Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 5 - The Dream

They went back into the emergency department and were relieved to see that most of the patients have been attended to and the only ones remaining only had minor injuries which could easily be taken care of by the nurses and first-year residents, they both retreated into their office after confirming that their attention wasn't needed.

"I am so tired," An Ke said as she sank into her chair and opened the bottle of water she had on her table and gulped it down noisily.

"I haven't gone home since yesterday and yet I haven't sat down for a rest since yesterday night, there were so many patients, I have operated on five people within the time I stayed in the hospital" She continued, she walked up to where the water dispenser stood and poured more water into her bottle than she drank from it again.

"Although this is my first surgery today I wasn't expecting to perform surgery as soon as I arrive in the hospital, no one can really know what is waiting for them when they, arrive," Yu yan said as she laid her head on her table to sleep, she still wasn't satisfied with the little sleep that she had gotten while she was at home, so she could only grasp this opportunity before someone bursts into the office for an emergency.

An Ke sat down to look at the charts of her patients who are still in the middle of recovering, she smiled with satisfaction when she saw that most of the patients that had been under her care for some months now were finally getting discharged while the few that were remaining were still in the recovery phase, thankfully, she has been banned from performing surgeries for a week now so she didn't have any new patients to look after, except for the one she just operated on after he suspension was lifted.

She was about to share her week schedule with Yu Yan when she realized that she seemed to be asleep, she turned her chair to face her and gently poked her cheeks but she didn't receive any response.

"Are you seriously sleeping?" An Ke asked rhetorically, she hasn't even gone home throughout for four days now and Yu Yan who had gotten the chance to rest at home yesterday was sleeping while she is still busy working.

"I should be the one sleeping not you," she remarked as she continued with her work.

. . . . . . . .

She could see a girl whose face and appearance looked like hers, there was a glass separating the both of them ...

Seemed like her but definitely not her

"Who are you?" she asked as she couldn't comprehend the facts of what she was seeing

She seemed to be in a wide space and the floor had a glass-like appearance, she looked around to see where she was but she couldn't recognise where she stood, she walked forward a little then she saw a huge and tall glass in front of her with a girl on the other side.

On her side, there was nothing but white space and a white glass-like floor while on the girl side, it seemed like she is inside a cave and she was also talking to someone with pretty smiles on her face, she had a goddess-like an appearance as she was dressed in a red gown with wide sleeves and her pretty red hair fell on her shoulders and her back, she also a red sash decorated with eagle embroideries on her waist, When she turned to look at her, she noticed her red eyeballs, they were as red as her hair and her lips also had the same colour, but she looked very pretty.

The girl seemed lively and happy but in the next minutes, everything changed....

She seemed terrified and full of fear, her eyes were widened as she turned back to the direction where she heard some footsteps.

. . . . . . . .

She was in tears and the terror on her face was too evident for anyone to ignore

" Don't come near me, Don't...Don't" the girl continually cried out

This made Yu Yan even more confused, the girl seemed to be looking towards her direction but she was very sure that the girl wasn't referring to her but to someone else

"What do you mean?" she shouted

" Don't, it is too painful, please don't use them on me?" the girl continued crying out

When the footsteps also became evident to Yu Yan, she realized that someone was coming into the cave, she looked at the girl with pity but the glass separating them gave her no chance to help the girl

The girl inside the cave looked towards the glass separating them, but the look on her eyes seemed like she had hope, she ran to the glass and started banging the glass but strangely she wasn't feeling the impact on the other side as they girl banged the glass even though she was resting on the glass.

"Please save me" she repeated as she banged the glass harder, she tried to calm the girl down but she just kept looking back and banging the glass separating them,

She stretched her hands to the girl, she was even more bewildered seeing her hand penetrating through the glass, as the girl was about to touch her hand, she disappeared and everything on the other side of the glass disappeared leaving only darkness behind.

"Come back, come back" yu yan shouted in her dream.

She woke up from her sleep when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked up to realize who it was then she saw An Ke in front of her

"Yu Yan who are you talking to," An Ke asked with a quizzical look on her face,

She looked around to see everyone in the office staring at her strangely including Xiaomeng, she brushed the strands of hair that were scattered on the side of her face behind her ear.

"It was just a dream " she answered, she rubbed her hands together and wiped her face to erase the traces of drowsiness that remained.

