Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 27 - The Bell

"Young mistress it seems like it can understand human language" Huo Mei who had already lost hope of living as the beast raised it leg against them said in surprise, Huo Ying watched as the beast as the beast walked away to a corner but not far away from them, doubts filled her eyes as she watched his curl up its tall and sit at the corner, she didn't know if they were supposed to be relaxed or at alert now that the beast has stopped attacking them.

"I think so, the last time I came here I saw him talking to Huo Loan but I didn't hear what they were saying" Huo ying said as she stood up to pick up her whip while the others followed suit. After they picked their weapons, they returned to sit opposite the beast, they looked at the beast with doubts and wariness all over their face.​​

Huo ying stared at the bell in her head again, she just couldn't figure out the reason why the beast would listen to her when she rang the bell, she decided to try it again so she rang the bell once more, at the sound of the bell the beast immediately sprung to its feet and looked at her, its gaze was directed to the bell and not to her even though she was the one who rang the bell, she decided that she was going to talk to the beast. She stood up from where she was sitting and walked closer to the beast, the others who had not cast their eyes off the beast as they were sitting noticed that she was going closer to the beast which stared at her as she came closer.

"Young mistress what are you doing" Huo Qiang said, she ignored his question and continued walking towards the beast, they looked at her nervously as she came closer to the beast.

She looked into the eyes of the beast which ignored her but kept on looking at the bell in her hand, "why are you listening to this bell" She asked the beast, both the beast looked away from her ignoring her question, she waited patiently for the beast to answer her but the beast didn't.

"if you won't answer that question them tell me do you know the owner of the bell" She asked, she gave the beast a quizzical look hoping that the beast will at least answer this question of hers and luckily for her the beast responded with a nod. She wanted to ask why the beast was so obedient to her sister but she knew that it would be useless since the beast would be unwilling to answer that question, her mind suddenly wandered back to that time...

She saw her sister leaving the sect so she followed her, when they arrived at the mountain her sister entered the dungeon. She secretly watched as her sister played with the beast but the beast noticed that someone was there and that was how her sister found out that she had been following her, her sister brought her before the beast and the beast was pretty friendly to her, the bell was just a gift from her sister that was given to her the day she was taken to the wind sect. She had left her sister admit tears back then and the bell was the only thing that made her feel like her sister was staying by her side and that was why she kept it around her all the time, she returned back to where she was seated and closed her eyes. The others thought she was asleep so they also closed their eyes to sleep thus letting off their guard but she wasn't.

How could she sleep at that moment, coming here once again reminded her of her sister, when they were young, she had never spent more than two hours with her sister, even if she wanted to, she wasn't allowed to. The times she spent with her sister in the dungeon was the happiest time of her life and the most precious memory she held with her. They spent two days in the dungeon and this left the sect in commotion then, they thought the twins had been kidnapped back then and they couldn't alarm the other sects in fear that they would be in danger if the other sects find out about it but the twins went back on their own. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she remembered the moments with her sister, she tried to stop herself from crying but she couldn't, she could only sob quietly to stop the others from waking up. After a while she fell asleep with dried up tears on her face, the beast which had also shut it eyes before the others slept saw that she had fallen asleep. He walked up to where she was sitting and carried her up to his back with his wings gently to avoid waking her up.


The disciples outside were still worried about their young mistress and the guardians, they couldn't hear any sound coming from the mountain and this was what made them worried.

Had the beast already killed the guardians and the young mistress…

Is the young mistress okay or injured….?

Should they go in to see what was happening inside….

That was all they could think about so they couldn't fall asleep unlike Huo Bingchen who had already fallen asleep, after all Huo Ying dying in the beast dungeon was to his own benefit.

Although Huo Bingchen considered Huo Ying as his rival and his obstacle in becoming the next sect leader, he still had feelings for her. Since the sect leader didn't have any son everyone thought that the future sect leader position would go to Huo Bingchen who is older than Huo ying with a gap of two years but Huo Ying reduced his chances of him becoming the sect leader with her incredible skills in every area needed, her martial arts was at the same level as him even though his cultivation level was higher than hers. He was already at the fourth stage of the middle stage cultivation but he hated the fact that she was catching up with him quickly and her whip skills also exceeded every one skill in the sect except for her mother. The disciples from the flame sect also excelled in horse riding and that is why the flame sect had a very large building and they resided in the mountains with abundant grassland, this was the only area where Huo Bingchen skills exceeded Huo Ying by far.

