"Because, in my heart..." xuanyuanrui just opened his mouth and was about to say it again.

"Brother Rui, didn't you say you wanted to take me elsewhere?" Princess Baoyan abruptly interrupted him, and came over and coquettishly took his arm: "let's go. It's going to be dark later."

Xuanyuanrui had to say to Mu Xiaomi, "just take the comb. You are the most suitable person to wear this chain. I'll go first and come back to see you and the crown princess at the party."

He was dragged away by Princess Baoyan.

Mu Xiaomi looked at the shining pearl chain left in his hand and said to Meng Duoduo, "I really can't take this. It's too expensive. I can't take it anyway."

"The second prince gave it to you, so you can stay. Anyway, they have a lot of Royal treasures. If you don't want it, you don't want it. Listen to me, you can take it, otherwise the second prince will feel bad. Come on, I'll put it on for you." Meng Duoduo came over and took the pendant chain to Mu Xiaomi, and then praised: "Xiaomi, go and look in the mirror. Oh, the second prince can give gifts. This pendant is really a perfect match with a beautiful woman like you."

"Blossoming, you are really. You always like to make fun of me..." Mu Xiaomi angrily gave her a fist, and the two sisters made a mess happily.

The elegant and quiet bamboo house has a gentle breeze and a gust of wine.

The exquisite bamboo table in the room is now full of good wine and food. Xuanyuanrui and Tianzhi old man are sitting at the table and drinking.

Bao'er is playing happily. Brother Rui has just brought him a huge log top. He is playing. Although he is sweating, he is still reluctant to stop.

Xuanyuanrui and the old man drank one cup after another and talked a lot. From national affairs to Jianghu anecdotes, he was slightly drunk.

Today, when I came to the bamboo house, in addition to visiting Tianzhi old man and bao'er, xuanyuanrui was also full of worries.

Since meeting with Baoyan county master, the emperor and the empress personally gave Prince Cheng's father and daughter a formal reception at the empress's Yuanhe palace that night.

They explicitly hinted to xuanyuanrui that the main reason for summoning Princess Baoyan into the palace is to let Princess Baoyan give him a princess. I hope they can have a good contact and cultivate their feelings during this time.

As a result, Prince Cheng only stayed in the palace for a few days and rushed back to Longxi.

But Princess Baoyan stayed, and every day she would come to Jinghe hall and pester xuanyuanrui to play with her. Xuanyuanrui was tired of going here and there.

At the same time, he now had fewer and fewer opportunities to see the little comb.

Little comb always seems to have so many things. Even if it's not easy to see, Bao Yan often follows him step by step. He can't have a good word with little comb at all.

Thinking of this, xuanyuanrui couldn't help sighing gently and forgot to drink.

"Xiao rui'er, what's on your mind today?" old man Tianzhi asked directly.

"Senior, if you like a girl, and you like her very much, but she doesn't know, what would you do?" xuanyuanrui took a sip of wine and said frankly.

"Ha ha, I said that Xiao Ruier didn't look right. It turned out that he had a lover. This is a happy event. Let me guess. It must be the beautiful little girl who came here with you last time." Tianzhi said happily.

"The elder is right. It's her. Now I feel that if I don't see her one day, my heart will be empty, as if there is something missing. But she can't feel my mind at all, and I don't know what she thinks." in front of Tianzhi old man, xuanyuanrui is a child, who confides his troubles to the old man: "These days, my father and mother intend to marry me again, but the only girl I want to marry is her."

"Xiao Ruier doesn't have to worry. You can't guess what she thinks. Then ask her. She doesn't know you like her, so you can tell her directly. You can't hesitate to chase a girl. You must be brave and show it to her. In my old man's opinion, the little girl is good to you. Maybe she's waiting for you to tell her." Tianzhi old man said solemnly.

"Really? You said she might like me too?" xuanyuanrui asked with a bright eye.

"Hehe, xiaorui'er, how many little girls do you dislike when you meet the second prince who is as talented as you? Listen to my old man's words. You're right. Go find her boldly. Don't you say it first. Do you want someone else's little girl to show you her heart first?" the old man tasted the wine leisurely, and what he said was also his own heart.

In the eyes of Tianzhi old man, the beautiful girl who came to the bamboo house last time and xuanyuanrui are just a pair made in heaven. They should be more suitable.

However, he didn't expect that the beautiful little girl knew another excellent prince, Prince xuanyuanmo

After listening to the old man's words, xuanyuanrui flashed Mu Xiaomi's charming and charming appearance in front of him, and his mood couldn't help stirring up: "yes, I don't want to be a coward who is afraid of hands and feet anymore. No matter what she thinks, I must go to her today to make it clear. If my father and mother want me to marry a princess as soon as possible, I can only recognize her in my heart."

"Good job, Xiao Ruier. A man should work hard at everything. If you don't try, you'll never know the result. Come on, drink and wish your wish come true." the old man Tianzhi said with appreciation, touched a glass with Xuanyuan Rui and drank it.

"Thank you, master." xuanyuanrui smiled heartily and put down his glass: "I'm leaving because I can't wait to see her."

"Let's go. Don't forget to bring a small comb to play with us then." old man Tianzhi smiled understandably.

"Well, it will." xuanyuanrui got up and said to bao'er, who had played far away: "bao'er, brother Rui is leaving. Bye."

Bao'er was having a good time. After hearing this, he just waved to him from a distance and didn't run over.

He hurried back to the palace. Xuanyuanrui went straight to Yonghe hall to find Mu Xiaomi.

At this moment, his heart is full of uncontrollable enthusiasm and Acacia. He can't wait for almost a minute. He just hopes to see the little comb immediately and pour out his feelings to her.

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