Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 295 - Unrequited Love! 1

"Why don't we grab coffee?" He suggested, her eyes lit up at the suggestion, she immediately nodded her head in agreement.

They walked together to the cafe on the top floor of the building instead of the last floor but she kept walking behind him to admire his back view even though he kept trying to match her footsteps but she is ignorant of it.

They ordered a cup of latte macchiato each then they sat at the exact same seat they sat on their first meeting, she sipped the drink gently while looking out of the glass wall out of awkwardness but he kept his eyes fixed on her with a curled up smile on his lips.

Something about her keeps attracting him to her, there are very few people he has tagged as interesting in this world but from the moment his eyes landed on her, he could only mutter one word 'interesting...'

The awkwardness and his fixed eyes on her kept pressuring her, she was expecting him to look away from her or try to ease the situation but he just keeps making the atmosphere around them worse.

She cleared her throat.

"I was expecting you to clear the air but you keep staring at me, do you enjoy making people awkward?" She questioned in a sarcastic yet serious tone while her finger circled the edges of the cup.

He stared at her for a while more before chuckling aloud, making her raise her brow as to what must have been so funny.

"D-Do you think I am making a joke?" she queried with an offended smile on her lips but he can't seem to take her seriously.

{This is why I don't want to fall in love with a bad boy}

"Miss An Ke, I have seen you many times in the hospital but I always watch you from afar and because of this, I have noticed the difference when you are with other people and when you are with me..."

"Huh...w-what do you mean?" her lashes fluttered.

He leaned towards the table to bring their faces closer.

"You are always the player when you are with others, I have seen patients and doctors flirt with you and your reaction is always do I say this, always quite a spectacle to watch but whenever you are with me, you look flustered...nervous..."


She could feel her cheeks getting hot and her lashes fluttering uncontrollably but he kept leaning closer...almost too close since she is seating just beside him, not opposite him.

"...excited---just like now---" his lips curled up into a smirk, her eyes widened at that smirk of his, his bad-boy attitude just makes things worse, normally, she is the one dating and dumping the guys and also having one night stands with whoever she desires but ever since she met him, every other guy she hooks up with always has his face plastered on theirs so she has not been able to return to her normal heartbreaker self.

She sprung up from the chair abruptly, causing her drink to spill, her chest moved up and down as she could hear the thumping sound of her heart.

"Excuse me, I have something urgent to do," she rushed out of the cafe with her hands on both sides of her cheek while he watched her scurry out.

"You little cutie cat..." he remarked then he stood up from his seat and followed after her, leaving his drink in the cafe, just as she entered the elevator and was about to press the button, he entered after her.

She was still startled when he held her hand and pulled her out of the elevator to the rooftop of the building.

"What are we doing here?" she questioned as soon as they got there but he pinned her body against the wall with his hand above her head.

{Oh no...}

If she had a stethoscope, her ears will certainly not be able to withstand the thumping sound of her heartbeat.

"How does it feel?"


"I heard from some of the surgeons you, I don't think I should call it dating since the longest was three days, they said you like this position,"

{I am the queen of heartbreaking, I can't let him win this,}

She forced a smile on her lips.

"So---are you taking revenge for them?"

"Why should I, I was just wondering how long I will last if I were to seduce you but I really don't understand, you are indeed beautiful but not stunning and your body..." he eyes scanned her body but she quickly covered her chest.


"You have a great body but not stunning either so how exactly do you manage to toy with their heart..."

In a swift movement, she pulled his hand from above her head then spun his body around and ended up pinning him to the wall with her hand above his head.

"Like this," she responded with a smirk.

She is indeed not the most stunning amongst her friends but she has long discovered the secret to toying with men's heart since she was in high school, for her, men are creatures who always go after the one woman they cannot get so the more you play hard to get and also continually taunt them, the more they want you.


She noticed his lips turn up but before she could deduce his intention, he wrapped his hand around her waist then pushed her to the wall gently with his hands on her waist pulling her body to his.

"I understand now so why don't you tell me, how long do you think I will last,"

"You don't stand a chance," she lied through her teeth.

{I really don't know}

She answered in her mind.

"I don't think so, the way you shouted my name seemed like you missed me for a long time, your lashes always flutter and your voice quavers whenever you see me..." he leaned his head towards her chest but she pushed his head away.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"I am sure your heart is probably racing right now, it is quite interesting...seeing a lady who enjoys toying with men's heart fall for a guy who is exactly the same as her," he teased, he wants to see her flustered to the point where she is unable to hide it.

At first, he wanted to toy with her heart as his trophy since she is the most interesting girl he has ever met but later on, he realized he is also getting attracted to her, just that she is too busy trying to hide her emotions to notice his flaws when he is with her.

"Says who? I am afraid you have the wrong idea," she quickly retorted, trying to hide all the signs he just mentioned.

"Really," he stared into her eyes for a moment then he slowly lowered his gaze to her lips before staring into her eyes again, she quivered at the thought of what she is about to do, the pride she has earned over the years of toying with their heart all these years wants her to avoid his kiss but she found her body frozen.

Until their nose brushed against each other and the gaps between their lips almost closing as she shut her eyes.

She waited...for his lips to clash against hers but it didn't.

{Did he perhaps...?}

She opened her eyes to find him smirking with a mocking gaze.

"I guess I am right after all,"

He moved away from her then he dipped his hands in his pocket and straightened his poise, he smiled one last time before walking away, leaving her dumbfounded but he stopped at the door.

"I will meet you at Sunset by 7'o clock tonight," he said then he exited the rooftop, leaving her to think about what he just said.

"Sunset...oh, the restaurant, is he asking me out on a date?" she asked rhetorically, she bit her lips and turned to face the wall, she hit the wall in excitement then giggled uncontrollably, not knowing he is still at the door, listening to her screams of excitement.

She returned to the office with a look of excitement on her face, everyone who passed by her could feel that girly and lost in love aura around her, most were astounded as they know how much of a player she is herself.

"An Ke, are you alright?" a male colleague couldn't help asking as she passed by him.

"Huh...Yeah, I am alright," she answered with a flustered expression and her hand itching her nape.

"Are you available for dinner tonight, I have been asking you out for a date for two months now, are you still busy?" the colleague asked, hoping she won't give him an excuse just like she has for a long time now.

"I forgot about that, I already have an appointment tonight," she responded then smiled broadly before walking away when in fact she doesn't even remember him asking her out on a date, she only recognises him as someone she has seen around the hospital.

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