Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 202 - I Like It!

"How so?"

"She exposed the cut on her hand to cover up for the bloodstains on the ground, this is something that might affect her position as the premium entertainer of the brothel," Madam Ju answered, Meixiang just kept her head bowed while they discuss her fate.

The fourth prince glanced at her with a scrutinizing gaze, then he smiled faintly at her.

"It seems like your character always changes according to the situation, that kind of dynamic personality...I like it,", the young lady raised her head in surprise, she didn't know whether to take it as a compliment or not but it sounded more like a compliment so she decided to take it as it is.

"If Madam Ju has chosen her then I trust your judgement, Do you have any news for me?" from the look on her face, he could tell that she definitely has something else to tell him.

"Your highness is indeed wise, there is nothing much to report, some of the ministers and the sect alliance were petitioning against the emperor's decree to let the second young mistress of the flame sect return to her sect for a day but the issue has been taken care of," 

"The emperor's birthday is just some months away, I will be returning to the capital on that day, I would love to bring you along with me but it will raise suspicions so you can choose to abandon the Ruyi pavilion here and start over in the capital or you can stay here, I will not force you,"

"I will be wherever your highness is, by the way, what do we do about Wei Xianlu and Miss Rufei, it seems like they are both close but we can't let them off after what they caused but I wonder why your highness went through such pain just to save them?" she couldn't hold her curiosity since she has been wondering about that ever since the incident.

"She...she once saved me when I was still in the palace, so all I did is return the favour,"

"Should I make this report to the emperor? if we tell him about Wei Xianlu defying his order then he will have another reason to punish him," Madam Ju suggested while the others nodded in agreement.

"Wei Xianlu, I have no use for him and the prime minister is only a stumbling block, make the report to the emperor and make use of the emperor's tally," he ordered, his plan to rebuild the Ice clan and make it stronger than any kingdom cannot be foiled by any power greedy person, so getting the prime minister out of his way is just by the way for him.

"I will do as you have instructed," she stood up from the side of the bed and bowed her head following Meixaing then they left the pavilion.

The fourth prince pinched his glabella in thoughts, he needed to make his plan for his life in the capital once he returns, knowing that his presence might trigger the fight for the throne and he also has to make preparations for what he is going to do when his father finds out about his future plans and turns against him.

- - - - - - - -

The elder and the sect leader were seated in the meeting hall with Lin Bohai and Meng Hui and other important disciples standing at the corners of the hall.

"If his majesty has rejected our petition then we have no choice but to send her to the flame sect," the first elder suggested.

"We can't, if she tells them about the torture we give her every year, it will not be good for us, we have to find a way to keep it a secret from them," Meng Hui added in disagreement with her father, they were all in deep thoughts, trying to figure out a solution since disobeying the emperor's decree would be an act of treason.

"The only way we can do that is to make sure she doesn't talk about it, therefore, we have to threaten her," she continued, she glanced at Bohai to see what his reaction would be but seeing that he didn't flinch she assumed he doesn't mind threatening her.

"If we tell her that there might be another war because of her, she might not disclose the secret," the second elder suggested.

"I agree with the second elder,", Bohai remarked, even though he has feelings for her, he still can't allow her to rat them out.

"Then we will do it that way, Feng Shui," he turned to the disciple who immediately bowed his head.

"You will lead the some disciples selected by Bohai to escort her to the flame sect, make sure you ensure her utmost safety, if anything happens to her during this journey, the wind sect will be blamed," the sect leader ordered.


Lin Bohai wanted to argue, he needed to be the one to escort her back to her sect but knowing what would happen if he does, he decided to keep quiet.

"Meng Hui, ensure she is well-groomed along with her attendant, just ensure she doesn't look like someone who has been living in a cave," he further instructed.

"I will do as you have ordered" Meng Hui answered, she didn't like that she would have to take care of the witch but she has no choice at this point, she was just satisfied that Bohai didn't intercede on the girl's behalf.

She and some of the female disciples entered the cave to bring her out, they were quite panicky seeing the condition of the cave which they assumed was caused by her frequent outburst whenever they try to dispel her power.

They had already entered deep into the cave when Su Ci spotted them, she feared that they were here to torture her young mistress so she quickly obstructed their way.

"Move," Meng Hui ordered in a cold manner

"Who are you?" Su Ci questioned, with a defiant look in her eyes, she seemed like she was going to fight them at any minute but considering that the girl hasn't received any formal training, they all scoffed at her boldness.

"tch. I am the daughter of the first elder and I am here to take your young mistress," Meng Hui reluctantly answered with a demeaning look in her eyes.

"Where are you taking her to?"

"You will know soon enough," she eyes the girl and pushed her away then they walked past her, the way lead them to an open lake behind the cave, Huo Lan had her hair down and she was washing her face in the lake, the young girl smiled with her head bent backwards, giving them a beautiful and innocent side view of her face.

"She looks beautiful..." one of the female disciples remarked with her mind spaced out as she stared at the girl bending down by the side of the lake, Meng Hui glared at the girl and clenched her fist, she has never seen the girl before but judging from the description she has heard, the girl is supposed to look ugly.

{He might have seen that why he likes her}

"Su..." she stopped when she saw them standing behind her, she looked at them with fear in her eyes and her body had already started trembling, now looking at her from the front view, she does look abnormal, her red eyeball and blood-red lips make her look like a blood-sucking creature, even her deep red hair made it even more obvious.

"W-who are you?"

"You are going back to the flame sect," Meng Hui disclosed, looking at the girl with a clear irritated look in her eyes, she just didn't want to beat around the bush.

"What! we are going back to the flame sect?" Su Ci exclaimed while Huo Lan stood frozen at the same spot she stood with a blank expression on her face, she couldn't believe it.

"I will not repeat myself, I have been ordered to take you out to groom yourself and you will be given your own room to stay, you will be leaving the wind sect in the next two days and you will return the next day," she really hates to explain all these to someone she dislikes but she doesn't have a choice since throwing a fit would not be the best option for her after picking up a fight with Huo Ying.

"Huo Lan!" Su Ci screamed in excitement and ran to hug her, the both of them hugged each other tightly, even if they only have one hour to be in the flame sect, they still wouldn't mind it, tears of happiness welled out of their eyes.

"We will be leaving now," she turned around and left without giving them the chance to continue rejoicing, both of them hurriedly followed after her.

After giving them a fresh bath, they changed into a new set of clothing and changed their updo into a neat and beautiful one, the both of them stared into the mirror in speechlessness, the disciples who were in charge of assisting them were quite terrified being with her, they couldn't help the thought of being roasted if they make the mistake of messing with the gloves on her hand.

Her red eyes terrified them but whenever she smiles, it reduced the awareness they felt in their heart.

Meng Hui entered the room when they were done with grooming them, she hatefully glanced at the both of them, she already hated that Huo Ying looks beautiful more than she is but her twin is even more beautiful compared to her even though they look exactly the same way, the identical face reminded her of Huo Ying flirting with Bohai.

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