young mistress we were supposed to wake you up in order to attend the meeting but we have wasted one hour while we were arguing on who is going to go inside your room," Huo Mei answered as she itched her hair

"WHAT!!!!" She exclaimed

"You guys have put me in trouble, those grumpy elders don't like me but now you have given them a reason to speak against me today," she said as she pointed her index finger at all of them in turns, "Sorry young mistress we were just surprised at your sudden change that we forgot about the sect meeting," Huo Mei said

"By the way why the sudden sect meeting we don't normally have sect meetings, it has been two years now since we had one last" Huo Ying said, "I think the elders found out about the man you killed but I am not sure of how they found out," Huo Qiang answered.

"Isn't it obvious, those disciples saw me yesterday some of them might have told the elders,"

"We had already taken care of the remains so there won't be any problem, rest assured young mistress," Huo Lian assured.

"Alright let's go now, they are waiting for us," Huo Ying said, they made their way into the sect hall.

As they entered the sect hall, all eyes were fixed on them, especially Huo Ying, some looked at her with respect on their face, some looked at her with surprise at her composure that morning while some looked at her with contempt and dislike.

She took her seat at the right-hand side of the sect leader while the other three stood behind her and the sect leader, "It seems like the young mistress does not have regards for an event like this, we have been waiting for you for one hour and thirty minutes now and you are not even apologising for your lateness" The first elder said, the other elders supported his accusations as they nod their head in agreement to his statement.

"I have not even fully adjusted myself on my seat not to talk less of even apologising and you are already attacking me, first elder, without even giving me a chance to say anything," Huo Ying responded

"I don't think it is even necessary to give you the chance to apologise because you wouldn't, your arrogance has reached the highest stage it can reach," the second elder retorted

"You…." Huo Ying was about to continue arguing with the two elders when the sect leader interrupted her, "that's enough, do you all not see me seating before you or have you no regard for my presence" the sect leader said in a low but angry tone, Huo Ying and the elders stood up from their seat and bowed, "FORGIVE OUR RECKLESSNESS, SECT LEADER" the three of them chorused and took their seat.

The first elder and Huo Ying continued staring at each other face.

"Sect leader, the young mistress has threatened the safety and reputation of this sect with her brutal actions on an innocent man, she ought to be punished for her actions," The second elder said standing up, he took his seat as he finished his statement, " Second elder what do you mean by your accusation," Huo Ying said while trying to feign ignorance

"Young mistress I am sure you are aware of what you did yesterday when you went down the mountain or are you trying to feign ignorance," The first elder said pointing his finger at Huo Ying, she looked him in the eye and said " I did so many things yesterday may I know which one you are talking about" Huo Ying replied, the first elder slammed his hand on his chair handle and shouted "Do you need me to remind you that you killed someone with the flame of torture yesterday", the sect leader who was doubting if the elders knew the skill she used on the man bent his face as he had lost hope of protecting Huo Ying from the elders.

The disciples began murmuring as they couldn't believe that she had used the sect deadliest and painful skill on an ordinary man, they knew that when she was angry she would become very brutal but what they had just heard still shocked them, Huo mei, Huo lian and Huo Qiang shut their eyes as they heard what the first elder had said, they were hoping that he hadn't found out how she killed the man.

"How did he find out didn't we bury the man remains" Huo mei whispered to Huo Qiang,

"He must have ordered someone to follow us when we returned to bury his remains" Huo Qiang whispered

"That damned old bastard, he will surely not let the young miss off he has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time" Huo mei cursed under her breath.

Huo Ying clenched her fist, she couldn't think of what to do anymore now that he knew what skill she had used on the man, "First Elder, I admit that I killed the man but do you have any proof that I used the flame of torture on him, I don't think you should be making such a serious accusation without proof" She said, she clasped her hands tightly hoping that the first elder wouldn't be able to provide the proof of her action.

The first elder scoffed and said "Since the young mistress refuses to admit that she used the flame of torture until I provide the evidence of her actions, I would do as she wishes", he turned to the door and shouted "bring in the remains", Huo Bingchen the grandson of the second elder entered into the hall with four disciples carrying a stretcher covered with a white cloth.

"Open it for the young mistress to see" the first elder commanded, Huo Ying clasped her hands tighter, "I was wondering why that bastard wasn't here" she cursed under her breath.

The disciple dropped the stretcher on the floor while Huo Bingchen removed the white cloth, the disciples gasped at the ghastly sight in front of them, even the sect leader and the third elder couldn't bear to look at what was on the stretcher, "As you all know, anyone who is burned with the lame of torture would not stop feeling the pain until all his body has burned to askes but his head will never burn, now what does the young miss have to say now that the evidence is right in front of you" the first elder said.

Huo Ying bit her lower lips and clenched her fist, she looked like she was about to kill the first elder, Huo mei held her shoulder and whispered to her "Young mistress calm down if you act now the sect leader will be in an awkward position", she released her hand and took a deep breath, "I was indeed the one who killed him and I used the flame of torture on him, first elder you know that the flame of torture can only be used by those of direct bloodline of the sect leader so why did you bother asking me if I have anything to say when you know that I don't" Huo Ying said, she doesn't care about how the elders see her and she wouldn't bother giving them an excuse at this point.

"I am glad that the young mistress admits her fault but you don't seem remorseful," the first elder said.

"Why should I be remorseful when he deserved it, how dare he curse my sister right in front of me, I can forgive anything but I cannot forgive him cursing my sister and wishing her death," she shouted angrily, the second elder slammed his hands on his chair handle.

"Are you saying that just because of that sister of yours you want to give the other sects a reason to plot against the flame sect again", unable to control her anger, she stood up and her eyeball and her hair colour changed to red, the disciple and the elders were all alarmed at her change, when the eyeball and hair colour of a person from the flame sect changes to red, the murderous aura of that person increases and they become extremely powerful.

"How dare you call my sister useless, if not for her sacrifice you would not be sitting here today as the second elder of the flame sect, her freedom was exchanged for the life you are living", the sect leader immediately called her name and held her hand to calm her down, she looked at her father and Huo Qiang, she remembered what she had promised them.

She forced herself to calm her anger, as result her blood flowed in reverse and she vomited blood while her eyes and hair changed back to normal, Huo Qiang held her hand as he helped her to her seat.

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