Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 95 - Walk To The Nearest Bus Station!

The next morning, the video of them rescuing the accident victims had already circulated the whole country, everyone was shocked at their determination and the effort they put into the rescue, the whole nation was dying to find out more about this three heroes that aided in the rescue of the accident victims.

Most of the attention was focused on Han Chen, is tall and handsome build became a fascination for the women and the envy of the men, the teenage girls found another person to idolise while the three of them were ignorant of how much chaos they had caused for the search engines.​​

"Grandma, grandpa, breakfast is ready" Li Na shouted as she stood in front of their room, she had been trying to wake everyone up but none of them was willing to leave the comfort of their bed. She had no choice but to insert a CD into the loudest volume and play the music at the highest volume.

They all started coming out of the rooms one by one, she smiled when she saw the effect of playing the music, she has already woken up by five am to cook breakfast for the whole family, by seven'0 clock, she was already done with everything she needed to do.

"Xiao Na, what are you doing," her grandma asked with a scrunched face and a slightly baggy pyjama.

"I have prepared breakfast, so I decided to wake all of you up to eat," Li Na said with a hearty smile, immediately she heard that she widened her eyes.

"Did you say you have prepared breakfast?" her grandma asked

"Yes, I woke up very early to prepare it, is something wrong?" Li Na said, then her grandfather came out of the bedroom with his eyes half-closed.

"Do you know how to cook?" she asked with a frightened expression, she was terrified at the thought of eating the food prepared by her in fear that it would taste terrible.

"Yes grandma, I am a good cook," Li Na said with confidence in her voice.

"Okay, let's go to the dining" she replied then both for them followed her to the dining without further questions. When they got to the dining, the both of them sat down then her father arrived at the dining table in his father's pyjamas, Li Na burst into a burst of terrible laughter when she saw her father wearing his father's pyjamas.

"Dad, what are you wearing?" Li Na asked while trying to control her laughter.

"What is so funny about it?" her father asked then he sat at the other end of the table, then Li Jing appeared at the dining, he was still half asleep when he got there but he knew that if Li Na woke then up then she must have prepared breakfast for them.

When he fully opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was his father in his grandfather's pyjamas, it wasn't oversized since they were about the same size but it was very funny to see.

"Dad, what are you wearing?" Li Jing said while he was still laughing.

"Stop laughing and sit" his father replied then he stopped laughing and did as he was told.

"So, what are we having for breakfast?" he asked Li Na

"I am not saying until aunty is here," Li Na said

"Then go and call her, you can't just wake us up and then make us wait," he said, then she stood up from her seat to call Yu Yan but before she left the dining, Yu Yan had already arrived at the dining with her ruffled hair scattered all over her face and her mickey mouse pyjamas.

They all began laughing when they saw her arrive at the dining with her dishevelled appearance, she took her seat close to her brother without knowing that she was seated next to her brother.

"Aunt, are you awake?" Li Jing asked they weren't even sure if she had sleepwalked to the dining or she was awake since her eyes were half asleep.

"Hmmmn!" Yu Yan mumbled

"Yu Yan!" her brother called out, then she turned her eyes to the familiar voice that she hasn't heard for a long time, her eyes widened as soon as she saw the faint image of her brother seating next to her.

"Brother!" Yu Yan shouted then she wrapped her arms around her brother and kissed his cheek, they all starting laughing when they saw how childish she became at the sight of her brother.

"Alright, that's enough," her brother said when her grip on his neck was becoming too tight for him endure, she released him with a broad smile on her face.

"Who said that hugging her at this age was too childish?" Li Jing said, then he and Li Na looked at her with an accusing look on their face.

"Shut up!" Yu Yan said, then she examined the dishes on the dining, she was wondering why they were all covered and it didn't seem like the usual breakfast they always have.

"Mum, did you make this breakfast? this is not your usual style" Yu Yan said

"Li Na woke up early to prepare this breakfast, but she refused to serve us before you arrive" her mum replied.

"Really! Then I can't wait to taste it" Yu Yan said, Li Na uncovered the dishes then they all widened their eyes at how much food she prepared just for breakfast.

"Pancake and egg, rice noodles, wonton and dumpling, and stir-fried vegetable" Li Jing said as he pointed to all the dishes on the table, then they all shifted their gaze to her.

"I didn't know what you preferred so I decided to make a lot," Li Na said with an awkward smile on her face, then they all nodded their head and started serving whatever they preferred into their plates.

Yu Yan was the first to taste the food, she picked the stir-fried vegetable with her chopstick and inserted it into her mouth, as she chewed the food, she maintained a straight face so they thought the food didn't taste good but her expression suddenly changed.

She smiled as she nodded her head in appreciation of the taste, Li Na was relieved by her later reaction, she was worried that she might have made a mistake while she was cooking.

"This is really delicious, mum, her stir-fried vegetables taste even better than yours," Yu Yan said, then she gave her a thumbs up, after hearing Yu Yan complimenting her, they all started to dig into their food.

"she is right, it tastes really delicious, who would have thought that my granddaughter's cooking would surpass mine" her mum replied, Li Na smiled shyly when she heard her grandmother complimenting.

