Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 4 - Emergency Patients

She opened the door to Yu Yan room and switched on the light, she moved closer to her bedside, then she removed the duvet from her body.

" Yu Yan are you not going to work today," her mum said as she tapped her shoulder​​

" What is the time mum?" Yu Yan mumbled as she turned around on the bed and ruffled her hair, her mother looked at her and nodded her head, she becomes a totally different person when she is asleep but no one would have guessed that she would be like this when she is asleep.

"This is 8'o clock, if you don't wake up now, I will make sure you don't eat anything before you go to work" her mum answered with a firm tone.

"Mom, I still have two hours before I go to work, can't you just leave me be," Yu Yan muttered, then she removed the sat up on her bed with her face scrunched together and her hair in a messy state.

"No, I can't, if you don't stand up now and come to the dining in five minutes, don't blame me if you have to go to work on an empty stomach," her mom said, then she walked out of the room.

"You are just bullying me, I will leave this house and buy my own apartment, by then, you will be the ones begging me to live with you" Yu Yan shouted in frustration after her mother left her room.

She reluctantly stood up from her bed and entered the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth then she left her room and entered the dining room, she wasn't surprised to see the simple Chinese breakfast on the dining which is her mom usual style, she sat on her seat next to her dad and pushed her hair back with the bunny band on her hair.

"How was your night sweetie," her dad asked with a doting smile on his face,

"It would have been perfect if mom didn't come to wake me up like a student who has to go to school" Yu Yan complained with her mouth pouted.

"Why did you do that honey, she has a sense of time now that she is a surgeon, you shouldn't have disturbed her, what if she doesn't have any chance to sleep today" her dad replied.

"But...wait, you are an adult but you are complaining to your dad, what kind of surgeon are you?" her mother replied

"Mom, you always say I am an adult but you won't let me move out, you are still treating me as the last born," Yu Yan complained then she stuffs her mouth with a fried dough stick.

"Why do you want to move out, if you move out then who should your mum and I stay with?" her dad replied with a sad look on his face

"But I can still visit you frequently or you can ask my brother to send your grandchildren here since he is busy with his company anyway," Yu Yan said

"Alright, you can move out but not now," her dad said

"Really!" Yu Yan screamed with excitement written on her face.

"Of course but we have to prepare first," her dad responded

"Are you two going to keep talking or eat your food silently?" her mother said in a strict voice , the both of them stopped talking for a while then Yu Yan suddenly broke the silence again.

"That reminds me, dad are you having much work to do at work," she asked with a worried look on her face

"No, why do you ask," her dad asked

"Last night, mum told me you came back looking very tired" Yu Yan replied

"ooh, last night, I had too many cases to handle so it was quite hectic for me," her dad said

"You have to take care of yourself dad," she said looking deeply concerned

"Don't worry, I will look after myself," he said with a smile on his face to ease her worries.

"The both of you are busy caring about each other but who is worried about me," her mum said in an envious manner

"But you don't go to work," Yu Yan replied

"Do you think it is easy to stay at home alone, don't you know what boredom is?" her mother answered.

"If you say so then I guess you are right, you also have to be careful," she said with a fake worried look on her face, her mother knew that she was just teasing her but she couldn't be bothered by her.

"I have to leave for work now," her dad said then he stood up from the table leaving his leftover food on the table, then he picked up his bag from the floor beside him and walked towards the door.

"Bye dad," she said waving at him.

As soon as he left she also went back into her room to take her bath and dress up for work, she came out minutes later to find her mom washing the dishes, she stopped by to bid her goodbye.

"I am leaving mom," she said, then her mom nodded her head in response.


Before going to the hospital, she took a bus to the car repair centre where she left her car, she had a little discussion with the person she left in charge of her car, then she left the centre and drove to the hospital in her car.

As she entered the hospital, she was greeted by few nurses and doctors she met on her way to her office, she was about to enter into her office when she was stopped by surgeon Ding Ying whom she had transferred the liver cirrhosis patient to.

"I need speak with you" surgeon Ding Ying said to her

"Alright, I have a few minutes to spare"

"The patient you transferred to me yesterday is getting worse I don't think he can last two months without a liver transplant," surgeon Ding Ying said with concern plastered on her face.

