Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 94 - Traffic! 4

Shi Fen just stood in front of both of them while pacing frantically, he didn't know what else he could help with.

He turned to the woman to the side and opened her mouth then the water in her stomach and lungs started coming out through her nose and her mouth, but she still wasn't regaining her consciousness.​​

He turned her body back and made her lie straight on the floor, he removed his jacket and placed it under her head then he folded his fingers together and placed it on her chest. He pressed his hand against her chest and started counting but after counting to thirty, she still didn't regain her consciousness.

He had no choice but to perform artificial respiration, He used both hands to open her mouth, then he placed his mouth on hers and blew air into her mouth, after doing that for fifteen seconds, he started compressing her chest again, then he repeated the artificial respiration. When he saw that she wasn't opening her eyes, he was going to continue the resuscitation, but at that moment, she opened her eyes and started coughing, more water started coming out of her mouth as she coughed.

He breathed a sigh of relief, then he stood up from the ground and called one of the men from the rescue team, the man quickly walked up to him.

"Is there an ambulance on its way here?" Roy said as he wiped his mouth.

"There was one here before but it just transported a seriously injured patient" the man replied, he couldn't believe what the man was actually saying, they called only one ambulance when there are three victims of the accident, he couldn't believe how incompetent they were.

"Are you kidding me, there are three accident victims and you called only one!" Roy shouted, unlike Han Chen, he was more aggressive and impatient, he dragged the man by his collar and moved him closer to him.

"In ten minutes, I need to see two ambulances in this place, we have done our best by saving their lives for now if anything happens to them because of your incompetence then...." Roy said then he cast a dangerous glance at the man, although the man seemed to be in his late thirties, he wasn't planning on being respectful or courteous. The man shuddered in fear, in Roy's voice the threat was very clear and there was obviously no need to say more. Despite the many cameras that were filming them, Roy wasn't bothered by it, all he knew was that Han Chen wanted to save those two so they must be saved, they didn't even understand why they were so obedient and afraid of the two of them but they just obeyed everything they said.

The moment Roy released his collar, he quickly scrambled for his phone inside his pocket and called the ambulance, after making the call, he turned to face Roy with his head slightly cowered.

"They…they will be here soon," he said then he walked away from Roy.

Meanwhile, Han Chen has just torn the area where the glass pierced from the girl's cloth.

"Shi Fen, my coat" Han Chen shouted, then Shi Fen hurried to where he dropped the coat before pulling the rope then he gave it to Han Chen who placed the coat under the girl's head.

He leaned his body against hers to listen to her heartbeat, when he confirmed that she was still breathing but it was faint, he turned to look at the mother who was already crying as she watched him treating her daughter but she couldn't stand up.

"Shi Fen where is the sash, I used to tie them to myself," Han Chen asked

"This is it," Shi Fen said then he handed the black coloured sash to him, he looked around in search of something her could use to apply pressure to the wound then noticed that someone from the crowd was wearing a cotton jacket.

"Pass me your jacket!" Han Chen shouted as he pointed at the woman in the crowd, she looked left and right to be sure if she was referring to him, then when she saw that on one was wearing a jacket around her, she stepped forward and handed her jacket to him without hesitation. They didn't understand why but they felt compelled to obey everything he asks them to do as if they were held prisoners by soldiers, He collected the Jacket and placed it on the wound to apply pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding.

"Boss, why don't you remove the glass inside the wound?" Shi Fen asked

"She will start bleeding profusely and we won't be able to stop it," Han Chen said

After the bleeding stopped, he wrapped the sash around her wound and sighed, his eyes shifted to her mother who was still in tears.

"She will be fine," Han Chen said then he walked up to Roy

"When is the ambulance arriving?" Han Chen asked

"Very soon…I believe" Roy answered then he cast a threatening glance at the man he told to call the ambulance, the man quickly looked away, then two ambulances arrived.

The paramedics quickly came out of the ambulance and carried the mother and daughter into the ambulance, after they had carried them into the vehicle, the three of them walked up to the ambulance.

"I have already stopped the bleeding for the girl, although the glass might not have penetrated any of her organs, there is still a risk of infection," Han Chen said

"I understand!" one of the paramedics replied, then he shut the door of the ambulance and they drove off, Han Chen heaved a sigh of relief as he watched the ambulance driving farther away from them, he had completely forgotten the reason for him being there at this time.