His feelings for her was concealed even though he has loved her since he was fifteen years old, his grandfather also wished for him to become the sect leader ad that was why he was always looking for ways to bring Huo Ying down.

The next morning, they woke up inside the dungeon and they were happy that the Young mistress was safe but they looked at where the young mistress had slept last night but they couldn't find her there.

"where did the young mistress go" Huo Lian shouted as she pointed at the spot where the saw Huo ying sitting last night, they all looked at the spot in shock and turned to look at the beast.

"did the beast eat the young mistress" Huo Mei asked with a dejected and accusing look on her face, they stared at the beast whose eyes was shut as it slept.

"I swear I will make sure I kill that beast even if it means dying if he ate the young mistress" Huo Qiang said with fury written all over his face, Huo Mei looked closer and then noticed that the beast wings were curled up to his back.

"What is that on the beast back" Huo Mei said as she pointed to the beast back, they all looked closely at the beast back and then noticed that the beast was covering something with his wing. Just ten, the beast woke up and yawned loudly.

It looked towards their direction and realized that they were staring at him, he realized why they were staring at him then he uncurled his wings which had been covering up Huo Ying as she slept to protect her from the cold, just as the beast retracted his wings Huo Ying woke up. She stretched her arms as she yawned, she was wondering why she had slept so comfortably without feeling cold and just as she was about to stand up, she tripped and almost fell but the beast caught her with his wings and brought her back to his back.

She widened her eyes in shock as she realized that she had been sleeping on the beast back no matter how much she racked her head she just couldn't remember when she had climbed unto the beast back when she was still scared of him. She climbed down from his back and walked up to where the guardians were standing, they watched the whole scene with shock written all over their faces.

"How did I get to his back" Huo Ying asked with a puzzled look

"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW!!" they chorused

"but I can't remember climbing unto the beast back yesterday" Huo Ying said as she scratched her hair in confusion. "there is only one answer then" Huo Qiang said and they all turned to look at the beast who stood as he watched them trying to figure out how she had landed on his back.

"He carried you and covered you up with his wings to protect you" Huo Qiang said.

"But why would he do that" Huo Ying asked rhetorically

"only he knows" Huo Lian said.

They just couldn't understand why the beast which had attacked them ferociously yesterday was now treating their young mistress as if she was his master. The beast actions made Huo Ying confirm her suspicions that the beast regarded Huo Ying as his master.

but does the entire mountain also regard Huo Ying as its master...

she thought to herself.


"senior brother Bingchen, if the young mistress can make it out of the dungeon by today can we return to the sect" one of the disciples asked, "that is if she makes it, no one can survive once they enter the dungeon, even the previous elders and sect leaders who tried to tame it never entered into the dungeon but they were still injured by the time they came out, I am afraid that by now they are all dead" Huo Bingchen replied, his tone sounded not to emotional and not too cruel, there was no way he could be completely happy if she dies.

"I really hope the young mistress makes it out today, after two days we will have to return if she doesn't come out today" another disciple said, their faces were filled with hope and anticipation but they knew deep in their heart that what Huo Bingchen had said was right even though they wished he wasn't right.


Inside the dungeon the guardians were already ready to leave but Huo Ying hesitated she didn't want to leave the dungeon because of the special memory it held for her but she had to. She picked up her whip and hanged it on her waist, as she stood by the dungeon entrance, she glanced over her shoulder to give the beast one more look, the beast also looked at her and then she turned to leave the dungeon. As soon as they were out of sight the beast turned and returned to the corner where it sat before.

"she has half the heart of the flame demon; it seems like her attachment to her sister is what had caused her to possess half the heart of the flame demon" the beast said to himself in human language. Although he recognized Huo Ying as Huo Lan sister as she entered into the dungeon last night, he attacked them because he thought they were there to attack him when Huo Mei pulled out her sword but when she rang the bell which he had given to Huo Lan he realized that she wasn't their with evil intentions. When he went closer to her found out that she had half the heart of the flame demon which meant that she was attached to her sister and that was why he treated her the way he did.

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