Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 294 - Damned Dream! 2

"This damned dream...nightmare again," she could feel her body weak and devoid of strength, she concluded that she won't be able to sleep peacefully without company so she decided to go to Han Chen.

She sneakily entered his room then she walked slowly to his large bed, she smiled looking at his large figure under the red duvet in his red robe.

She climbed into the bed then spooned him from behind, she snuggled on his back and inhaled his cologne then she exhaled as his manly scent soothed her mind.

She closed her eyes to sleep when he suddenly turned around and wrapped his hand around her back then pressed his lips on her forehead.

"You weren't asleep?"

"I was thinking about you so I couldn't sleep, what of you?" He questioned as he tucked the strands of hair on her face behind her ear.

His hand stroked her face warmly.

"I had a nightmare so I couldn't go back to sleep," she answered with her lips pouted, he smiled then cupped her face.

"I will ask you what it was about in the morning, for now, you can sleep in my arms," his sweet tone tickled her that she couldn't help smiling.

He drew her closer to his body then he placed his head above hers in a cuddle and just like that, she fell asleep.

- - - - - - - 

Something told him he is supposed to be awake but surprisingly, he couldn't bring himself to open his lids, in fact, he felt extremely satisfied with last night's sleep, something he has never been able to get for a long time...a comfortable and long-lasting sleep.

He has never had a need for alarms since the ray of light squeezing its way through the small space of the curtains always wake him up without fail.

He smiled subconsciously remembering the body in his embrace from last night, the feeling he felt when he wrapped his hands around her back and pulled her closer to his body and the sweet scent of her hair, he wanted to go to her bedroom last night but he controlled himself in fear, that it might create boundaries between them but he didn't think she has no little to no boundary for him.

When he heard the light tiptoes in the room, his alertness level rose but he quickly let his guard down knowing from the sound of the tiptoes that it certainly belongs to the woman he loves and wanted to embrace so badly, he let her climb on to his bed and even spoon him.

"My handsome sleeping beauty..." her light breath brushed against the tip of his nose, just like a feather tickling him, now he didn't need any alarm but her soft whisper to wake him up, he smiled broadly.

Judging from the closeness of her breath, he determined her position then pulled her hand, making her fall on his chest, he opened his lids.

"Sleeping the role reversed?" 

"Who says the sleeping beauty has to be the female?" she responded with the softness he used in asking her.

He leaned closer to sniff her body.

"Were you cooking?" he questioned, identifying the smell on her body to be curry.

"Hmm... let's brush so we can have your breakfast together," she stood up from his body then pulled his arm to pull him up, he groggily stood up from the bed and followed behind her but he had this idiotic smile on his lips as he stared at the side of her face by her sidelocks.

{You are so damn beautiful...}

He remarked inwardly.

After they finished brushing, they went into the dining room where she had already served the foods, he opened the lids to see the simple breakfast of curry tofu scramble and toast bread with a cup of tea each.

"I didn't know you knew how to cook, you used to say if we ever get married I will be the one to do the cooking," 

"I still don't like cooking but I made this from a recipe online, you see I am a fast learner," she smiled then started taking bites off the toast, he let her finish her food before he starts asking the questions on his mind.

"...your nightmare, what was it about?" he questioned just as she took the last bite, he liked that she wanted to find comfort in his arms but he didn't like that she has nightmares that make her unable to sleep.

She took a sip of her tea then placed the cup gently on the table before turning to him with a troubled look on her face, she didn't know if he would believe her if she tells him how she has been struggling with a nightmare that seems like someone's life and what the psychologist said.

"My nightmares are not exactly nightmares...they are like, a documentary of someone's life in another world," 

"What do you mean?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Actually, there is a girl who looks like the teenage me but she has a strange appearance....crimson hair and eyeballs but the weirdest thing is that she has the ability to conjure fire, I have been having these dreams for a long time now and at first I thought it is because of my imaginations but every time she is angry, sad, confused, despaired and desperate...I always feel it, I once visited a psychologist but he said I...nevermind, he made a stupid hypothesis," she picked the cup to sip the tea again thinking he might discard the issue but little did she know how troubled he is hearing that she has such a problem.

"What did he say?" he probed, she placed the cup on the table and turned to him with a somewhat surprised look that reads 'aren't you supposed to let it go'.

{If it was Chen Kai he will definitely not mind it, that is the difference between them}

"What are you staring at? answer me," 

"Oh, he said something about a parallel world and another me existing in another world, he also said that he was involved in a research that involves proving the existence of another world, isn't that funny," she sipped the tea again with a scoff but he furrowed his brows with his eyes fixed on her, he held her hand with a worried look.

"Yu Yan, I don't think you should discard his words, from what you just said now, it seems like this is a serious problem,"

"Hey, do you actually believe that nonsense, how can there be another world?"

"I am not saying I believe it, I am just saying you shouldn't eliminate that possibility, I will make sure I get the best psychologists around the world, to help you with this," he held her hand tighter, she felt the need to laugh at him at that moment, the way he exaggerates the issue makes it funnier than it actually is.

"I am really alright, moreover, it is just a once in a while thing," she patted his hands reassuringly.


"It is really alright, even if it is that serious, I was able to sleep well yesterday thanks to you so I don't need any psychologist," 

Seeing that he still looks at her with worry in his eyes, she stroked his face with a reassuring smile on her face to cheer him up, he touched her hands on his face then sighed.

"Since we don't have work today, let's just have a home date," she suggested with a tone of excitement, he chuckled seeing how excited she looks for a home date.

"Why not go out?"

"I don't really feel like going out,"

- - - - -

An Ke had just finished assisting a major surgery when she went into the bathroom to scrub, she changed back into her white coat then she released her hair and brushed it with her hands, she retouched her make up then she exited the changing room but just as she left she met the one person she has been missing lately.

"Li Wei!" she called almost in an exclamation, she quickly covered her mouth when she realised the mistake she made.

"Miss An Ke," the other called with a charming smile on his lips but more like a teasing smile, she removed her hands from over her mouth then she tucked her hair behind her hair shyly then walked over to him with a faint smile.

"I didn't think I will meet you here," she remarked, indirectly asking what he is here for.

"I just finished a minor surgery, I guess you also just finished a surgery,"

"Yeah, I assisted my team leader but it went well, I must say, it has been long since we met like this," she went on.

"After our first meeting at the café we have met at least five times, why do you make it sound like we have never met since then," he said straightforwardly, she almost cussed him out in her mind, every time they meet, he always puts her in an awkward position but she still can't help her fluttering heart.

She grinned awkwardly while averting his gaze.

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