Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 367 - Your Brother!

She sat in a lotus position to keep her mind from being affected by the cold. She has already lost count of the days she has been in here but she didn't believe her mother and sister will let her stay in this dim and cold place for so long.

She has been too lonely without Su Ci that she even finds this place worse compared to the wind sect.

In the absence of Su Ci she kept going into the realm in the necklace to see the one who claims to be her guardian but he broke his promise to never disappear again. She entered the realm again.

"Guardian!" she called as she looked around the place.

"Where are you? you promised to never disappear again," she yelled as she approached the lake where she first found him, she knelt beside the lake with a downcast look in her eyes. She has been looking for him mainly to confirm something.

Since Huo Ying told her the one who saved her is the fourth prince, she has been disturbed by his eyes.

His  eyes have a strong resemblance to the guardian's eyes despite the difference in colour.

"Are you looking for me?"

She was startled that she fell into the lake but she soon swam to the surface, her face brightened immediately she saw him standing in front of her. The one she has been looking for even if he still has his mask on.

He entered the lake after her. She excitedly hugged her arms around his neck with her laughter resounding in the realm.

"I missed you,"

He hesitantly placed his hands on her back, he didn't think she would miss him at all.


She pulled away then shook her head in affirmation.

"You said you weren't going to disappear anymore but you did,"

"Am I not here now,"

"Do you know the fourth prince, the one who saved me during the martial hero contest?" she couldn't understand why the fourth prince will risk getting injured to save her, if he really has no connection with her then he must be the second person who has ever shown her kindness outside her family.

He doesn't know if he should tell her or just ignore her question, it wasn't his plan to openly save her before everyone but if this is his chance to see her then he might as well take it.

"The fourth prince is a kind person, that is why he saved you," he answered, he is still not willing to let her know who he really is.

"I want to see you, can we meet outside the realm? I don't believe you are not a real person," she demanded, he already knew it was going to come to that and she won't give up if she doesn't confirm what she needs to.


"Huh-" she didn't think he was going to agree so easily.

"I will arrive in Suzhou in six months, come to the flowing mountain," the flowing mountain is a mountain surrounded by clear waterfalls but there is hardly anyone who goes there so he knows that will be the safest place for them.

"Hm, that is too long. I-" 

He suddenly disappeared and she was also jolted out of the realm, the thought of meeting the guardian who helped her see the world more beautiful than what the wind sect has to offer is thrilling.

Then she remembered, she is still in confinement. What if she remains in confinement until then? she decided she will rather sneak out of the sect than openly renounce her love for Bohai, she doesn't want  them to think she is not someone resolute in her decisions. 

She heard the door creak. After what she did to Huo Ying, she wasn't expecting her to come so she hesitantly turned to see if she is really the one but it turned out to be a stranger. On his face is an astonishing look, one an art admirer would give when he sees an unfathomable art.

"Who are you?" she asked with a wary expression on her face like she is going to fight him at any time. Normally, he would play jokes on Huo Ying but he doesn't dare do that to her before she roasts him.

"I come in peace. I am a brother to Huo Ying so you can call me Brother Mo," His lips widened into a very bright welcoming smile. He almost had her put her guard down but she soon bounced back to her wary self.

"I only have a sister," 

He moved a few steps closer to her with his hand behind his back then he leaned towards her.

"We don't need to have the same parents to be siblings. I heard you are just as stubborn as Huo Ying so I came to see for myself," his smile broadened again before he walked past her, he lit incense and bowed in front of the ancestral tablets then he returned to her.

"How did you get past the barrier?" she knows all most of the barriers can only be breached by those who belong to the sect.

"I told you I am family," he held her hand and brought her to her seat on the ground then he spread his robe and took his seat after her.

"So tell me, why won't you leave that brat?" he went straight to the point, he knows he can't convince her but he at least wants to get to know her. If she is the same as Huo Ying then he knows she will be a hard nut to crack but he also knows Huo Ying treasures her sect and family too much to give them up for anything.

She frowned at the word he used to refer to Bohai.

"Why do you think I am going to tell you?" her speech has become very sharp since they confined her for the second time.

"You will, because I am the only one who can convince your mother to let you out," he responded

Her eyes shone immediately.


He nodded.

"Bohai is really not what they think he is, he is really kind. He smiles at me unlike others who look at me with disgust and fear in their eyes, he is the first person to help me get a taste of freedom," she answered with deep sentiments in her voice.

"I smiled at you when I entered so all I have to do is to treat you kindly and take you out of here for you to fall in love with me," he gazed at her flirtatiously and smiled with his lips curled up as he leaned towards her.

Her cheeks flushed red at the sudden flirt from the stranger, she pushed him back to his place then she looked away from him.

"In your dreams,"

"As you wish. Why don't you pretend you don't love him anymore then your mother will let you out?" anyone in her position will do that unless she is too stubborn to admit defeat.

"If I give in now, they will never take me seriously,"  he saw her clench her fist in determination. Then he realised, she is indeed like her sister or even worse. He stood up to leave but she stood up after him.

"Have you seen my sister?"

She couldn't get the moment she strangled her sister out of her mind, first Huo Yi Lang and now her sister, she is now beginning to doubt if she is really not the monster they say she is.

"You are indeed sisters," he remarked then he left, he had already seen Huo Ying even though she lied to everyone that she is sick and would like to be alone with Huo Qiang backing her lie up. One is worried and the other is trying to protect her sister. Such lovely sisterhood.

As soon as he got sect leader Lin off his back, he hurriedly made his way to the flame sect to see her and formally introduce himself but he wasn't expecting to meet this mess when he arrived, now he understands why Bohai kept defending the flame sect during the alliance meeting.

She couldn't understand what he meant but she still hoped that Huo Ying is okay, she was so angry that she couldn't tell if she used too much force in strangling her.

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