Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 34 - The Dream 3

She entered the elevator and then entered into the psychology department, she looked around and then found a reception in the psychology department. She walked up to the receptionist and asked "excuse me, I would like to book an appointment with a psychologist", the male receptionist just kept staring at her face without answering her question she wondered why he was looking at her that way but she couldn't figure it out.

"Excuse me, excuse me" she said gently while knocking the reception desk, finally she succeeded in waking him up at her third attempt. He realized that she was talking to him but he wasn't paying attention so he couldn't remember what she said.

"oh sorry, I was just absentminded for a while, what did you say just now" he asked.

"I was asking if I could book an appointment today with a psychologist" She replied, she always hated when people are absent minded at work especially in an hospital where the situation could concern something that needed to be taken care of urgent but she didn't want to scold him since they weren't working in the same hospital.

"do you have any one you want to book an appointment with" he said while smiling at her, she was wondering why they were all smiling at her but she decided to take it as their work ethic.

"no, I just need to see any psychologist as long as he or she is professional" she said with a serious expression on her face.

"all the psychologists are booked for the whole day, except one but he is attending to a patient right now if you can wait for thirty minutes in the waiting room then you can see him next" he said.

She looked at her wrist watch which read nine thirty am, she nodded her head and confirmed that she would wait for thirty minutes, she left the reception desk and entered into the waiting room as directed by the reception. There were only about fifteen people present in the waiting room, she was surprised at the number of people she saw in the reception room. Even though the psychology department is a department that patients rarely visit, in Beijing hospital it is different, every single day the number of patients in every department has always exceeded thirty including the psychology department, in her mind she wished that they can just have this amount of patients for one day in the hospital she is working at.

She sat down and brought out her phone from her bag, the first person she thought of is Chen Kai, she scrolled through her messages hoping that he would have replied to the message she sent him last night and her wishes came to pass, she saw that he had already replied to her message on WeChat and he was still online. An ecstatic smile quickly formed on her lips, she was just overjoyed that he had replied her so quickly and he was still online.

"I am fine and you" she read aloud, after reading his message, she texted him to tell him that she is also doing well, she waited for his reply as she stared at her phone continuously. After five minutes she saw his reply, she was so happy that she shouted,


Everyone in the waiting room including the receptionists turned back to look at who had just shouted, she noticed that everyone were staring at her so she just gave them an awkward smile and apologised for shouting, after they turned their eyes away from her, she continued with her phone. In the text he told her that she was doing well and asked her what she had been doing.

"I didn't go to work for to days now so I just went to Jia Yu's party and we went to the karate club and we went out afterwards" she texted back.

"I must have missed a lot, I even thought you were missing me I guess I was wrong since you are enjoying yourself without me" he replied back.

She smiled at his message and then she decided to send him some of the pictures they took yesterday and she replied him saying that she really misses him, after a while he replied with a heart emoji.

Yu Yan started thinking about what her mother told her yesterday about coming clean to his parent about their relationship, she was trying to decide if she should tell him about or not, she decided that her mother was right, their relationship will never progress if his parents don't accept her, she picked up her phone to text him.

"I am thinking that we should tell...." She was about to complete her text when she heard her name being called, the receptionist told her that it was no her turn to see the psychologist, as she hung her fancy shoulder bag on her shoulder, she mistakenly clicked on the send symbol but she was unaware of it.

She knocked on the door and when she heard a voice telling her to enter, she pulled the doorknob and entered into the office. Without bothering to look at who had just entered the psychologist gestured with his hands pointed at the seat in front of him telling her to sit down. She sat on the seat and waited for him to stop looking at his computer and give her the attention she deserved.

"you are miss Huo Yu Yan?" he asked and raised his head to look at her, "I am the one," She said, she was finally relieved that he was finally looking at her, he was surprised t the beauty of the lady sitting in front of him that he didn't say anything for a moment while he stared at her. She wondered if those working in the hospital had a habit of being absentminded at work or if she had something on her face, she watched as a smile slowly formed on his lips then she was now convinced that it must be their work habit now that he is smiling at her just like the other people she met in the hospital did.

