Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 48 - Sinister Plan 2

"My servant Shi Ruo will be playing this round," Huo Ying said, then Huo Mei walked to the front, everyone was stunned that the young man who decided to bet ten thousand taels of silver is sending a girl to play on his behalf, they all mocked Huo Ying but she and the guardians still maintained a confident look.

"Are you joking with us, you are actually sending a girl to play," Tang Fan said, he was already confident that he is going to win the moment he saw Huo Mei walk to the front.​​

"I will play this round myself," Bohai said

"I will also play this round myself, I will surely not lose to a girl" Tang Fan. Huo Mei smirked and said "let's speak with our ability"

The lady shook the cup vigorously again, this time she shook it very fast, Tang Fan erected his ear to listen to the sound of the dice. The lady dropped the cup on the table then she asked to pick their bet.

"Why don't you guys pick first," Huo Mei said

"you are a female you should pick first," Bohai said

"Okay then, I will bet on big" Huo Mei said

"I will bet on small" Tang Fan said

"I will also bet on small" Bohai said

Then the lady uncovered the dice and she shouted "Big!!", everyone we shocked that she actually won the bet.

"It is definitely small," Tang Fan said

"Are you saying that I cheated," Huo Mei said

"Guys, there is no way anyone can cheat, even I don't have control on the outcome of the dice," the lady said, then she gave the bank bills to Huo Mei.

"young master" Huo Mei said as she handed the bank bills to Huo Ying.

"since the game has finished, we will take our leave," Huo Ying said then she and the guardians left the gambling house.

"that Tang San depends on the sound of the dice to win the bet while we alter the sound of the dice," Huo Ying said

"they must be so devastated," Huo Bingchen said, then suddenly Tang Fan appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Huo Ying's arm, everyone also gathered around to watch what he was going to do, Bohai also joined Tang Fan to stop Huo Ying from leaving with the bank bills.

"what do you think you are doing," Huo Ying said to Tang Fan

"You just tricked us, give us back the bank bills," Tang Fan said, Huo Ying scoffed then she brushed his hand away from her arm.

"I won the game in a fair and just way, if you want to collect the bank bills then take it from me," Huo Ying said then she walked away with the guardians, Tang Fan became infuriated then he plunged into the air then he flew towards Huo Ying with a deadly blow but Huo Bingchen quickly turned back and held his fist and gave him a kick in his abdomen which sent him flying. Everyone became curious to know who this strange person was but the girls had already started drooling over him.

When Huo Ying reached a place where a circus show was going on, she joined the crowd to watch the show with the guardians, then Bohai came to her and asked her that he would like to speak with her, so she came out of the crowd.

"would you please tell me which sect or family you belong to," Bohai said

"I remember saying that I do not wish to disclose my identity" Huo Ying said.

"Senior brother, why are you even bothering with this nobody," Meng Hui said, then Huo Mei was about to attack her but Huo Ying signalled her to stop, then she walked away from him, just then one of the circus members brought out fire from his mouth. Feng Shui and two other disciples who entered the cave Huo Lan was kept in last year started screaming in pain, Huo Ying and the guardians stopped then they returned to the scene to see why the disciples were screaming. Bohai started channelling his Qi into their body but it still didn't stop them from screaming, a large phoenix symbol appeared on the hand as the pain became worse.

"young mistress, look at that" Huo Qiang said as he pointed to Feng Shui's hand, they all fixed their gaze on his hand then they noticed the phoenix symbol.

"did they try to dispel Huo Lan power" Huo Qiang said as she looked at the symbol with shock written on their face.

"They must have tried to remove her power, the sect leader told us that the first time someone tried to remove the power of someone from the flame sect they didn't succeed but instead their hand got burned and the phoenix symbol will appear on the hand every time they see fire," Huo Bingchen said.

Tears trickled down her face as she watched the disciples cry out in pain, she just wished that she could just use the flame of torture on them all but she remembered her promise to her father, just then amidst the pain Feng Shui was feeling, he lifted his head then he saw the look on Huo Ying and the guardians face, they looked angry and she was also crying, he realized that the guy who had just gambled with them resembled the girl in the cave but he couldn't say anything because of the pain.

Huo Ying walked away in anger while the guardian followed her, Bohai and the other disciples who were not affected carried the disciples away then they went back to the sect, after a while, they stopped feeling the pain.


Huo Ying and the guardians returned to the sect, then they called the elders and to the sect leaders chambers, they all sat around the large table in the sect leaders study room.

"young mistress why did you call us here," the first elder said, even the sect leader and his wife were also present in the room but they didn't know why she and the guardians looked angry.

"I and the guardians left the sect a while ago, then we met the disciples of the wind and the thunder sect including the sons of the sect leaders of both sect," Huo Ying said.

"did you do anything rash," the sect leader said, from his look, it was obvious that he was scared that she might have done something that might bring trouble to the sect, even the elders were also hoping that she hadn't done something bad.

"the young mistress didn't do anything, we just found out something forms our outing," Huo Bingchen said

"then what did you find out," the sect leader asked

"a member of a circus group was performing then he brought out fire from his mouth, at that moment, three disciples of the wind sect started screaming in pain, they also had the phoenix symbol on their hand but it wasn't there before the fire," Huo Ying said, the elders, the sect leader and his wife opened their eyes in shock, they knew what it meant and they were shocked the wind sect did such a thing to Huo Lan.

The sect leader slammed his fist on the table then he said "they must be suffering from her flames because they tried to dispel her power"

"We can't just be still and watch them make Huo Lan suffer, we have to do something about it," Huo Ying's mother said

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