Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 33 - The Dream 2

She kept shaking her head profusely, her pillow was now wet with sweats and her hair slicked down her face as she kept moving in her sleep, she was having another dream but this time it was more disturbing.

They are all dressed in historical attires…. she just kept running and running but it seemed like there was no end to the path she was running on, they kept on shouting and calling her a monster but all se did was just continued running without stopping.​​

They were about twenty people pursuing her and each of them were holding a sword in their hand, except one person who was wearing a mask with a bow in his hands... her breathing started becoming unstable but she couldn't stop but now she had nowhere else to run to….

She was already standing at the edge of a cliff, she looked down the cliff and realized that there was no way of escape for her anymore, the people who were pursuing her had already caught up with her….

"what do you people want from me" She asked, she tried to stabilize her breath as they came closer to her, "you are a demon" the man with a mask said to her, she shakes her head in an attempt to deny that she is a demon.

"I am not a demon, I am not a demon" she said as she moved closer to the edge of the cliff, the masked man raised his bow and aimed at her, her released the bow and the arrow hit her in the chest then she fell....

She sprung up from her bed as she wiped the sweat on her face

"What sort of dreams am I having these days"

She lied back on the bed but she couldn't fall asleep so she went into the bathroom and showered again, after bathing she stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she suddenly saw another person reflection in the mirror not herself. She wiped the mirror thinking that she was hallucinating but the image in the mirror remained the same. The image in the mirror is hers but she looked like her sixteen-year-old self and the color of her eyes and hair is changed into a red colour, she ran out of the bathroom and lied back on her bed.

"I need to see a psychologist tomorrow" she said and closed her eyes, after some minutes she finally fell asleep again.





She was still half asleep when the alarm rang, she stretched her hands to the table where the alarm clock is standing and she switched it off, she stood up from her bed and yawned.

"This damned alarm, I must have forgotten to switch it off yesterday" she said and stretched. She checked the time in the clock and realized that it was already seven am, she stood up from her bed and left the room. Upon arriving at the dining, she met her mother who was already arranging breakfast on the dining table and her father seating on the dining, they both smiled as they saw her coming out of her room.

"why are you awake so early, I thought you weren't going to work today" her mother said and sat down on the dining table.

"good morning, I forgot to turn off my alarm so I just decided to stand up since I am already awake" she replied, she also sat down close to her father, her mother served her own breakfast of soybean and fried dough stick, her father ate quickly and then left in an hurry leaving only the two of them on the dining table. Her mother noticed that her face was not looking good so she kept staring at her, Yu Yan noticed that her mother wasn't eating so she asked her why she wasn't eating, her mother hesitated then she replied, "why do you look stressed, didn't you get enough sleep or is something bothering you" her mother asked, she could see that her mother was really worried, normally during breakfast they always had lots of things to talk about and that was because of Yu Yan but today she was just eating her food silently and wearing an expression that showed that she didn't feel well that morning.

"nothing is wrong mum don't worry, I am just feeling a little bit tired" Yu Yan said, she was hoping that her mum would just leave it at that but she knew the type o person her mum was if she wasn't sure about something she would make sure that she gets to the bottom of it but she didn't want to tell her other what was bothering her.

"Yan Yan, are you sure that is all, you have always been tired but still your face never shows that you are, moreover you didn't go to work yesterday so what did you do to tire out yourself" her mother said, her face showed doubts and the expression she gave Yu Yan showed that she didn't like the fact that Yu Yan was hiding something from her.

"I just knew that you would still try to find out the truth, actually there is something bothering me but I don't know how to explain it because you might not be able to believe what I tell you" She said, the way she spoke made her mother think that what was troubling her was really serious, her mother who had already finished eating pushed her plates aside and faced Yu Yan with a serious expression.

"whatever it is you can tell me; I promise to believe whatever you say"

" mum, I have been having some strange dreams recently and they are really disturbing, at first I thought it was just another hilarious dream I normally have, but as you know, I have never seen the same thing in my dream more than once but this time I saw it three times" Yu Yan said.

"what was the dream about, some dreams might just be disturbing but they don't mean anything" her mother said.

