Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 28 - The Sect Leader's Wife

"I can't wait to see the look on Huo Bingchen face when we get out of here" Huo Lian said, they had just finished climbing the series of stairs which seemed endless just last night. They all laughed when they heard what she said because that was exactly what they were all thinking, Huo Ying suddenly remembered something and gasped.

"What if my mother finds out that I was sent to the beast dungeon" Huo Ying said with an horrified look on her face, she knew that if her mother finds out the first and second elder sent her to the beast dungeon using the punishment for breaking the rules of the sect as an excuse then he years of silence will no longer be over. She knew that the only reason why her mother had been quiet and didn't interfere in the affairs of the sect was because she was afraid of ruining the peace of the sect, she was a hot-tempered person who couldn't stand it when anyone goes against her. With her mother's level of martial art there was no way the elders could win against her if they fought one on one, even if they combined their strength, they will only succeed in getting her injured but their life ill still be in danger if she makes use of the whip. She knew that she and her father were her mother's bottom line and anyone who tried to harm them could never escape her fury. Her father was higher than her in his cultivation so she didn't need to worry about him but she was always very protective of Huo ying and now the elders had just challenged her bottom line.​​

"What if she challenges the elder, there will be trouble in the sect if we don't get back quickly" Huo Qiang said

"My father can only hold her back for one or two days, within two days we have to get back to the sect" Huo Ying said, just as she finished her statement they arrived outside the mountain, they didn't notify the disciples and Huo Bingchen, they just stood watching them from behind.

"Hmmph, young mistress it seems like this disciples really like us" Huo Mei said as they watched the disciples pacing up and down in front of the mountain with worry written on their face, they shifted their gaze to Huo Bingchen who just sat on a large rock in a composed manner, he didn't look worried like the disciples but there was this hint of anxiety and guilt on his face.

"I think Bingchen is feeling sorry for us" Huo Ying said in a puzzled tone as she stared at his face from where she stood, they shifted their gaze to him and noticed[Oni1] that he was looking calm and a little bit guilty at the same time.

"Why does he look like he is feeling guilty isn't he supposed to be happy if you died" Huo Mei said

"I don't think he is feeling guilty now that he thinks you are dead; he must be feeling a little bit sorry for everything he has done to you but I guess he is going to be disappointed" Huo Qiang said with a smile on his face.

While they were still discussing, one of the disciples turned back and saw them.

"they…the…. they are here" a disciple stuttered in shock the others heard what he said and turned back to see if what he was saying was true, the sucked in cold air as they saw the young mistress and the guardians walking towards them, Huo Bingchen opened his mouth and widened his eyes in disbelief.

How did they make it out…?

Am I hallucinating…?

This were the thought that went through his head as Huo Ying and the others came closer to the disciples, they all ran up to them and hugged them, some hugged the guardians while the others hugged Huo Ying.

She widened her eyes in shock and held her breath as three male disciples hugged her tightly without even respecting the fact that she is a female, as soon as they let go of her, she released her breath and stared at them in shock. Huo Lian ad Huo Mei also felt like they were being molested by their junior disciples while Huo Qiang who was being hugged by a female disciple didn't think much about it.

"Have you all forgotten the boundaries between male and female just because we don't emphasize that in the sect" Huo Ying said as she stared at the ten disciples.

"they just molested me" Huo Mei said as she pointed at the three male disciples who hugged her at the same time. Huo Qiang pulled her hand down which was pointed at the disciples and said "stop pointing they were just overjoyed when they saw us".

The disciples nodded in agreement with wild smiles on their faces as though they didn't do anything, "to them you are just their senior disciple not a woman" Huo Qiang continued, when they heard the statement which sounded like an insult the twins stared at Huo Qiang with a bone piercing look and he looked away.

"We were so scared that you will never come back again, how come you guys made it" the female disciple asked, the four of them exchanged glances and then Huo Ying said "we didn't bring out our weapon so the beast just let us stay in the dungeon without attacking us".

"but last night we heard a loud noise coming from the mountain and then many beasts gathered in large numbers to attack us" the female disciple said, Huo Ying looked at them frantically as if she as searching them and asked "were you guys hurt".

They smiled seeing how concerned she was, this was exactly the reason why they were so loyal to her, even the slightest cut on a disciple would make her worry.

"no young mistress, the beast started attacking us in large numbers at first but we didn't want to kill them so we just knocked them out but they suddenly stopped for a while and then they continued, they stopped the second time and they all left" a male disciple said.

