Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 203 - Trauma Case! 1

"You must be very happy that you will be seeing your family very soon but I will warn you, a little slip of your tongue might start another war and this time, your family might be destroyed so if you want to preserve the peace, I advise you not to tell them about the torture," Meng Hui warned with an evil smile on her lips, Huo Lan avoided her gaze, she didn't like the look the girl kept giving her, it makes her feel afraid and insecure.

Su Ci scoffed and walked closer to her, "Are you threatening us right now, I guess you must be very afraid of my sect influence,", she raised the corner of her lips showing how confident and unmoved she is by her threat.

"You can interpret it however you want to but you had better remember what sacrifice you had to make for the last battle, I am sure you won't want the next sacrifice to be your lives, you know what to do to make sure that doesn't happen," she inclined her head towards her shoulder, cueing her to give her answer.

"I will do as you say," Su Ci replied in a conceding tone, Meng Hui scoffed and left the room, seeing how submissive she was in the end satisfied her and the look on Huo Lan's face....she has power but she is such a dimwit.

- - - - - - - - - 

Back to the modern world.

As usual, the busy emergency department was having all the resident surgeons and other staffs on the move, Yu Yan placed her stethoscope on a girl's chest and closed her eyes to hear the sound clearly, she took it off and frowned deeply, the girl's heartbeat seemed too fast.

She had an alarmed look on her face as she turned to the patient's guardian who is standing beside her.

"How long has she had such a rapid heartbeat?" Yu Yan questioned 

"She has been like this for a week now, we went to a doctor before but he prescribed a medication to help strengthen her heart contractions but the medication didn't help much, her condition improved but it went back to being like this," the woman replied with a worried look on her face, from their resemblance, she could see that they are mother and daughter.

She placed her hand on her forehead seeing the sweat on her head, she realized that the girl's temperature is also high, she pressed the girl's hand but the girl screamed in pain, attracting the attention of the other doctors who turned back to their work.

"It's alright," she said, patting her hair.

She opened her sleeve, noticing the red spots on her arm.

"Do you feel weak or tired most times?" Yu Yan asked, the girl nodded in answer to her question.

"Has she unintendedly lost weight recently?"

"Yes, doctor, she has lost 15kg in two weeks," the mother answered, anxiously, she glanced at the girl and then at the mother then she nodded and walked away. She knocked on the door as soon as she got to the team leader's office, after getting the signal to enter, she entered the office.

"I think we have a leukaemia patient, a sixteen years old girl, she has red spots on her arm, rapid heartbeat, weakness and fatigue and she has lost 15kg in just two weeks unintentionally," Yu Yan reported.

"Well...we can't know for sure until we conduct the test, request for CBC and a Reticulocyte test, Bone marrow biopsy and a CT scan will also be needed,". she quickly exited the office to carry out the instructions.

She met Nurse Song on her way to the emergency department, she sighed in relief seeing someone to share her burden.

"Nurse Song,"

"Yes, surgeon Yu Yan,"

"I would like you to go to the radiology department to request for a CT scan, a bone marrow biopsy, a CBC test and a Reticulocyte test for the patient on bed 11 in the emergency department, asap please," 

"Alright," they both went their different ways, Yu Yan went to attend to another patient but before she could start treating the patient, an alarm sounded, she looked in the direction of the reception, a nurse was holding the telephone to her ear.

"There is a trauma case coming in, in five minutes, a train collided with a car, causing five cars and other passerby's involved in the accident, there are two dozens, victims, three are dead and the other 21 victims are coming in soon," the nurse announced, all the resident doctors and other doctors on call lined up in front of the hospital entrance while they changed into a blue gown and cap.

Everyone was nervous, a trauma case means no going home if the goes out of control and complete confusion in the ER, the chances of making mistakes while panicking are also very high, they soon began hearing the sirens coming from the ambulances transporting the victims of the accident to the hospital.

"15 years old girl, impact to the head causing excess bleeding, blood pressure and heart rate are low needs immediate treatment,"

"55 years old man, his leg was ruptured by the door and his femur has been crushed, he has lost lots of blood,"

"impact to the..."

"excessive bleeding...."

"Crushed hand, excessive bleeding needs immediate....."

"Jackson, Bo Na and Ju Shui, you will take the next incoming patients, three of you should handle these patients," A senior surgeon instructed, she assigned the victims to each doctor as they entered though the revolving door, the entire hospital was in chaos and the wailing and cries of the victims resounded throughout the ER department.

Yu Yan watched as they were wheeled into the hospital, the tears and blood filing the whole place made her chest feel stuffy, she just stood rooted to one point, the wailing and shouts were all she could hear, she was now finding it hard to breathe, the same thing happened last year when there was a similar trauma case, she placed her hand on her chest and tried to regulate her breathing but the instruction the senior surgeons were given to the lower ones were filling her ears, all the sound mixed together!!!! she held her head with both hands and shut her eyes.

"Han Chen, Han Chen!!!"

"Student you have to stay back," a doctor warned 

"No, please save him, please save him," tears welled down her face and her uniform covered in blood.

"Nurse hold her back," 

They held her hand to stop her from entering the operating room, but she kept struggling...




"Her airway has been punctured, she can't breathe,"

"Quick transfer her to the...."



"Yu Yan, Yu Yan!" Mrs Nanjing called, she felt like she was being consumed by the voices she is hearing 

"Yu Yan, get a grip on yourself," she shouted, while shaking her body, she opened her eyes and let out a sigh of relief seeing her team leader in front of her, the voices she heard, the sounds, she heard them before then the last time they had a trauma case.

Are the voices real?!

"Han Chen...." she mumbled

"Did you just say, 'Han Chen'" she questioned but there is no time to waste.

"Yu Yan!" 

"Hmmn..." she quickly got on the move after regaining her sense but the name still didn't disappear from her head, now that she remembers, she didn't know who Han Chen was the last time but now that she knows who he is, why is she calling him and it sounded like there were in a hospital and...

"34 years old female, blunt trauma to the abdomen, internal bleeding needs to be checked and...."

"I will take the patient," Yu Yan said then she and the paramedic staff wheeled the patient to the ER and secured a bed, she applied pressure to her left abdomen and the left side of her chest wall but the woman screamed in pain, she gently pressed it again, she noticed that the side of her left abdomen is tender.

"I need an ultrasound scan and a CT scan of this patient," she instructed, a nurse nearby hurriedly inform the radiology department of her orders then she moved on to another patient while she hasn't gotten the CT scan result yet.

"Where do you feel pain?"

"On my stomach," the teenage girl replied, she raised her top and examined her belly. she was relieved to see only a slight cut that didn't seem to have penetrated her organs, she applied pressure to other areas to ensure there is no internal bleeding caused by blunt trauma.

"Are you feeling pain here?"


"Good, I will call a nurse to suture your wound,"

She looked around for an available one and soon found one.

"Nurse Yi,"

"I need you to suture her wound," she went on to another patient but she hadn't gotten to the patient when someone called her name, she turned around to see Nurse Song returning with some file in her hand.

"The test result for the girl you ordered earlier,". Yu Yan collected the papers and flipped them.

"Haemoglobin and reticulocyte count is low and the bone marrow test shows the presence of PH chromosome,"

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