Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 201 - Introduction!

"I will never let you win," her face was filled with confidence, determination and the urge to fight.

They surrounded her and started attacking her in groups, she felt a surging flow of energy running through her veins at that moment, the thrill she has always wanted to get by fighting and sparring others is something she is now feeling with a tilt on her lips, she raised her sword and twirled it in her hand, the sword rotated very fast in her hand then she started her fight.

With swift strokes, she slashed the army of demons in the thirteenth level of the pagoda with every step she took, she kept pushing forward with much strength in each of her strikes, she was now confident that she will be able to make it out of the pagoda tomorrow which is her last chance of remaining sane and alive.

Meanwhile, everyone in the sect was feeling disturbed and worried about her, many of them gathered in front of the pagoda while they waited for her to come out of the pagoda, her one-month deadline will be ending tomorrow and she still hasn't come out of the pagoda, her master was now regretting ever sending her into the pagoda.

They rubbed their fingers together with anxious faces on their faces, Bingchen who has been researching in the sect library for ways to help her leave the pagoda without having to fight her way out didn't make any discovery so he joined them in waiting outside.

"Huo Li..." Huo Ying muttered, she licked her lips and balled her fist tightly, they wanted to hear something at least sounds of combat coming from the pagoda then they will at least know she is already in the thirteenth pagoda and close to leaving.

"Is she going to make it?" Huo Lian questioned rhetorically staring at the top of the pagoda.

"No one can say for sure, we just have to wait but she always keeps her promises so she will definitely honour this one too," Huo Mei answered, being the most matured minded person in the sect, she found the need to reassure everyone.

The sect is preparing for a lot of things now and Huo Li being in the pagoda is only making them focused on her until she comes out of the pagoda, it doesn't seem like anyone is going to leave. They all glanced at the sect madam who felt their stare but didn't want to look back, the guilt in her heart was already eating her up and if she doesn't see Huo Li out by the next morning, she has already made up her mind to enter the pagoda.

"I can imagine how bad she feels right now?" Huo Qiang remarked, although they blamed her for ruthlessly sentencing the girl to the pagoda, they still realized that it is all for her sake after then, after all, she gets a chance to prevent herself from becoming an insane killer.

"She really sees Huo Li as her own child, she will not be able to stay here knowing that she sent the child of her close friend to her death," Huo Ying added. looking at her mother.

"You are right, I really hope she comes out in time," Bingchen added, the four of them turned to him with a surprised look on their faces, they found it strange that he keeps reading books about the pagoda probably for her sake and now he is actually worried about her----what happened to the selfish jerk?


"Sect madam!" the three elders called as they walked hurriedly towards where the sect madam is standing, the looked on their faces showed that they had good news to report, Hopefully, cause another bad news on top of Huo Li's matter will not be very good.

"What is it?" The woman answered with her hand folded on her navel, the elders handed her a scroll with smiles on their faces.

"His majesty has refused to retract his decree so the second young mistress will be coming back to the sect for a day after all," the third elder disclosed, a faint smile appeared on all their faces hearing the good news.

They were informed about some ministers and sect leaders petitioning against the emperor's decree and calling the second young mistress a danger to the world, the sect madam heaved a sigh of relief hearing the good news then she read the content of the scroll. 

"What does it say, mother?" Huo Ying asked

"Your sister will be escorted to the sect with some of the wind sect disciples following her in two days," her mother smiled in happiness, the mere thought of seeing what her daughter looks like after eleven years and holding her once again made her overjoyed but if only Huo Li would be there to share the happiness.

- - - - - - - -

"How is he doing?" Madan Ju asked, sitting beside the fourth prince on the majestic bed with Meixiang standing behind her, the fourth prince, as usual, was in a black thin robe and his hair lying straight on the bed.

A few days ago, he still had his saint appearance, his hair had turned into a snow-white colour and his eyeball changed into an ocean blue colour, his head was adorned with a white crown surrounding his forehead with big blue stones on it and his lips colour changed into a blood-red colour.

His entire body was emitting coldness making the entire room freezing but after some days he recovered and his appearance changed back to normal, which made it convenient for her to bring Meixiang along with her.

"He has improved but I am still worried about him, he still hasn't woken up," Xiaodi answered, looking worried.

"Let me feel his pulse," she placed two fingers on his wrist to feel his pulse then she sighed.

"What is it?" Xiaodi and Xi Feng chorused

"His highness his fine but there is still a small amount of poison inside his body, it will not kill him but he still needs to be careful in the future," she answered with a reassuring look on her face.

Cough, Cough!!

They turned to him hearing the sound of him coughing...

"Your highness!" they all chorused except for Meixiang who felt like an outsider watching them, seeing him awake, she found him really attractive--enough to steal the heart of every woman but she didn't see him like someone she would want to have as her man, she felt elated knowing that this man would be her master.

"I am really sorry to have bothered you to make the journey to the pavilion," the fourth prince apologised, gathering his strength to sit up on the bed.

"I am always at your service, are you feeling better, Your highness,?" she questioned with a motherly expression on her face, if he didn't have the imperial consort as a mother figure, he would have certainly taken her as one, not as a friend.

"I am feeling much better thanks to you, I guess you must have used that method I told you of before to save me,"

"It is all due to your highness's wisdom, all I did was make use of it," she bowed her head in reverence, Meixiang was quite surprised watching the whole scene, never has she seen her master bow to anyone or speak in this manner to anyone but this fourth prince who is half her age has managed to make her his underling.

Really impressive!

"Master, you really scared me, I thought you were going to die and leave me all alone," Xiaodi complained, wrapping her arms around him with tears of joy running down her cheek, Madam Ju covered her mouth slightly with a handkerchief in her hand while she chuckled at her childishness, Xi Feng couldn't laugh at her since he also felt the same way.

"Don't be silly," he patted her arm, then she unwrapped her hand and wiped the tears on her face, it was then that he noticed Meixiang standing behind Madam Ju, seeing that he has finally noticed her, she decided to introduce Meixiang to him.

"This is...."

"I don't think there is any need to introduce her to me, she is the premium entertainer of Ruyi pavilion," the fourth prince interjected, although he didn't look displeased at the sight of her, his tone said it all.

"Indeed, she was rude to you the other day, I hope your highness will forgive her impudence," 

"Why have you brought her to the pavilion?" he knew that Madam Ju would never bring her with her unless she has a very good reason for that which he assumes must be very important judging from the fact that no one knows his identity and now the young lady probably knows who he is.

"Your highness, Meixiang is my disciple and I have told her everything she n.e.e.d.s. t.o. k.n.o.w, from now on, she would also serve you," Madam Ju answered, she needed him to know that she didn't tell her too much.

"You trust her that much?"

"Master, she was the one who helped us to escape from the Ruyi pavilion by laying down her reputation," Xi Feng defended, although, he didn't like the attitude she gave them the first time they met, the fact that she saved them is enough to atone for her rudeness.

"How so?"

"She exposed the cut on her arm to cover up for the bloodstains on the ground, this is something that might affect her position as the premium entertainer of the brothel," Madam Ju answered, Meixiang just kept her head bowed while they discuss her fate.

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