Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 204 - Trauma Case! 2

"The test result for the girl you ordered earlier,". Yu Yan collected the papers and flipped them.

"Haemoglobin and reticulocyte count is low and the bone marrow test shows the presence of PH chromosome," She handed the papers to Nurse Song with a downcast expression on her face, she hoped her diagnosis is wrong but everything was pointing to the condition she suspects.

"Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia---all the results are pointing towards that direction," she sighed and turned to nurse Song.

"Send the result to the team leader after the trauma cases are resolved and tell the mother to have a rest, it seems like she will have to here for a while and look after the girl, we never know when something might happen,"

"I understand,"

"Surgeon Yu Yan, the test results are here," Nurse Yi returned with the tests she ordered earlier before Nurse Song appearance, she collected the scan result and ultrasound scan result from her, she looked back at the lady who seemed who be groaning in pain then she turned back to the scans.

"She feels pain the left side of her chest wall and abdomen, the scans shows that her spleen is ruptured but it doesn't look like it is beyond repair, it seems like it has caused hypovolemia, if we don't act fast, she might go into shock," she handed the results back to the nurse.

"Nurse Song, prepare OR 2 for surgery and Nurse Yi, look for her guardian and inform them that she will be undergoing a spleen repair surgery and ask them for relevant information..."


She turned around only to see the lady shaking on the bed and the machine beeping, her eyes widened seeing the straight line on the machine, she quickly dashed to the side of the bed.

"She is going into shock!" she climbed on top of the bed and intertwined her fingers then she placed them on the lady's chest and started pressing hard on it.

"Nurse Yi, quick! look for her guardian or get their contact," she instructed, mustering her strength to give the lady a CPR, most of the bystanders in the ER fixed their attention on her, she glanced at the heart monitor as she continued pressing on the woman's chest.

"She is not coming up," Nurse Song immediately took the initiative to wear an oxygen mask for the patient.

She continued pressing on her chest and praying inwardly that the patient would respond, after two minutes, the machine started beeping again, she turned to the machine and turned to the patient again.


The patient finally started breathing again, Yu Yan came down from the bed and placed her hands on her waist with her eyes fixed on the patient.

"Blood flow to her brain has been decreased she needs an immediate blood transfusion, where is Nurse Yi," she looked around in frustration, then she saw Nurse Yi running towards her while Nurse Song changed the drip into a blood bag.

"The paramedics have not been able to contact any of her family members so there is no guardian to give their permission," Nurse Yi informed with a distressed look on her face, now that there is no guardian and the patient is in no condition to give permission to surgery herself, there is now a complication on whether they should carry on with the surgery or not.

"The patient's condition is serious, if she doesn't enter the operating room in thirty minutes, she might go into another cardiac shock and we wouldn't want that happening, if her guardian isn't here and cannot be contacted then I will have to perform the surgery without permission," her decision had the nurses' eyes widened, if there is any complication during the surgery then she might be sued.

"Surgeon Yu Yan, you can't do that, if there is any problem..."

"I know what you want to say but her life is more important," she argued even before she could finish her statement.

"Why don't we ask the team leader first, if anything happens then it won't be completely your fault since you asked for permission," Nurse Yi suggested.

"Alright, look after the patient Nurse Yi and Nurse Song, Inform the patient of the teenage girl I diagnosed with leukaemia about the situation so she doesn't panic," she nodded her head and started looking for her team leader, even if her team leader doesn't agree, in her mind, she had already made up her mind to perform the surgery.

She soon sighted her team leader trying to stop a patient from bleeding, she quickly hurried to her side.

"Team leader," she called but her team leader heaved a sigh of relief as soon as she saw her.

"Thank God, Yu Yan quickly grab the gauze and help me apply pressure to his abdomen, I need to stop the bleeding on his thigh," she instructed, Yu Yan did as she asked while the team leader moved to the patient's thigh.