"It must have been a weird one then considering the gibberish you were spewing in your sleep". Li Chen said playfully.

" was indeed weird "Yu yan replied as she stood up from her seat to leave the office.

She went to the intensive care unit and recovery room to check on the patients she was in charge of, she went to the intensive care unit first and then proceeded to the recovery room, the boy whom she had operated on was already awake, she checked his vital signs and when she was sure he was okay she went out of the recovery room.

She just couldn't stop thinking about the dream she had just had, it seemed too vivid for her to dismiss, she has had several dreams but this particular dream was realistic and disturbing...


She turned to look at the person she had just hit and alas it was the one person she would never wish to meet, the annoying managing director, Alan Chen.

Alan Chen is the assistant director of the cardiology department and his father is the one of the most influential people in the board of directors, which is the reason why he was given such a high position at the age of thirty, he is also well known for his arrogant attitude but there is no one who despises him more than Yu Yan.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to hit you," Yu Yan hurriedly apologised, they both bent down to pick his phone which had fallen on the floor, she looked up to see his face almost touching hers. She looked away quickly then she stood up hurriedly and gave him his phone.

"Thanks," he said smiling with his eyes fixed on her face.

The smile he always gave her was what she hated the most about him, he always smiled at her in a seductive and yet displeasing way, he had been trying to woo her ever since she started working at the hospital but she had always ignored his feelings for her.

"I need to go now," she hurried away without waiting for him to reply to her.


An Ke decided to go to the cafe to grab a drink after doing her inpatient rounds, she ordered a cup of iced americano and looked around for a table to seat, she noticed a table which was at the corner of the cafe then she decided to sit there.

She sips her drink with relish as she looks out of the glass walls of the cafe, she looked away when she noticed that there was nothing interesting to see, as soon as she looks away, she noticed a tall and handsome guy walking towards her, she couldn't help but fixate her eyes on the guy.

She felt like she was in a comic at that moment and a yellow bright glow was following him the male lead of the comic book as he walked towards her, he finally settled down on the seat opposite her holding a cup of iced americano, she felt paralysed the moment he sat beside her, she just kept staring at him until the guy decided to speak first...

"Hi, I hope I am not disturbing your peace," he said smiling.

She could see the two deep dimples etched on his cheeks as he smiled broadly, she finally got a grip of herself and snapped out of her fantasies.

"ooh, no problem" She replied, she was giving it all her effort to hide the excitement she was feeling at that moment but she could hardly hold it in.

"You have a beautiful name," he said then his eyes trailed to the ID card dangling on her chest, she was wondering how he knew her name so she looked at him strangely, when she saw him looking at her ID card, she realized where he had gotten her name from.

"oh thanks," she responded shyly.

"My name is Wang Li Wei, nice to meet you," he said as he extended his hand to her.

She was delighted at the thought of touching his hands so she hurriedly stretched her hands and shakes him but she didn't make her excitement too obvious.

"Are you a staff or a patient?" she asked not sure if that was the right question to ask because he didn't seem like a doctor.

"I am not staff or a patient but I will soon become a surgeon here" he answered with a smile on his face.

Really charming!

"Really," she said smiling delightfully at the prospect of working in the same hospital with this prince seating in front of her.

"Then what department will you be working in," she asked hurriedly.

"I will be working in the department of neurosurgery " he replied, hearing his answer An Ke was disappointed, she was hoping he would be working in the department of general surgery, her disappointment was so obvious that he could see it written on her face.

"What department do you belong to?" he asked softly.

"If you already saw my name on my ID card then you should know I am a general surgeon," she lifted her ID card and answered.

"What a pity, I was hoping we would be in the same department," he said softly with sadness echoing in his voice but she knew that it didn't sound sincere.

"Why would you want that, after all, we are just meeting for the first time," she asked giving him a quizzical look.

"Well I just thought you seem interesting so it will be fun working with you" He replied

She wasn't sure of how to interpret his answer but her instinct told her it is a good thing that he thought of her in that way, she looked at her watch and realised it was past her break and she needed to return to the office.

"I need to go now, I think we will be meeting very soon, bye," she said as she stood up taking her remaining americano with her, he smiled at her as she left and his eye followed her until she left the cafe.

"She is quite interesting," he remarked as he also stood up to leave the cafe.

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