Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 20 - WHAT!!! IMPOSSIBLE

The whole hall could still feel the fear left behind by her sudden change of appearance and her killing intent, the only person who possessed that ability before the twins were born was the founder of the flame sect, whenever he became furious he killed countless people since then the flame sect was regarded as a cult but after he died the flame sect did all they could to alleviate the people's hatred towards them and now the twins possessed this ability, Huo Lan was just different from her sister because she had the ability even when she wasn't angry or provoked and this was what made her a threat that was much more scarier than the founder of the flame sect and this was why the other sect wanted to take her away from the flame sect, Huo Ying didn't show this ability until she was twelve years old.

"This is why you and your sister are the sources of danger for the flame sect as long as the both of you are around, the flame sect will always be despised by all," the second elder said even though he still felt the fear but he tried to hide it, "how dare you!!!" the sect leader shouted as he sprung up from his seat, "in front of me, you are even talking about my daughters in this manner, what will you say behind my back, have you no regards for my authority in this sect" he continued and flapped his sleeve as he pointed his index finger at the two elders​​

The three elders and all the disciples bowed as they put their hands forward joined together and chorused "ease your anger sect leader".

The sect leader took a deep breath and flapped his sleeve as he sat back on his seat "I am the one who makes a judgement in this sect and your job is to assist me in making the sect peaceful and stronger, but you keep causing conflict and dividing the sect if we are not even united how are we supposed to win against the hatred and force of the other sects, even if we are powerful than them, once they are united and we are divided we are no match for them" He said

"sect leader you are right please forgive our recklessness," the third elder said, he was the only elder who is fully loyal to the sect leader and maintains neutral relations with everyone in the sect, he is also Huo Qiang adopted father. When the sect leader brought Huo Qiang to the sect, he took Huo Qiang under his wings and trained him.

"Father I am sorry for not causing ruckus and trouble for the sect, please punish me for my wrongdoing or else I will not be worthy to be the young mistress of the flame sect" Huo ying said in order to make sure her father doesn't end up in an awkward position when the elders request for him to punish her. "sect leader the young mistress is already injured she will not be able to withstand any punishment or else her life will be in danger, sect leader please forgive the young mistress for her actions" Huo Qiang said, he stood in front of the sect leader and the elders, he cupped his left and right hand together and raising them slightly as he bowed lightly, "sect leader, if we don���t follow the rules of the sect and let the young mistress off what will the other disciples think of the sect rules, the young mistress as to serve her punishment", "sect leader, why don't we wait until she is healed before we decide on what to do about her punishment after all she killed the man for the reputation of the sect even if it was a wrong thing to do" the third elder added.

"sect leader I have a better proposal for her punishment why don't we lock the young mistress in the beast dungeon if she survives till the next day, she will be free form any punishment," the first elder said, "isn't your suggestion the same as asking the young mistress to die, why don't you just directly kill her" Huo mei shouted at the first elder, "how dare you speak to me in that manner when you are just a measly guardian" the first elder snapped back.

The sect leader knew that the two elders will never let this issue die down if he doesn't do as they say, they had always opposed him since he became the sect leader, "I need to think about a way to dispose the matter and make the elders compromise, I have already sacrificed one daughter I won't let go of the only one remaining" he thought to himself

"Father, I am willing to enter the dungeon please give the other," Huo Ying said in a week voice as she held Huo lian hand for support as she stood up, "Huo Ying, you will die if you enter the beast dungeon, even though we have tried to tame the beast there for years now he is still dangerous I can't let you go in there," the sect leader said

"I am confident that I can return alive and well father, just let me go I promise to return safely without getting hurt," Huo Ying said to persuade her father, she knew that if her father doesn't punish her, he will lose his authority as the sect leader, "it seems like the young mistress is overestimating herself, no one has ever returned from the beast dungeon alive," Huo Bingwen said and smirked

