Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 366 - Are You-you Are...!

"What is it?" she is still holding the pills in her hand.

An Ke took them from her then placed them back in the bottle.

"You two just came back from your honeymoon, what if..." she smiled broadly at the speculation she hopes to be true but Yu Yan scoffed at the realisation of what she is getting at.

"You are thinking too much, the condition in the village was probably a bit cold for me so I came down with a fever," 

"You never can know, what if you are pregnant? You know fever medicine is bad for pregnancy," 

She became flustered at the thought of having a life inside of her, she laughed it off then she stood up from her seat and held An Ke's shoulders.

"Li Chen ordered takeout, we should go before those gluttons finish the food,"

"You are just trying to change the topic," 

But she still hurried with her to the siesta room where they met the others already eating, both quickly took off their white coat then they sat and opened their own portion of the takeout.

"If you didn't come on time, I am afraid Meng Yao would have eaten your portion too," Ji Chen remarked, pointing his chopstick at Meng Yao while the others laughed at her.

"Ji Chen, I find that you have become more daring since you got married," Meng Yao responded.

"If you keep eating so much and you get fat, our future brother-in-law might not want you anymore," Ji Chen teased again, she slammed her chopstick on the table to hit his chest. They didn't notice Yu Yan scrunching her face because of the pungent smell of the meal.

"Don't you guys think the noodle has a strange smell?" she asked, as the smell became worse.

"Of course, it is snail noodles," An Ke answered, they found the question ridiculous since Yu Yan orders the same noodles every time they have takeout.

"I mean-"

Her sentence was cut halfway by the retching, she placed her hand over her mouth. They became alarmed as they dropped their chopstick.

"Are you alright, you look pale," Li Chen asked, she was going to reply but she made the retching sound again so she quickly ran out of the room leaving them bewildered by the strange occurrence, they turned to An Ke who came in with her.

She shrugged her shoulders at their questioning gaze.

"My brother said she has been having mood swings, she looks pale and now she is vomiting. Could she be...?"

"Pregnant!" they chorused with a flabbergasted look on their faces as they glanced at each other.

They were going to go after her when she returned only for them to rush up to her and sit her down.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Yu Yan, you are pregnant," An Ke declared.

"I am going to become an Aunt," she shouted in excitement but Yu Yan stared at them with confusion written on her face, how did they suddenly come to the conclusion that she is pregnant, it could be...

But she has indeed been feeling strange this past few days and she gets triggered by little things, is she really pregnant?

A smile formed on her face as she placed her hands on her belly.

- - - - - - - - -

He was surprised to find her car parked in the garage since she told him she would be working overnight so he hurriedly made his way into the living room ut he didn't see her there, rather the sweet smell of delicious food entered the nose.

He made his way to the dining.

She is seated in a long flower gown with light matte makeup but it looks more elaborate than she normally does it. Even her slightly curled hair is let down on her shoulder.

He stood at the entrance as he tried to remember if there is something he has forgotten about today.

"Why are you still standing there, come in," she stood up then helped him remove his jacket and place his bag on the seat next to him, she pulled out his seat then she went over to her seat.

There are flowers and candles on the dining table with a serving of fillet mignon and red wine, the only odd thing is that she has juice in her glass, not wine.

"Am I forgetting something or...?"

"You are not, just eat up," she smiled as she picked her the knife and fork to dig into the fillet, he hesitantly took a bite of the fillet and nodded his head in appreciation. If he isn't so bothered by the suddenness of the treat after her cranky week then he would have focused on relishing the meal.

"Why are you drinking juice, you love drinking red wine?" he couldn't withhold the urge to ask.

She smiled.

"I can't drink wine in my condition," she answered.

"Condition, are you feeling ill?" he quickly jerked up from his seat to go over to her but she signalled him to return sit back, she then stood up to go to the kitchen and she returned with a medium-sized strawberry cake.

She placed it on the table, cut a portion of the cake and placed it on a saucer.

He really can't understand what is going on, he might understand the extra setting for dinner but what is with the cake? is he really forgetting something?


He glanced at the cake then at her. With the huge portion of the cake in front of him, he might end up being constipated.

"I don't think I can finish this much, instead of watching me eat let's eat it together," he suggested in hopes that she won't refuse but she shook her head in refusal with a wide smile urging him to start digging in. At this point, he is quite convinced that she is still having the mood swing and she is punishing him right now.

He picked up the fork and took a piece of the cake. He found that the cake is indeed delicious.

He continued eating while she kept watching him until his fork seemed to touch something not quite soft like the cake texture.

He used the fork to bring out what looks like a very small card from the cake then he glanced at her but from her expression, he can tell the card is the whole point of the drama. 

He opened the card to read the words.

"You are about to become a father," he read the words aloud.

"What are you-" then it struck him. HE IS ABOUT TO BECOME A FATHER.

His eyes went wide as the smile on her lips broadened.

"Are you-you are...pregnant?" he can't believe it.

She nodded her head in affirmation, he immediately sprung up from his seat to where she is seated. He held her hands to pull her up then he placed his hands on her waist.

"I am really becoming a father?" he asked with exhilaration in his voice.


He screamed in joy as he lifted her up her feet and spun her around while she tapped on his shoulder for fear that his overexcitement might put her unborn child in danger, he gently stopped then helped her stand again.

"How long?"

"One month," she answered.

He placed a fist over his mouth to contain his excitement so he doesn't end up reacting too much in a way that would make her uncomfortable. He started parading the place.

"This won't do, I have to make many preparations. The baby necessities, the one we have is not enough, the name...ah- I have to inform everyone, the hospital-" 

She held his face to face her.

"Everyone knows already and you need to calm down or you might faint," she didn't even react this way even though she was very happy to know about it. She kissed his lips to add the final dose of calming pills.

She urged him into marriage using kids as his motivation and even though she knows he didn't do all that just for the kids, she wasn't expecting the baby to come so soon.

She was just planning to discuss with Jia Yu so they can have babies at the same time but fate has another plan for her. Jia Yu already disclosed the news to her parents while An Ke told Yu Yan's parents about it but they soon got the news across to her brothers, all of this happened in less than thirty minutes.

As soon as she took the test and got a check with an obstetrician, the news travelled around the hospital like wildfire and that is how she was able to come home earlier. She can already imagine just how tomorrow is going to be for her with everyone hearing the news of her pregnancy.

" that you are formally the CEO of Han Corporation, are the media going to be aware of this?" she has already come to understand that she might be under the surveillance of the media as the wife of the CEO of the most influential company and also an independent emerging general surgeon.

He made sure the media doesn't paint her to be just a woman behind the influence of a man.

"Whatever you want, if you don't want it out then no one will get a whiff of it," he answered, his hands are gently holding her waist.

She pondered on it for a while.

"Let's wait a while before you let it out,"

He hummed in response then he continued screaming in happiness.

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