The four of them exchanged glances again and from their reactions Huo Bingchen who had been standing by the side without saying anything even though he was a little bit happy that nothing happened to Huo Ying knew that something must have happened in the dungeon but they were hiding it from them. He had already suspected that she had a plan when he saw how confident Huo Ying was before they entered the dungeon, the fact that she was unwilling to beg him even though the guardian's lives were at stake surprised him but now his suspicions had been confirmed.

"it seems like you all are lucky to have escaped death in the dungeon but nobody has ever entered the dungeon and then come out alive so we can't be sure that you all entered the dungeon" Huo Bingchen said with a disappointed look on his face even though he forced himself to smile, they all frowned including the disciples when they heard what he had said, he is supposed to be happy seeing that they are still alive but now he is questioning if they really entered the dungeon.

"I don't think I have to answer to that speculation" Huo ying said as she walked past him, the disciples grabbed their swords and followed behind her.


The sect leader wife called for a sect meeting, everyone in the sect knew what the agenda for the meeting was, once the sect leader's wife finds out about Huo Ying's punishment there would surely be trouble in the sect that is something that no one needs to be reminded of. They all murmured and discussed among themselves, even the two elders who ganged up on Huo Ying were already preparing themselves before the sect leader and his wife comes in, just when they had finished bracing themselves the sect leader walked in with his wife behind him. This was an entrance that they had not seen for years since she had never bothered bout the affairs of the sect and for the first time in a long while that she had attended the meeting she was wearing a dark expression on her face, everyone knew that today's meeting was surely not going to be all talk.

The both of them took their sear on the high seat with the elders sitting at the left-hand side of the sect leader and his wife sitting at his right-hand side with her whip, all the elders and disciples bowed their head as the sect leader and his wife took their seat.

"Sect leader what is the reason for the sudden call for the sect meeting" The first elder asked.

"First elder, considering out position in this sect who is supposed to speak first" The sect leader asked without looking at the first elder, the first elder realized that the sect leader was not going to be the same sect leader they had known for some time now, he quickly bowed and said "Forgive my lack of manners sect leader". He sat down with embarrassment and awkwardness written boldly on his face but he was not the only one who was feeling that way, everyone who were present in the hall could also feel the awkwardness that the first elder felt.

"I would like to announce that I will pass on the right to manage the sect affairs to my wife while I go into seclusion after two days" the sect leader said after clearing his throat, his wife had never expected him to make such an announcement stared at him looking puzzled but she decided to act like she had already known about his decision beforehand. Murmurs filled the room as the disciple discussed their own opinions amidst themselves, Shiyun turned to where the elders were sitting, she realized that the second elder was about to say something but their eyes met, he decided to swallow his words after seeing the look that she had given him. Satisfied with his reaction, the she asked the elders if they had any objection but they all nodded in agreement with the decision the sect leader had made, they were just hoping that she wouldn't bring up her daughter's punishment.

"since there is no one with an objection, two days from now my will assume the position of the acting sect leader" The sect leader said. The disciples were okay with the sect leader decision but they just hoped that Huo Ying would come back in thus two days or nobody knows how the days under her rule will be. She gave the first and second elders an evil smile with her eyes tilted to the side and said "First elder I heard that you suggested that Huo Ying should serve her punishment in the beast cave", the first elder who had been praying for her not to bring up the topic was caught unawares by her question, "replying, Huo Ying committed a crime that is considered very serious, I couldn't think of any other punishment suitable for her so I suggested that she should serve her punishment in the beast dungeon but she was escorted by the guardians, Bingchen and ten elite disciples" the first elder replied, he waited to see her reaction but everyone was surprised when she laughed hysterically except the sect leader. They knew that the moment for her to display her fury has arrived.

"If Huo Ying doesn't come back within two days then you had better pray that Huo Bingchen doesn't come back as well cause I will personally send him off with her" She said with a devilish look on her face, the first elder quickly replied "madam, I don't think it is appropriate, Huo Bingchen has nothing to do with this, if Huo Ying has done something wrong as the future sect leader she should be ready to bear the consequence".

"If he comes back without Huo ying then his sin will ne that he failed to ensure the young mistress comes back, although he was not made a guardian, he can also be considered as a guardian so you had better pray that she comes back alive or else I will send him off to continue his duty in the netherworld" She said resolutely. Everyone knew that she was serious about killing Huo Bingchen, even if the sect leader tries to stop her, he will have to imprison her or kill her, other than that there is no other way to stop her from doing whatever she says she will do.

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