"mum, in the dream I saw a young girl but she looked like my sixteen year old self but she had red eyes and red hair, in one of the dreams she was chained and there was a glass separating us but the dream I had last, some people were chasing her and when she got to the edge of a cliff a masked man shot her with an arrow and she fell. In all the dreams they were wearing historical clothes" She said, she waited so watch the reaction of her mother but her mother expression showed that she really believed what she was saying.

"that doesn't seem like something I wouldn't believe, just wait and see if you would have the same dream then we can find something to do about it" her mother said.

"that is not even the highlight of the story, the main thing is that when I woke up this morning from my dream, I looked into the mirror and instead of seeing the reflection of myself, I saw the girl I always see in my dream so I decided to see a psychologist today" Yu Yan said.

"then that seems serious, let me go with you to see the psychologist" her mother said, she stood up to pack the plate but Yu Yan stopped her and said "mum I will go by myself after doing the dishes, just rest at home", she packed the plated herself and took them into the kitchen to wash.

Her mother retired from being a surgeon early because of an accident where she hurt her hand, she was examined and the doctor told her that she could use her hands but she couldn't perform surgeries anymore because of future complications that may occur, since then he mother became an housewife since she didn't have interest in anything other than being a surgeon.

After doing the dishes, Yu Yan took her bath and dressed in her causal clothing of a white shirt and a pair of jeans. She went into the parking lot and entered her car, after starting on the engine she drove out of the parking lot. On the way to the hospital, she received a call, she plugged in her Ear Pods into her ear and continued driving.

"hello who is this" Yu Yan said

"Didn't you check who it was before you picked the phone, this is Jia Yu" Jia Yu said, her tone sounded like a nagging grandmother, Yu Yan nodded her head and then said "you never change this your habit of nagging over the phone do you?, why did you call".

"I just wanted to greet you…. Wait…are you driving, I thought you didn't have to go to work today"

"I just wanted to go out for a drive today"

"I would like to come with you but my brother Is leaving today so I have to wait until he leaves, I need to treasure the last hour with, I don't even know when next I will see him maybe in the next two years" Jia Yu complained, although Jia Yu had never mentioned Han Chen to Yu Yan, she could feel that Jia Yu really like Han Chen and they seemed like real siblings even though they are cousins, "I am still annoyed that you didn't bother to tell me about Han Chen despite the years we have been together, hmmmn I feel so betrayed" Yu Yan said, she parked the car in the parking lot of the hospital but she remained in the car.

"I didn't mean to do that, it was just that when we were still in high school, I was afraid that you would become another crazy fan of my brother and I didn't want to share you with him so I decided to be selfish but after we graduated I rarely ever see him so I just forgot about him for a while"

"Alright, since you were so desperate to keep me for yourself I will forgive you, I have to go now I will call you later" Yu Yan said, she ended the call even before Yu Yan could reply, she didn't want her to ask where she was. She locked the car and entered into the hospital; they also had a psychology department in the hospital she worked but she didn't want anyone to know that she was visiting a psychologist so she decided to go to a place where no one knew her.


She entered into the hospital and went straight to the receptionist who welcomed her with a smile, "I need to see a psychologist, where do I go to" Yu Yan asked, she waited for the receptionist to direct her but she asked her a question instead.

"do you have a particular psychologist you have been visiting before" the receptionist asked while smiling.

"I have never been to this hospital, this is my first time so I haven't received any psychology treatment before", the receptionist looked into the computer in front of her and then typed some things into the computer while Yu Yan just stood in front of the receptionist as she was unaware of hat she was inputting into the computer. They receptionist looked at her again and smiled as she said

"when you go left, you will see an elevator, in front of the elevator there is a sign with the floor number of all the department, just take the elevator to the psychology department" the receptionist pointed her hand at the left side of the reception to show Yu Yan the way to the elevator, Yu Yan smiled at her after thanking her and left the reception. The two reception who are standing at the reception watched her until he was out of sight.

"she is very beautiful and the shape of her body is just perfect" one of the receptionists said.

"I agree, she is the first person I have ever seen who is as beautiful as that without wearing too much makeup or dressing extravagantly" the other receptionist added, the other one sighed and said "I wish I had a face and body like hers, to have that face I wonder how much makeup I have to apply and her makeup is so simple she didn't even draw her eyebrow".

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