Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 355 - He Is Not My Enemy!

"I am already full," Huo Lan complained.

It has been a week since she woke up and fully recovered yet everyone keeps treating her like a sick and fragile person, she is not even allowed to feed herself yet she is being stuffed with the same food everyday.

"You have to eat more so you don't fall sick again," Huo Ying persuaded

"You promised you were going to feed me lots of delicious food yet you keep feeding me congee and chicken soup all day," she pouted her lips and turned her cheeks the other way, refusing to take another spoon of congee.

Huo Ying sighed then placed the bowl on her bedside.

"I will let you eat what you want after today as long as you finish the entire bowl,"

She glanced at the content of the bowl but seeing that she hasn't even eaten half the bowl yet, she nodded her head in refusal.

"I don't want to," she sulked.

"Alright," she gave in at last, she indeed acknowledges that she has done nothing but stuff her with congee and soups despite her spending so many years in suffering.

She smiled once again since she has giving up, she found the chance to bring up the issue she always wanted to speak about for a while, she held Huo Ying hands in hers.

"Huo Ying," she called.

She could tell she wants to say something important.

"I want to see Bohai," she said.

Huo Ying immediately drew out her hands from her sister's hand at the mention of Bohai, she even almost forgot to tell Huo Lan what happened that day. Huo Lan furrowed her brows in confusion at her sister's reaction.

"Huo Lan, listen to me, from now on you must never meet Bohai again," she said in a commanding and resolute tone, one Huo Lan has never heard before.

She couldn't understand what caused the sudden change since Huo Ying wasn't like this when she first told her about Bohai and she even trusted Bohai to tell her about the competition. She held her hand again and smiled.

"What are you saying all of a sudden, you know I like Bohai?" she was scared.

Huo Ying removed her hands and placed them on her hand instead.

"Bohai cannot be trusted, during the heroes contest he could have saved you but he sat back instead. Huo Lan you really have to listen to me this time," she is desperate to make Huo Lan obey her cos she knows she would also be torn if someone told her to never see Huo Qiang but she must do this so Huo Lan doesn't end up getting hurt one day.

"I am sure he didn't mean to, you also couldn't do anything that day," 

"This is different, he clearly saw that Huo Yi Lang was about to sneak attack you and he could have saved you before the fourth prince," she doesn't know how to describe to Huo Lan what she saw on that day, the moment of betrayal she was thankful Huo Lan never saw.


"Huo Lan..."

"Huo Ying, I know you think I don't know anything and I agree with you but I really love Bohai. I don't know why the fourth prince saved me but if Bohai could, he would have done the same,"

"Huo Lan!"

They both turned to the entrance at the sound of the shaky voice but they were shocked to see their mother pushed the door open.

She stood there with an electrifying and angry look in her eyes.

"What did you just say?" she was going to check on her but she stood outside when she heard Huo Lan raise her voice, the moment she heard Huo Lan say she loves Bohai, she lost it.

"Mother..." Huo Ying muttered in fear, she quickly dropped to her knees, understanding the gravity of her mother finding out about Huo Lan's feelings for Bohai.

She nudged Huo Lan to do the same but the innocent girl couldn't understand why her mother looks so angry and why Huo Ying is kneeling, she doesn't even understand why Huo Ying is suddenly against Bohai.

"Repeat what you said!" she yelled, pressing her lips together with her nose flared. Her body shook in fear, seeing her mother like that for the first time.

Huo Ying quickly cupped her palm and fist then lowered her head.

"Huo Lan is still immature please don't take her seriously," Huo Ying pleaded on behalf of her sister, putting herself in her mother's shoes she can understand why her mother is so angry.

She lost many of her close ones all because of a set-up that was orchestrated by the wind sect even if many others contributed to it, he and the emperor plotted together to hold her daughter hostage.

Even her father who was one of the elders back then died in the hands of Li Yuanlang under the pretext of the battle of the overnight.

"Why can't I love him, Huo Ying, I told you he said he loves me and he even took the risk to bring me out of the sect and you even trusted him to tell me about the test," her eyes kept darting around in disarray, Huo Ying's change of attitude is even more baffling to her.

They don't even understand how excited she was to tell them about her relationship with Bohai yet they are crushing it.

"Shut your mouth!" her mother roared, her nails dug into her fist but she soon felt a relapse of an old injury in her chest so she clutched it tight.

"Mother, are you alright?" Huo Lan asked seeing her mother wince in pain.

"I spent so many years agonising over the loss of my loved ones and my daughter who has been taken away from me, everyone who belongs to the flame sect lost someone important in the battle of overnight so tell me, how are you going to explain to them that are you in love with their enemy?!" 

This was exactly what Huo Ying was worried about, no one will ever support Huo Lan in this and if not for the love she has for Huo Lan, she wouldn't have let her continue with this fantasy when she told her about it.

"You knew about this and you didn't tell me," she accused with her eyes fixed on Huo Ying.

"I thought he could be trusted so I let him tell her about the test, I admit my mistake," she apologised immediately, if she didn't see what Bohai did during the contest then she might have spoken on Huo Lan's behalf.

She exhaled deeply, closing her eyes then she opened them again.

"I will only tell you this once, from this moment onwards, you will forget whatever you had between each other. He is now your enemy," 

"No, Bohai is not my enemy," she retorted in defiance, those few moments she spent with him are already etched in her heart and she will never be able to see him as her enemy, not even in a hundred years.

"Huo Lan..." Huo Ying cautioned.

"Since you refuse to do as I say then I will remind you of what the wind sect cost this sect," 

"Who is there?"

Two female disciples entered the room immediately.

"Lock Huo Lan in the memorial hall, she should stay there and reflect on her actions in front of the ones who died in the hands of the wind sect," she ordered with her resolution resounding in her voice.

They couldn't believe their ears.

She has been confined for so many years yet she plans to subject her to confinement again.

"Mother, please forgive her," Huo Ying pleaded while Huo Lan stared at her mother in bewilderment, she still hasn't recovered from the fear of being confined yet she is going to put her back in the same position.

"If she refuses to do as I say then she should reflect on herself properly," she stormed out of the room, the two disciples were hesitant but they had to follow her orders, Huo Lan got dressed in thin clothing as proposed by her mother, the memorial hall is the coldest place in the flame sect so freezing is another punishment added.

The news of Huo Lan being locked up in the memorial hall soon travelled around the sect but no one knows the reason why the sect madam would order such a thing to be done to her daughter whom she hasn't seen for so many years.

Huo Ying knelt in front of her mother's chambers in hopes that she will change her mind, she already knows her mother is probably agonizing in her heart since she did such a harsh thing to her own daughter.

"Huo Ying," Huo Qiang called as he walked towards her with his sword in his hand, he knelt on one knee beside her.

"What is going on?"

"She found out about Huo Lan and Bohai's relationship," she answered.

"Didn't you say you were going to talk to Huo Lan about it, how did she find out?"

"It is my fault for underestimating her feelings for Bohai, I was just trying to make her believe that he is not to be trusted when mother walked in on us yet she refuses to renounce him," 

"I will kneel with you,"

She shook her head in disagreement, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"She must already be enraged that I am pleading for Huo Lan, if you also join me then it will only worsen the situation,"

He knows persuading her won't change her mind and he can't tell anyone else about this issue so he decided to speak to Huo Lan from outside since he can't enter without the sect madam's permission.

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