Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 356 - I Will Never Lie To You Again!

"An Ke," he called her name even before he got to where she is seated in the café, she picked up her coffee from the table then stood up to leave but he rushed up to her and held her hand to stop her, she tried to push his hand away but to no avail and she doesn't want to embarrass herself in the café so she just sat back.

She looked away from him yet held her cup tightly to stop herself from doing anything dramatic, he noticed how tight she is holding the cup and he could tell just what is running through her mind.

"You can pour it on me if you want," he said.

She turned to him, raising her brow.

"Do you think I won't dare to pour it?"

Instead of answering, he placed his hand on her hand holding the cup. He was going to raise the cup but she removed her hand before he downs it on himself.

"You introduced yourself as Wang Li Wei yet you are surnamed Chen, how stupid of me," she scoffed at her stupidity.

He has thought of everything he is going to say when he finally gets to meet her since she wasn't answering his phone calls or letting him into her house, she even evades him whenever they jam at the hospital but now all the practice has gone to waste the moment he set his eyes on her.

"Wang is my mother's surname,"

"You even had the nerve to speak of marriage, I was going to marry a man who lied to me about his identity even after we started dating," she has been lied to by many men but those weren't serious relationships so she doesn't care but after she found out he lied to her, she felt stupid for the first time.

"I was going to tell you before then,"

"It didn't cross your mind that I would see you at the party being introduced at one of the Chen's, did it?"

He really can't explain himself, even when Han Chen found out that he is the illegitimate son of the Chen's family and he secretly returned to the country, it didn't occur to him that he has yet to tell her about his identity. 

To him, his family name is nothing but a mere burden, one he doesn't plan to shoulder.

"I am not proud of my family name, for me it is more like a stigma and being with you made me forget who I really illegitimate son," he muttered the last words.

Her expression changed quickly, the moment he mentioned he is an illegitimate son.

As someone who has been born and bred in this society, she understands what he means but she still can't help feeling worse because it shows what kind of person he thinks she is.

"Did you think of me as someone who only cares about societal status? you saying that makes it even worse," she said in a shaky voice, unable to withstood her tears from dropping she quickly stood up and scurried out of the Café.

He kept calling her name as he followed behind her even after she left the building and walked into the park outside the building.

Except for the rooftop which is far away, that is the nearest place she can let it out.

She supported herself by resting her hand on the tree bark as she covered her mouth to sob quietly.

Never for once has she cried for any man.

He looked around the park for a while before he found her in a deserted spot so he hurriedly walked towards her.

He stood behind her for a sec then hugged her from behind.

She gasped lightly at his touch but soon pushed him away.

"An Ke, it is not what you think,"

"Why, did you think I would have distanced myself from you because you are an illegitimate son?"

"An Ke-"

"You are right, had I known you were an illegitimate child I would never have stopped so low to date you,"

His heart sank at her words even though he knows she is just saying it out of anger.

Low...the word that rings in his head when he remembers how he used to get treated by Chen Kai and everyone else around him before he left for America.

She didn't think her words were so harsh that he is tearing up.

"Weiwei..." she switched back to caring girlfriend mode in just a sec.

He sniffed his nose to send back the tears and his face looked like he is about to cry.

She moved closer to him, she held his face in her hand as she examined him closely.

"You are not about to cry, are you?"

He shook his head to deny it even though the tears were already dropping.

She wiped the tears of his face then pulled him in for a hug while she patted his back gently.

"I didn't mean what I said, please don't cry or I will cry too,"

"But you are already crying,"

He couldn't believe his tears had the power to soften her heart so easily, he was really tearing up at first but he started faking it when she moved closer to him.

He smiled to himself, if he had known that is all it took to melt her heart then he would have wailed in front of her house on the first day.

She was still patting his back when she suddenly stopped, squinting her eyes.

"You are not pretending, are you?" She pushed him away, realising that she has been fooled.

He tried really hard to get rid of the smile but it was too funny that she fell so easily.

" embarrassing,"

She was just serious about getting angry yet she changed so quickly.

She wanted to leave quickly before he teases her but he pulled her back and hugged her tightly.

"I promise never to lie to you again,"



She reciprocated the hug, only then did she realise just how much she wanted to reconcile with him but her pride wouldn't let her.

{I had better learn to be immune to his tears so he doesn't trick me again}

She reminded herself.


The entire mansion of the Chen's was under fire under the fury of Mr Chen.

He came home after the party in rage with him the determination to kill Chen Kai on sight but everything went awry once he found out he ran away with his cash.

He immediately suspended both his accounts and his mother's account, he even went as far as confining his wife to her the mansion and taking away all her means of communication so she doesn't get the chance to help him.

He clearly knows Han Chen and Xiaomeng who he presumes to be an accomplice must have done this because Chen Kai got on their wrong side and the investment Chen Kai got to solve the crisis was just a farce.

Only after the party did he find out that Li Wei got on the right side of Han Chen and he managed to get him to hand over Chen hospital to him or else the family will be left with nothing except a few business here and there in other companies.

"I spent years trying to build up this company with my sweat and blood but that bastard son of yours ruined everything," he yelled, parading around the room as he threw things to the ground.

He turned to the secretary while his wife cowered in fear of what is to happen to her son.

"I don't care what you do but you must use every means to find him, declare him wanted if possible but I want him found,"

"Yes sir," he answered then left to carry out the order.

She wants to beg on his behalf but she knows better than to say a word at this time or her husband will take out his anger on her.

This is the worst he has ever treated since they got married even after she cheated on him and brought a bastard son into his house yet she couldn't bear another child for him.

His chest heaved up and down in anger, he just needs something to hit, someone to pour out all his feelings of frustration on but he can't bear to do that to his wife.

So he stormed out of the living room instead.

Unlike before where she carries herself high and dresses in flashy clothing and jewellery even when she is at home, she wears a simple black gown all day and doesn't make up anymore, no mother will be able to watch her child suffer.

As soon as he left, she began scrambling the entire house for a means to call Chen Kai so she can confirm he is okay and at least tell him to leave the country before his father finds him, she was still looking around when she heard footsteps in the room.

She turned around only to see Xiaomeng standing behind her.

She stood straight in shame before the girl but she doesn't know how to feel about her, after all she is the one who brought her son to this point.

"godmother," she called with guilt written almost over her face.

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