"Aunt, are you going to work today?" Li Jing asked

"I am, do you need me for anything," Yu Yan said as she stuffed some dumplings into her mouth.

"When exactly are going to teach me?" Li Jing asked, they all shifted their attention to him when they heard what he said, they just couldn't understand what he was talking about.

"What are you teaching him?" her brother asked

"He asked me to teach him some karate basics" Yu Yan replied

"I don't understand why he insists on learning such a dangerous sport instead of going for safer ones," her brother said

"Dad, I just want to learn it, aunt taught Li Na when we came here last time," Li Jing said

"that's why I also prohibited her from learning it further, your aunt also git injured in university because of that sport," he said

"Is that true aunt?" Li Na asked, then Yu Yan smiled awkwardly and glared at her brother who ignored her glare.

"he is telling the truth, back then, she went for a competition but at the last stage, her opponent broke her leg and her shoulder but she was too stubborn to stop, she made sure she defeated him before she fainted" her mum replied on her behalf.

"Wow! Aunt, you are so cool, I wish I was there" Li Na said

"I was so cool back then, I won many competitions without losing any but I wanted to become a surgeon so I gave up on karate" Yu Yan boasted with a prideful look on her face as she praised herself.

"What is there to be proud of, you could have lived with a broken leg if not for the quick treatment given to you that year," her brother said.

"Boring" Yu Yan mumbled but only the two of them heard what she said so they smiled at her.

"Alright have to go to prepare myself for work now, I will see you tomorrow," Yu Yan said then she stood up.

"Why are you coming back tomorrow and not tonight?" her mother asked

"Mum, why do you always act like you weren't a surgeon, I have a lot to do today so don't expect me," Yu Yan said then she left the dining room.


The three of them woke up the next morning feeling more comfortable than they thought they would be feeling, the three of them stretched their hands in different directions making them hit each other faces.

"What the hell, why did you hit me?" Roy said

"I didn't, I was just stretching my hand" Shi Fen replied

"You almost poked my eyes just no3w but I didn't complain so don't complain" Han Chen said

"So how are we going to return back home now, I still haven't treated my injured hand and it has formed a wound on my palm," Roy asked

"I don't know, we are on a bridge so I don't think there will be any car to stop for us," Han Chen said

"Those that mean that we have to walk home?" Shi Fen asked with a terrified expression on his face.

"Wait…. why do I feel that you have become very lazy ever since we returned?" Han Chen asked

"We can't back to the nearest bus station but if we go forward, we will reach a bus station shortly," Roy said

"I will call a towing company when we arrive at the company to move the car," Han Chen said, three of them left the car and started walking forwards.

"Oh my gosh! Why is it so cold?" Han Chen said as his hand around his arm as he shivered.

"I don't think it is that cold, I can manage," Roy said

"What are you talking about, I can feel the cold piercing through my bones," Han Chen said

"It is probably because you didn't change out of the clothes you swam in yesterday and your hair is still wet," Shi Fen said

"Am I supposed to be walking around with wearing any top" Han Chen said

"It is one or the other so you have to bear with it and stop complaining," Shi Fen said

"You…. very good, I will settle it with you once we get to the company" Han Chen said

"The both of you should just shut up," Roy said

"Why do I seem to have noticed that the both of you have been talking to me without respect ever since I got suspended," Han Chen said

"Because right now you are not a soldier!" the both of them chorused, he was surprised at their sudden and loud response.

"I didn't expect the both of you to be in sync, so you are both taking advantage of my suspension," Han Chen said with a tone that seems to remind them that he would keep their actions in mind.

"Why should we be respectful to you when you are just an ordinary person now with no rank?" Roy said with no emotions on his face, Han Chen stared at him with surprise on his face, they have never treated him like this before, it really came as a shock to him.

"Very good…. I will settle the accounts with you when I get reinstated" Han Chen said then he bit his lips and continued walking forward.

"That is if you ever get reinstated," Roy said

"What do you mean?" Han Chen asked

"Our dear major general is already happy with not having to see your face every day, do you think he would want you back?" Roy said

"No matter what, he can't suspend me forever, at most, he can only suspend me for six months," Han Chen said confidently.

"You must have forgotten that he has the say over everything, so just keep praying that you return one day," Roy said.

"I…" Han Chen was about to say something but Roy interrupted him

"We are here," Roy said, then they all looked at their front, they were all relieved when they saw the bus station right in front of them after walking for over an hour, it wasn't that hard for them since they had done worse during their military drills.

"So, who is paying?" Shi Fen asked

"Of course, he is paying" Roy replied then he turned to look at Han Chen.

"Why are you looking at me, I always settle all my bills with my phone" Han Chen said

"Alright, I will just pay," Roy said, then he dipped his hands in his pockets but he couldn't find his wallet, he looked at them blankly…

"I think I forgot my wallet in the car, what of you Shi Fen?" Roy asked

"I didn't bring my wallet with me, I left it at his house," Shi Fen said

"What, does that mean that we are going to walk all the way to your company or beg someone to pay for us?" Han Chen said

"Do you think anyone will be willing to help us at this time? look at how they are struggling to enter the bus" Roy said, then both of them looked at the direction of the bus station.

"Let's walk then, it has been long since we exercised anyway," Han Chen said

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