"It seems like we need to get our hands treated," Shi Fen said

"No need, we can't die from it, tomorrow we can get it treated but it seems like I would have to tie mine with a cloth since it is bleeding seriously, the company would have closed by now, so we should just check into a nearby hotel," Han Chen said, he hadn't noticed the blood that was dripping from his hand before but now he was feeling the pain. They were now ready to return to the car but as he walked by, they were all cheering for the three of them, they were basically regarded as heroes in the mind of everyone that were present at the scene. Those who have taken a video of all that has transpired quickly posted it while the rescue teams packed up their belongings and drove off.

When the got to where the car was packed, they quickly removed opened the door and entered the car, Han Chen was about to enter the driver car but he suddenly stopped, the others were wondering why he wasn't entering.

"Boss, why aren't you entering," Shi Fen asked

"I am too tired to drive since Roy arrived later than we did, he should drive," Han Chen said, then he walked over to the driver seat and waited from Roy to come out.

"But my hand is also injured," Roy said

"Why do you always have so much nonsense to say, is your I jury as bad as ours," Han Chen said then he opened his palm widely for Roy to see.

"Alright then," Roy said then he got out of the passenger's seat and entered the driver's seat.

Han Chen bent the seat backwards while Roy started the car, the cars had already started moving so Roy just followed after them.

Before long, they were already on a free road and driving at a high speed, Han Chen rolled down the window and stretched his arms out of the window.

"Why are you acting like a child?" Roy asked

"Who says only children are allowed to stretch their hands out of the window?" Han Chen replied, then he turned his face back to the world outside the window.

"Only childish people like you would do such things," Roy said, then he made a turn and increased his speed.

"Whatever" Han Chen replied

"Wait…I think we have a problem at hand" Shi Fen said

"What problem?" Roy asked

"We were too focused on the situation to remember that we are not supposed to be involved in civilian affairs, those people took videos of us," Shi Fen said

"That is not a problem, we weren't wearing our military uniform" Roy replied

"But what if they try to find out more about us and if the major general sees any of those videos, he would accuse us of trying to seek public attention," Shi Fen said

"That means we have given him another chance to punish us again, seems like my suspension won't be ending any time soon," Han Chen said, he brought his hand back into the car and closed the window.

"If you say so then we would soon join you in suspension" Roy said

After driving for a while, the car started slowing down by itself….

"Hmmmn! What is wrong with this car?" Roy said

"Why did you slow down?" Han Chen asked

"I didn't, it just slowed down by itself," Roy said, then they heard a beeping sound, they all shifted their gaze to the fuel gauge, their eyes widened when they saw a red sign on it.

"Han Chen, don't tell me that the fuel tank wasn't full before we left?" Roy said

"I…I am not sure, I only asked the person to buy the car and fill it" Han Chen said then he smiled awkwardly.

"Oh my gosh!" Roy exclaimed, he was now sure that he had made the wrong choice in following Han Chen, a one hour and ten minutes journey had cost them over five hours on the road. Then the car's engine shut down, the three of them glanced at each other when they saw the car shut down.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Roy said then he looked ahead of them, they were on another bridge, so they were stranded.

"I will check for the nearest hotel," Han Chen said then he checked his wet pocket for his phone, he realized that he had kept his phone inside his coat before and he left it at the scene of the accident, he raised his head slowly with a blank look on his face.

"I left my phone back there," Han Chen said, then Roy rolled his eyes and turned to Shi Fen.

"What of you?" Roy asked, then Shi Fen started searching around for his phone.

"I don't think I brought mine with me" Shi Fen replied

"This is almost midnight and we are stranded in the middle of nowhere," Roy said then he rubbed his forehead with his hand.

"Why can't you use your phone?" Han Chen asked

"If I had brought mine with me, would I even ask you for yours" Roy replied with frustration in his voice.

"Does that mean that we have to remain in the car tonight?" Shi Fen asked

"Of course, what else?" the other two chorused

Then the three of them resigned to their fate and reclined their seat backwards, so they slept in the car throughout the night.

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