" I thought he would be able to last that long, so I told the patient's wife that he would be able to last until then, do you perhaps know anything you can do about his condition," Yu Yan asked, although she was no longer in charge of him, she still felt empathy towards his wife, she seemed hopeful when she told her that her husband still has some time before his condition worsens.

"I wish i do but I don't know how else I can sustain him, we have other VIP to take care of so I need his wife to get a liver donor as soon as possible or else, he won't be able to last for long and I have tried calling his guardian but she isn't picking" surgeon Ding Ying responded

"I will try to contact her, she came here to see me yesterday so she might be back very soon," yu yan said, she knew that it wasn't just about his condition but about the VIP patients, their hospital always gives more priority to the VIP patients and disregards the ordinary patients.

"Please do that, I will leave you now" Surgeon Ding Ying said then she walked away.

Yu Yan entered into the office and was surprised to see that she was the only one in the office, she dropped her bag on the table and replaced the jacket she was putting on with her white coat, then she glanced at her watch.

"This is just ten past ten where are they," Yu Yan said, then she sat on her seat and was preparing to look at her patient's chart but she was interrupted by nurse Song Yi who came running into the office.

"There is a patient in the emergency department's hospital needs your attention," the nurse said trying to catch her breath.

"Why are you breathing heavily and where are the rest?'' she asked with a puzzled look on her face

"As early as 8'o clock in the morning we already had lots of patients swarming in and as a result, most of the surgeons and doctors are attending to the patients in the emergency department and intensive care unit, I have also been running around since I came to work" she answered in a perpetually tired voice.

"Lead the way" Yu Yan said, she followed behind nurse Song Yi, they were about to enter the elevator but it was filled so they had to use the stairs after they arrived at the emergency department, nurse Song lead her to a patient who seemed to have difficulty breathing.

" What happened to him," Yu Yan asked, she placed her stethoscope on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, then she removed it from his chest, she quickly wore an oxygen mask on him to aid his breathing.

"He is a twelve-year-old child who was brought in by his parents, he complained of serious pain in his abdomen" she answered

"Carry out an abdominal X-ray immediately" Yu Yan ordered, then nurse Song Yi immediately left to do as she said, she came back a few minutes later with the Xray result in her hand.

"What does it say?" she asked as she collected the X-ray report from her and reads it.

"He has few grains of rice in his appendix" the nurse answered

"The grains have caused his appendix to burst and form an appendix mass, it has also caused peritonitis in the abdomen, we would need to perform an appendectomy and laparotomy immediately, prepare him for surgery" She instructed as she goes to inform the patient mother.

She updates his mother on the cause of the pain and the surgery, as soon as she was done with this she goes into the dressing room to put on her scrub and proceeds to the operating room after washing her hands, she glanced around the operating room to confirm that everyone who was needed for the surgery was present.

Other surgeons were busy so she had to perform the surgery without an assisting surgeon, she explained the surgery to those that were present then she announced the commencement of the surgery. After the patient was put under general anaesthesia, she began the surgery.

She made a large cut in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen to remove the appendix, she goes on to perform the laparotomy, as soon as she was done with the laparotomy she stitches up the patient to conclude the surgery which lasted for one hour and thirty minutes.

She came out of the operating room and met the patient's mother who was waiting outside the operation room, she immediately sprung up from the chair she was sitting in as soon as she saw Yu Yan come out of the operating room.

" How is he, surgeon?" she asked with an anxious look on her face even though she knew that the surgery was not a complicated and lengthy surgery.

"The operation was successful, however, he would need to stay in the hospital for some days in order to allow us to follow his recovery and make sure there are no other complications, the removed appendix will be taken to the lab to check for cancer cells, as long as there isn't then I don't think we have anything to worry about," She said with a reassuring smile in order to give the patient mother a sense of security as she as always done.

"Thank you, doctor," she said,

"you are welcome" Yu Yan replied, then she walked away while the patient mother waited until the nurses brought her son out of the operation room and carried him into the recovery room.

Yu yan went into the changing room and saw An Ke who has also just finished performing a surgery.

"I thought I would have the opportunity to rest today but today turned out to be the exact opposite of how I thought it was going to be," An ke said as she changed into her white coat

"I also feel the same way, I just entered the office and I was greeted with an appendectomy surgery," yu yan said as she put on her white coat, then both of them left the changing room at the same time.

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