When he came to the palace of Yonghe hall, xuanyuanrui hesitated again.

It was the break time after lunch. He didn't know what the little comb was doing. He couldn't break into the little comb's room and say these words.

At this time, Zhuzhu came leisurely with a basin of azaleas.

Xuanyuanrui quickly stopped her: "Zhuzhu, is the little comb there? Help me to call her out. I have something to tell her."

"The crown princess has just asked the little comb to go back to the room to rest. Second prince, wait. I'll call the little comb now." Zhuzhu promised crisply, put down the azalea and turned to call Mu Xiaomi.

Soon, Mu Xiaomi crossed the threshold of the wing room and came out looking around.

Xuanyuanrui immediately greeted him: "little comb, I'm waiting for you."

"Hello, second prince." Mu Xiaomi smiled, then smelled the strong wine smell on xuanyuanrui, and asked, "have you been drinking?"

"Well, I went to the bamboo house today and drank some wine with the old man." xuanyuanrui nodded and looked at her attentively.

"Have you gone to the bamboo house? Are bao'er and elder Tianzhi all right?" Mu Xiaomi asked with concern.

"They are all very good, and let me say hello to you." xuanyuanrui answered casually, raised his finger and pointed to the small garden in front of him: "little comb, shall we talk over there? I have something important to say to you."

Mu Xiaomi was stunned with a little doubt and followed him.

They walked side by side on the quiet path in the garden for a while, but xuanyuanrui was silent again.

Mu Xiaomi was surprised and asked, "second prince, what do you want to tell me?"

Where does she know? At this moment, xuanyuanrui's heart is like thousands of troops galloping, with thousands of words, but he doesn't know where to start.

Hearing the girl's question, xuanyuanrui stopped, lowered his head and stared at her deeply. In a pair of handsome black eyes, there is a light of tenderness and heat.

Under his affectionate and hot eyes, Mu Xiaomi was a little uneasy.

With women's unique slender and sensitive, she felt that xuanyuanrui would say something different to her today.

Finally, xuanyuanrui opened his mouth deeply: "little comb, I always want to tell you a word, which is very important and necessary. That is..."

After a slight pause, he once again deeply stared at the girl's beautiful face and said softly and solemnly: "I like you very much. I'm willing to do anything for you; I'm willing to give up everything for you. Little comb, if I ask you to be my princess now, can you promise me?"

Er, Mu Xiaomi was stunned.

Although she had a vague premonition, she never thought that xuanyuanrui would ask her to promise to be his princess, and she was not prepared at all.

Is this a proposal? She knows that xuanyuanrui has been very kind to her since he met her, but marry him? This is something Mu Xiaomi has never considered.

Looking at the girl's surprised and confused face, xuanyuanrui smiled and continued to say softly: "Since I first saw you in the imperial garden, I can't erase you from my heart. I stay in the Imperial Palace every day, and I come to Yonghe hall every day just because I want to see you. When you were injured and unconscious by someone ordered by my mother, I almost went crazy. I just hate that I can't bear this suffering for you. I'm willing to take care of you and protect you all my life The slightest injury and grievance. Little comb, please believe me, OK? I've never been so concerned about and reluctant to give up to any girl, and I've never said anything sweet to any girl. Only you let me realize what love is and what pain is, and only you let me know what loss is and what sweetness is. From now on, I'll be fine I dote on you and love you. If you don't want to stay in the palace, I can take you all over the world. "

With that, he gently took Mu Xiaomi's hands and put them piously on his chest: "do you feel it? This heart beats for you."

Listening to xuanyuanrui's deep and affectionate narration, Mu Xiaomi is completely stupid.

Xuanyuanrui said that this is the first time he has expressed his feelings to a girl. Isn't it the first time she has heard such a hot and emotional confession from a boy?

In the face of xuanyuanrui, an excellent man with passion and tenderness, it is impossible to say who is not moved at all.

At least this moment, Mu Xiaomi was deeply moved.

Her mind was confused, her thoughts seemed to stop, and a layer of crystal mist gradually covered her beautiful apricot eyes: "second prince... Am I so good? I never knew that you would value me so much."

"You are so good. At least in my heart, you are the most beautiful girl in the world." xuanyuanrui sighed silently and gently took her into his arms: "you know at this time, it's not too late. I said, I will pet you, love you and let you live the best life."

Mu Xiaomi's body shuddered. She wanted to break free, but xuanyuanrui slowly hugged her and whispered in her ear with all kinds of soft voice: "now, close your eyes? Because I want to kiss you."

As if hypnotized, Mu Xiaomi closed his eyes faintly.

However, her body trembled more nervously, and she always felt something wrong. However, she said she didn't know what she was afraid of?

In short, she just felt that things should not be like this, and a voice sounded more and more clearly at the bottom of her heart: no! That won't work!

Mu Xiaomi woke up like a dream, suddenly opened his eyes and startled xuanyuanrui who was looking down.

Xuanyuanrui blushed and shouted, "little comb..."

"Second prince, no, I can't accept it. I've always regarded you as a good friend and brother, and I can't see you as a lover." Mu Xiaomi said rudely, trying to get out of his arms.

"It doesn't matter, little comb, I can wait for you until you are willing to accept me. Moreover, as long as you are with me, I believe you will slowly fall in love with me. Because I am the person who loves you most and loves you most and is most suitable for you in the world." xuanyuanrui said with incomparable firmness and still unwilling to let go.

His heart has been completely occupied by the innocent and lovely girl in front of him.

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