Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 93 - Traffic! 3

He groaned as he struggled to climb up the rope, the sharp edge of the rope was already injuring his palm, he had injuries all over his hand and it was bleeding but he couldn't mind it at the moment, no matter how hard it was to save the both of them, he would surely do it, he has never failed any of his missions before and he wasn't planning on failing this one.

"Boss, are you okay?" Shi Fen shouted from the top of the bridge​​

"Don't worry about me, just make sure that the rope if still tied tightly or else I really won't be okay?" Han Chen said then he felt his Hands slipping from the rope.

"aaaaaah!" the girl screamed when she felt that they were falling back into the water but Han Chen quickly grabbed the rope with one of his hands before they fell, everyone that was on the bridge was scared by when his hand slipped but they all heaved a sigh of relief when they saw him hold on to one of the rope but his grip on the rope wasn't strong enough because of their weight.

"Don't be scared" Han Chen said to the girl

"Okay!" the girl mumbled then she sniffed her nose to stop her tears from dropping. Shi Fen was also scared when his grip on the rope loosened.

"Are you okay boss?" Shi Fen asked

"Don't worry, I will regain my stance" Han Chen replied, with a swung his leg forward, propelling himself up, he quickly used that opportunity to fully grab the rope with both of his hands.

They all cheered loudly when they saw how heroic he was at the moment he regained his stance, Shi Fen also smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. Han Chen continued pulling the rope while it tore his hands, he winced loudly as he held on to the rope tightly but those on the bridge couldn't hear him.

Shi Fen was about to return to the crane to check if the rope was still tied tightly to the crane but he mistakenly touched the rope, he was shocked when he felt a sharp prick on the rope, he turned back and touched the rope again with his eyes widened. He didn't realise that the rope has tiny thorn-like fibres on it when he picked it from the rescue vehicle, he couldn't bring himself to know that Han Chen was pulling this rope despite the sharp pricks on the rope but it wasn't the time for sentiments, he returned to the crane to check the condition of the rope, when he saw that it was still tightly tied to the crane, he returned to the edge of the bridge.

Then all of a sudden, they heard a creaking sound coming from the crane, they all turned back to see what was wrong, Shi Fen quickly ran back to the crane to check where the sound came from. His eyes widened and his mouth was wide agape when he noticed that the rope was already cutting and the crane was already losing hold of it.

There is no way anyone would be able to bear the weight of the three of them and pull the thorny rope if it cuts from the crane, he quickly ran to the edge of the bridge to see what Han Chen situation was, he was relieved to see that he was almost reaching the top of the rope but he also noticed that his hands were bleeding, had he known about it, he would have at least made Han Chen put on gloves before jumping under the bridge or use another rope.

"Boss, your hand is bleeding, can you manage?" Shi Fen shouted

"Yes, it is nothing" Han Chen replied

He was already starting to climb faster because he noticed that there was no sound coming from the girl, he remembered that a piece of glass had pierced her abdomen so she must be unconscious due to excess bleeding.

"Boss, the rope is already cutting, you need to climb faster before it fully cuts," Shi Fen said

"What! Didn't I tell you to use the strongest rope they have, how come it is already cutting" Han Chen shouted

"It is indeed the strongest rope they have, the weight of the three of you might be too much for the rope to bear, you have to climb faster," Shi Fen said

"Okay, just watch it" Han Chen replied

He rewrapped the rope around his hand again and started climbing faster than he was before while Shi Fen returned to the crane to watch over the rope, He rubbed his hands together in nervousness and bit his fingers, he could help but feel uneasy with the condition of the rope.

At this moment, he wished Roy had come to the scene with them then maybe it would have made things easier for them but he didn't have the time to call Roy and his phone is still inside the car or is it…...

"The rope has loosened!!!" someone from the crowd shouted, Shi Fen quickly turned back to see the rope slowly slipping past him towards the edge of the bridge.

Han Chen realized that the rope must have loosed when he began falling into the water, he wanted something to hold on too but there was nothing and he can't swim with the three of them, their head would be submerged into the water and it would enter into their stomach, then only him would survive while the both of them would die. At this stage, his mind was blank but then the rope stopped moving.

He looked up to see what was happening, he was shocked to see Shi Fen pulling the rope all by himself, he smiled and licked his lips when he saw that for now, they were saved but it wouldn't last for long.

"Arrrrrgggghhhhhh!" Shi Fen screamed as he slowly pulled the rope but it wasn't moving, he could only stop the rope from going down.

"Shi Fen, can you manage!" Han Chen shouted he was only two inches away from the water under the bridge, if not for Shi Fen's timely help, there would have been no way for him to stop the rope from falling.

"Boss, I can't hold on for long, I can only stop you guys from going down any further, I can't pull you up" Shi Fen shouted

"What of Roy!?" Han Chen shouted

"You told him to stay inside the car, he doesn't even know what is happening," Shi Fen said

"Damn it!"

