Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 49 - Huo Ying!!!! 1

The sect leader's wife bit her lips in anger, the first time she felt this helpless was when she had to give up Huo Lan for the safety of the sect, she clenched her fist so tight that her fingers pricked her palm and blood sipped slowly out of her palm, at the moment, the agony she felt was what every mother would feel, she wished that she wasn't the sect leader wife and she didn't have the responsibility of protecting the sect, she just wanted to be an ordinary mother who is tasked with the responsibility of protecting her child. Tears had already clouded her sight but she fought them back then she took in a deep breath, she didn't want herself to look weak in front of them.

"We have already conceded up to this point but they dared to harm her, the pain of having your spiritual power dispelled is unimaginable and no one from the flame sect has ever had their power dispelled, the first time someone tried it they didn't succeed but the pain the victim will feel during the process will be unimaginable," the third elder said with a concerned expression, even the other elders felt the same way. Even though they wanted to be in control of the sect, the elders still thought that as long as Huo Lan belongs to their sect and she is the young mistress of the sect, such actions are a disrespect to their sect.​​

"They know that she is powerful but only we can understand the extent of her power, so they want to remove her power because if they return her to us then she would surely be a huge threat to them," Huo Qiang said.

"in this situation, we are helpless, there are only two ways for us to bring her back from the wind sect is to wait for two years then is she pass the test she will be able to return back to where she belongs and the other way is that we should go against the emperor but this way would cause an uproar in the court and in the jianghu world," The sect leader said, in his voice, the helplessness and agony he felt was clearly visible but he still tried to remain calm, a part of him really wanted to storm into the wind sect at that moment and bring out his daughter from there but another part of him knew the responsibilities he carries so he couldn't do anything at that moment.

"Sect leader, we are all aware of the sacrifice you and madam have made for the peace and the safety that we enjoy today but if you take such rash actions now, it would bring about great consequences, if Huo Lan cannot even live in the flame sect in peace and happiness then what is the use of bringing her back. Moreover, you and the other sect leaders are al from the royal family so if you go against the emperor order, it will be seen as an act of treason" the third elder said. Everyone wanted Huo Lan to be brought back at that instant when they heard the news of them trying to dispel her powers but they knew thee consequences of doing that. Huo Ying just sat among them without saying anything, in her mind she was thinking about different things as she listened to the others speak, she knew that what the elder said was true but she just couldn't drop the idea of taking her away by force, at that moment, the anger she felt was just too much for her to bear. She felt like she was about to spit out blood, the more she tried to suppress her anger to prevent the elders from finding out that she becomes like her sister whenever she is angry. She clenched her fist tightly underneath the table to prevent them from noticing what was happening to her, she tried to maintain a normal expression on her face but she couldn't anymore, the pain she felt because she was stopping herself from changing was too much.

"We all know that every one of them is underestimating her power, but they still know that she is very powerful so they shouldn't be so stupid to dispel her powers knowing that even the flame power of an ordinary sect disciple cannot be dispelled not to talk of a child as powerful as her, I think they must have been confident that they could dispel her powers," the second elder said, then they all started thinking about what he had just said, he indeed has a point, no one has ever succeeded in the past and for a long time no one has ever tried it but they actually dared to try it on Huo Lan, they must have been confident….

They thought...

"The second elder is indeed right, they must have found a way but they didn't succeed when they tried to dispel her powers or else their disciples won't be feeling the pain from her flames, we need to find out what their method is or else we would be threatened later, Huo Lan is very powerful so they didn't succeed but that doesn't mean that they cannot succeed on the other disciples," The sect leader said

"that is indeed true," The third elder said, Huo Ying still remained silent because of her trying to stop herself from changing, she realised that It was impossible for her to hold it for longer so she stood up and said "Father I would like to leave, I am not feeling well", they all looked at her, she was clearly fine a while ago but they just suddenly realised that ever since she told them what happened she hadn't said anything else which is definitely not something she would do. She was just about to leave her seat when Huo Mei held her hand, then they all noticed how pale she looked, at that moment she couldn't hold it anymore, she immediately spat out dark red coloured blood. They all stood up in a panic when she vomited blood, they didn't know what had happened to her, then she vomited blood again this time it was more than she vomited the first time, then she slumped but Huo Mei quickly caught her before she landed on the floor.