"if I say I can then I can, who are you to determine my capability," she said in a low but belittling tone facing Huo Bingwen, Huo Qiang who was still standing in front of the sect leader knelt down and said "I am willing to enter the dungeon on behalf of the young mistress", Huo mei also walked to the front of the sect leader and knelt down, "I will go on behalf of the young mistress, we should have stopped her from taking such actions but we failed our duty, please let me enter on behalf of the young mistress," she said

"the both of you have nothing to do with this don't get involved," Huo Ying said, they didn't stand up instead the both of them bowed their head until it hit the ground in order to persuade the sect leader, Huo Ying couldn't watch them hurt themselves so she decided to compromise

"Father why don't we go in together since they have decided to take responsibility for failing their duty," Huo Ying said to the sect leader, "alright, since you are all determined, the four of you will enter the dungeon together to serve your punishment," the sect leader said and stood up to leave the hall, he was escorted by two disciples while the others remained in the hall.

"Bingwen, take ten other disciples with you to escort the young mistress and the guardians to the dungeon, guard the dungeon until two days have passed, if they survive you will escort them back," the first elder said and all the elders stood up to leave the hall, the first elder came closer to Huo Ying and said in a low voice, "I think this time I have won since you won't be coming back, then Bingwen will become the future sect leader", he smirked and was about to walk away when Huo Ying said "I will be sure to come back safely I am sure you will be worried but don't worry I will come back unharmed", she walked down from the high seat with Huo lian supporting her.

Huo Bingwen and ten other disciples followed behind her and the other three as they made their way to the beast dungeon, "young mistress don't worry you have us to protect you" Huo mei said

"Huo mei I think you are the one worrying, it is written all over your face, I am very confident that we can come out alive" Huo Ying replied with a smile on her face.

Huo Bingwen who was listening on their conversation walked to the front to start a conversation with them, "I was wondering how it was possible for you to just stay back without saying anything, it appears that you cannot contain your urge to speak" Huo lian said

"you guys are just going to seek your death so of course, I have to at least deliver my last word to you all, I really hope you come back alive," Huo Bingwen said in a sarcastic manner, " hmmm, I was wondering what gibberish you were going to pour out of that mouth of yours but now I don't even know whether to laugh or cry," Huo Ying said

"you can cry but what is there to laugh about," Bingwen said, he wondered why she was looking very confident that she was going to come back alive, "there is something to laugh about, I mean you are suddenly caring about us at this moment, of course, it is funny," Huo Ying said

"if you beg me now, I will let you stay outside the dungeon and I will tell my grandfather that you went in, don't you think I am too good to you," Huo Bingwen said, they looked at him for a second and then they all burst into laughter, he was confused by their reaction, he was thinking that they will really beg him.

"and you really think that I Huo Ying will beg you, you must be kidding," she said as she and others tried to stop laughing, he was annoyed at their indifference to his proposal, "since you are not even thankful for the chance I am giving you then I hope you die in peace," He said angrily and walked forward.

"he has finally gone away such an annoying brat" Huo Ying said

"young mistress, I don't think you are going into the dungeon without any plans," Huo Qiang said with a quizzical look on his face

"ooh, what makes you think so," Huo Ying said with a smile on her face

"young mistress it is so obvious, normally when you in such a situation, you would bite your nails but this time you are you too relaxed," Huo mei said

"I actually don't have any plan but there is one thing you all don't know," Huo Ying said

"What is that" they all chorused

"actually when we were five, I went to see Huo Lan but I saw her leaving the room she was locked in then I followed her, I saw her entering the dungeon then I followed her…" Huo Ying hesitated, they all looked at her face with suspense

"she was actually playing with the beast in the dungeon," She said

"WHAT!!!, IMPOSSIBLE" they shouted

The startled disciples who were escorting them and Huo Bingwen turned back to see why they had shouted, then they continued looking forward.

"How is that possible, the first time the sect leader and the elders tried to tame that beast, they came back injured," Huo Qiang said.

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