He was almost losing his grip on the rope but he couldn't give up on them, he quickly pulled it back with all his strength, he knew that the moment he released the rope, his boss and the other two would fall into the water, he wasn't even concerned about Han Chen, he was concerned about the people he was trying to save.

"Are you guys going to stand there and watch them fall? join me in pulling the rope" Shi Fen shouted at the onlookers and the traffic accident workers. Some of the men immediately ran up to him and joined him in pulling the rope, they weren't expecting the rope to be thorny so when they pulled it, they quickly removed their hand in response to stimuli.

"What is wrong, why aren't you pulling again?" Shi Fen shouted

"This rope is too sharp, I am afraid that we can't pull this rope," the men said then they moved aside, just by pulling the rope once, their hands were already torn and there is no way anyone would be able to pull under that condition what it was a shock to them that the man who has jumped into the water to save the victims was actually able to endure such a thing.

"How could he pull such a hard and thorny rope, his hands must be bleeding seriously by now"

"I agree, I could even last a minute but he has been pulling it for a long time now"

"You are all cowards, you are letting a young man do your work for you"

"Why do we even have such people working as traffic accident workers"

"They are really incompetent," another person said

The traffic worker was not happy to hear these comment but they really couldn't do anything about it, how the both of them manage to pull that rope was still a mystery to them.

"Shi Fen!" someone shouted, he turned back to see who it was, he was more than overjoyed to see Roy running towards him.

"Why are you just coming?" Shi Fen asked with his face filled with joy.

"You didn't tell me to come, what exactly is happening here and where is Han Chen," Roy asked, then Shi Fen shifted his eyes to the rope and under the bridge, Roy immediately understood what he meant.

"Are you saying that he is under the bridge…but…wait…but…what is he doing there?" Roy asked in a state of confusion, today was just getting too hilarious for him. He was in traffic for almost three hours and now he encountered another only to hear that his friend is under the bridge.

"There is no time for explanation, join me in pulling this rope," Shi Fen said, without asking any question, Roy quickly ran to his back and held the end of the rope, he was taken aback when he felt a sharp prick when he pulled the rope, he quickly removed his hand.

"Why is this rope thorny… hand is also bleeding," Roy said as his gaze shifted to Shi Fen's hand

"Can you please stop whining, just pull the damned rope or else they will fall inside the water?" Shi Fen said, Roy quickly held the rope again then he began to use all his strength to pull the rope, as soon as he pulled the rope, his palm started tearing.

Han Chen looked up again when he saw that the rope was moving upwards.

"What the hell is he doing under the bridge," Roy asked as he pulled the rope

"There was an acc…accident here, so Boss jumped under the bridge to save a little girl and her mum, he is carrying them on his back now and pulling them up with him so stop asking questions and pull the rope," Shi Fen said as he grinned

"As water entered your brain, how can he carry the both of them without attaching them to him, they will fall off," Roy said, he pulled the rope with all his strength again, this time, blood had already stained the part of the rope he was holding.

"I don't know, I think he tied them to himself, can you please stop talking and pull," Shi Fen said

"Shi Fen are you pulling the rope alone?" Han Chen asked as he moved up the rope, even if they were pulling him up, he still had to make an effort to climb up or else it would take long before he would be on the bridge again.

"No, Roy is here!" Shi Fen shouted

"Han Chen, are you okay?" Roy added

"I am okay, just pull it for a little longer and I would be out" Han Chen shouted back.

After thirty minutes of dropping and pulling, he arrived at the edge of the bridge, he removed his hand from the rope and held the top of the barrier, then he started breathing heavily. Shi Fen and Roy quickly dropped the rope and ran to meet him, while the crowd behind them started shouting and cheering loudly.

If he hadn't succeeded, they would never have believed that he would really succeed in saving them when the rescuers saw him arrive at the top of the barrier, they were happy but they bowed their heads in shame, they knew that by tomorrow, it would probably become a problem for them and they might and up being sacked or queried by the government. So as this point, they didn't know if they were to laugh or cry.

"Boss, we succeeded!" Shi Fen shouted

"O course, have we ever failed a mission before?" Han Chen said with a smile on his face, he was already sweating all over and his face was pale, the both of them pulled him over the barrier then he landed on the ground but he was careful not to hit their head on the ground.

When the onlookers saw the mother and daughter tied to his back, they couldn't help but feel sorry for him, he actually piggybacked those two while climbing that rope.

"Hurry and loosen them, they are dying" Han Chen shouted, then Roy untied them from his waist and laid the both of them on the ground.

"Force the water in the mother's stomach out and perform CPR for her while I take care of the young girl," Han Chen said, 6then he slowly stood up from the ground.

"Why don't I take care of the girl while you take care of the woman?" Roy said

Really! Is this the time to argue over who will take care of who, can you deal with her abdominal wound, if you can then you can take care of the girl" Han Chen said with a frown on his face, then Roy's eyes shifted to the piece of glass in the girl's abdomen.

"Alright then," Roy said

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