"SIR!!!" Yu Yan called the doctor; he came back to his senses and then cleared his throat before answering her.

"I have checked the system but I can't find any record of your treatment in this hospital," He quickly said to start the conversation without making the mood awkward.

"I don't have any prior psychology treatment before; this is my first time" Yu Yan replied

"ok I understand, you can now tell me what the problem is"

"I have been having strange dreams lately and hallucination, recently my dreams have been about a girl who I think is my sixteen-year-old self but she has red eyes and red hair and the people I see in my dream are all dressed in historical clothing, when I looked at the mirror the morning the person I saw was the girl in my dreams and I have been feeling uneasy and disturbed whenever I have those dreams," She said.

"how long has this been going on for," he asked

"it has been on for about two to three weeks now and the most disturbing thing about the dreams is that whenever I dream about the girl, I feel like I am sharing her emotions," Yu Yan said

"what type of emotions," the doctor asked, he was becoming more interested in her case, he hardly ever has patients who have problems because of their dreams and this time her problem seemed hard to decipher.

"I feel sad, afraid and sometimes happy but I only feel happy when we talk in the dream" she replied

"and what do you talk about"

"When I asked her questions, she didn't answer me, she didn't tell me anything, the only thing she has ever told me is that I have to help her, she was panicking and screaming as if someone was going to attack her but I didn't see who it is, and there was a wall-like glass separating us," Yu Yan said, the way she spoke showed that she was confused and unsure of many things.

"and do you believe the girl in your dream is your younger self, think about it very well," he asked

"I don't want to believe but I think we are the same person for a reason I don't know, when I saw her falling down a cliff after she was being chased by some people who kept calling her a demon…or should I say me, I felt like I was really falling" Yu Yan replied with her brows pulled together and her long eyelashes constantly blinking.

"your case is something I have not experienced before but from what you said I have two theories about the dreams and the hallucination you had the first one is that those dreams represent a part of your self that you do not want to admit or that person you saw in your dreams really exists," the doctor said

"I don't think the first theory can be applied to my case because I am very sure that I do not have a part of me that I want to remain hidden, as for the second theory I think it quite fits but it doesn't seem like something I can believe, if she really exists then that means she either exists in this world or there are two worlds," Yu Yan said, what he had just said is something that no one will want to believe and she just couldn't bring herself to accept his theory about her dreams.

"you said there is a wall made of glass that is separating the both of you, that should mean that the boundaries between both worlds are what the glass wall stand for and the fact that it is made of glass means that the barrier between both worlds can be removed," he said

"Are you saying that there are two worlds and the girl in my dreams exists in the other world," she said and scoffed, he wasn't surprised at her reaction since that is something no one would want to believe except someone who has the same profession as him.

"it is my job to believe that there are two worlds from the dreams you just told me about, you said the person you saw in your dream told you to save her and you can feel her emotions, this could mean that she is suffering and you are her only hope to be freed of her suffering" the psychology explained with a quizzical look on her face, he was trying to observe her face to see if she truly believes what he is saying, he doesn't believe what he was saying himself but he just wanted to test her just so he can know what her perspective of the dreams is.

"although I don't want to believe what you are saying but I believe you because your theories seem like the only thing that fits with my dream"

"but of course, I can't just rush into conclusion without further research," he said and smiled.

She also smiled at him since she was satisfied with his consultation, he told her to leave her number with the receptionist in order to contact her for another consultation after he had made his full research, she thanked him and left the office.

"interesting," he remarked as she shut the door.

She left her number with the receptionist at the psychology department and then left the hospital. She went into the parking lot and then entered her car, after giving a little thought to what the psychologist had said she drove out of the parking lot.

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