"Take her back to her room and examine her immediately" The sect leader's wife shouted immediately, then Huo Mei quickly carried Huo Ying on her back and rushed to her room, before they reached her room she had already fainted, the dark red blood she vomited was smeared on her lips and it also dyed her already red cloth, her face had already become pale and white as a sheet of paper. As Huo Mei hurried back to Huo Ying's room with the elders, the guardians and her parent following behind Huo Mei, some disciples saw them. They were shocked at the sight of Huo Ying lying on Huo Mei's back with blood on her clothing and on her lips. Huo Mei quickly kicked the door to her room open without even waiting for someone to open it for her, then she laid Huo Ying on the bed. They all stayed outside the room except for Huo Qiang, Huo Lian, Huo Mei and her parents.

They didn't have any need to summon a doctor to treat her since the guardians are well versed in medicine and Huo Mei can be considered as a medicine prodigy. If there is anything wrong with Huo Ying then they wouldn't want the elders to know about it so they let them stay outside her room. Huo Mei laid her index finger and her third finger on Huo Ying's wrist to take her pulse, from her facial expression, they knew that something bad must have happened to Huo Ying without them realizing it.

"Why are you looking like that, is it something serious," the sect leader's wife said with worry written all over her face as she rubbed her palms together, the others were also anxious to hear what was wrong with Huo Ying.

"She must have been extremely angered when she saw that disciple with the phoenix mark but she stopped herself from changing which caused her blood to flow in reverse and her meridians are blocked as a result, if she doesn't get treated immediately and remains unconscious for a long time she might die," Huo Mei said, as soon as they heard that she might die, they all had a frightened expression on her face, they knew that it was because of her promise to them that she didn't satisfy her anger and because of that she had put her own life in danger.

"then what do you need to treat her," The sect leader asked anxiously, without even waiting for Huo Mei to reply the other two shouted "Wu Ling Zhi and Chuan Liang Zi herbs!!".

"Both the last time I checked they were not available in the storage, we haven't had any use for herbs lately so I just ignored it and both herbs are extremely rare, it will be very hard to find any at this time," Huo Mei said, the sect leader and his wife got uneasy immediate;y they heard what Huo Mei said, they wanted to shout at her and punish her for neglecting her duties but now was not the time to do that.

"I will punish you later but right now Huo Qiang go with Bingchen, and find those two herbs if anything happens to Huo Ying the three of you will wish you were dead" the sect leader shouted while his wife just stood there looking at her daughter's life slowly seeping away from her body, when she couldn't take it anymore she lost strength in her leg then she slumped but the sect leader quickly supported her to stop her from falling. Huo Qiang quickly ran out of the room then he told Huo Bingchen what they needed to do then the both of them ran out of the sect.

"don't worry, she will be fine, I will never let anything happen to her," the sect leader said to his wife, who had already started sobbing, her heart had already been broken to an extent that she could no longer put on a strong appearance in of them, as tears welled down her face, she kept on looking at Huo Ying who just laid on the bed motionlessly.

"what are you still doing here, are you going to wait for them to bring the herbs without doing anything to keep her alive," the sect leader said with an angry face, the tone in which he spoke was very scary, they had never seen him that angry. Even the elders who were still standing outside felt the anger in his voice when he shouted, they heard never sensed such anger in his voice since he became the sect leader, then they realised that whatever happened to Huo Ying must be serious than they think it is. Huo Mei and Huo Lian quickly ran outside the room to prepare some herbs that could stabilise her till Huo Qiang returned. The sect leader held Huo Ying up in a sitting position then he sat behind her, he twisted his palms and then with a strong force he hit Huo Ying back, she then vomited a large chunk of coagulated blood with a dark red colour, seeing the blood she had just vomited, her mother legs became weak once again as she broke down in tears then she quickly supported herself by holding on to one of the pillars that held Huo Ying bed in place, at this moment she wasn't herself anymore, she covered her mouth and started sobbing, her daughter had never been like this since when she was born. The sect leader continued to channel his Qi into her body in order to force her to throw up the coagulated blood in her body. As the sect leader increase his force, she started sweating profusely. She still hadn't regained her consciousness but her body started shaking profusely like someone who is having a nightmare, then she vomited another chink of coagulated blood.

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