"Team leader, there is a patient with a ruptured spleen, I need to carry out a spleen repair surgery but her guardians cannot be reached and the patient is in no condition to give her permission to the surgery," she narrated while applying pressure to the wound but with her eyes fixed on the team leader who didn't glance at her until she finished her sentence.


"I intend to perform the surgery," Yu Yan answered concisely.

"No, You can't,"

"Why not, the patient just went into cardiac shock five minutes ago, if she doesn't enter the operating room in the next twenty-five minutes, she might go into another cardiac shock," Yu Yan argued with a defiant expression and her voice slightly raised, she has always hated the fact that protocol and rules have to be chosen over someone's life.

After taking a deep breath, she realised that she just raised her voice at her team leader and some people in the ER were now staring at them.

"You two, take over," Mrs Nanjing ordered two doctors who had just finished with their patients, Yu Yan took her hands off the patient with a guilty expression on her face.

"Follow me," she turned around and started walking towards a more secluded area.

"I am sorry," Yu Yan quickly apologised as soon as they got there.

"How serious is the patient's condition?"

"Extremely serious, Blood flow to her brain has constricted as a result of the ruptured spleen and from the scans, it seems like the spleen can be repaired, the surgery isn't complicated so I believe there will be no complications,"

"Alright, I will speak the higher-ups about this, Perform the surgery," she reluctantly permitted, Yu Yan smiled broadly and threw her arms around the team leader who was caught by surprise.

"Thank you so much,".

She cleared her throat...

"Yu Yan----Professionalism,". Yu Yan quickly unwrapped her arms and quickly walked away, she sighed as she watched her back knowing that even if she disagreed, Yu Yan would still do the same thing.

"Permission gotten, take her into the operation room now," Yu Yan instructed while she headed to the changing room to change leaving Nurse Yi to handle the other affairs. She was now in her green surgical uniform and green cap, she scrubbed her hand in front of the operating room and held her arm up as she entered, she nodded at the surgical crew already present in the operating room.

"Surgery is to repair ruptured spleen of the patient, everyone agrees?"


"Good, then I will begin the operation,"

"Anaesthetic has been administered two minutes before you arrived, you can begin the operation," the anesthesiologist informed, Yu Yan nodded her head at her then she turned to the patient.

"Scalpel," she held out her hand while a surgical technician passed it to her

She was about to make an incision on the stomach when the monitors started beeping loudly, Yu Yan turned to the machines behind the operating tables with her eyes widened.

"Cardiac arrest!" the anaesthesiologist exclaimed, she quickly removed the intubation in the patient's mouth and wore an oxygen mask over her mouth.

She was confused, everything has been going well so there is no reason why the patient should be in a cardiac arrest unless there is something she doesn't know, just while she was thinking, the telephone in the operating room rang, a nurse quickly picked the call but she widened her eyes hearing the message, she dropped the telephone and turned to Yu Yan.

"Patient is allergic to anaesthesia," she disclosed

"She is allergic to anaesthesia,...anaphylaxis, damn!" the anesthesiologist exclaimed 

"Defillbrator," she ordered, one of the assistants quickly wheeled it to her, she picked up the pad while the assistant set up the defibrillator to the right voltage, they didn't need the warning to know they are supposed to step back.

"1 2 3 clear," she placed the pads on her chest and shocked her, her body jerked up as she removed the pads from her chest, the patient still wasn't responding, Yu Yan, bit her lips.

"200 Joules,". The assistant did as she ordered and charged the pads to 300 Joules.

"1 2 3 clear," she placed the pads on her chest again and removed it but the machine reading still remained the same.

"300 Joules," 

"1 2 3 clear," she placed the pads on her chest again and shocked her, the patient was still unresponsive, in frustration, she dropped the pads and climbed the operating table to perform CPR again.

She intertwined her finger and placed them on the patient's chest while she pressed her hands against her chest, she knew she would get into serious trouble if the patient dies but that was just her secondary reason for desperately wanting to save her life, for her the patient's life matters more than anything else.

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