"Ha ha ha." at this time, Liu Yangfeng, who was honestly hiding on the roof beam to watch the excitement, couldn't help laughing and laughed regardless.

Calmly raised his eyes, Yun Feiyang was not surprised at all, but smiled indifferently: "Liu Yangfeng, you are really hiding here. No wonder I always feel that there are a pair of sneaky eyes staring at me on my head."

"Hey, it's fun. I didn't expect that I could hide here and enjoy the good play of master Yun's affectionate confession. What's more, I didn't expect that master Yun, who is always handsome and surrounded by beautiful women, would like to see such a girl." Liu Yangfeng smiled and jumped down from the roof.

Then, he looked up and down at the flowers, shook his head and said to Yun Feiyang, "look at her. She looks like me. You know my appearance is not good-looking. So what do you like about her? Of course, her figure is good, but Long Feng, a person like you, young cabinet leader Yun, should never like a yellow haired girl with only figure but no appearance."

"Hey, Liu Yangfeng! When I first met you, even if you don't like to see me look like you, you don't have to bother to hurt me." Meng Duoduo couldn't stand it and became a little angry: "do I look as ugly as you say?"

Damn it! No one has ever said such impolite words in front of her.

Besides, she has enough confidence in the natural foundation given to her parents! From small to large, people love flowers and see flowers bloom, okay?

Liu Yangfeng, is he blind? Even in front of the cloud flying, she said her appearance was worthless.

What's more, he is also a person with the same appearance as her.

"Hehe, don't be angry, beauty. I totally agree that you are a beauty. I just wonder why young cabinet leader Yun likes a woman who looks like me? You know, in recent months, young cabinet leader Yun has chased me from north to South and from south to north. He chases me wherever I hide, making it difficult for me to sleep and eat day and night. Therefore, I doubt that he wants to see me too much I won't miss you until I arrive. "Liu Yangfeng playfully raised his lips to Meng Duoduo, then turned his head and asked Yun Feiyang," master Yun, can you tell me what you like about her? "

"Is it necessary for me to answer your question?" Yun Feiyang looked at him indifferently and said mercilessly: "although she looks like you, in my heart, you and she are like earth and sky, which can't be compared together."

"It's a different life for the same person." Yun Feiyang felt his chin uninteresting and gave an exaggerated sigh: "Alas, I'm so poor."

Yun Feiyang frowned coldly, as if he was used to his tricks: "Liu Yangfeng, I advise you not to make any wrong ideas. Where are the things? Bring them."

"Master Yun, how many times do you want me to say before you believe it? I also want to know where things are, but I really don't know where things are." Liu Yangfeng spread his hands helplessly, with a look of innocence on his face.

"Ho, we are all old acquaintances. I want to be polite when we are here today." Yun Feiyang smiled, and his handsome body pattern didn't move, but there seemed to be a faint murderous spirit: "so, you'd better be sensible and don't force me to do it to you."

"Yes, that's OK. To be honest, I'm tired of hiding all day. I really want to hand over my things directly and have fun myself. Let me think about it. The thing has been transferred to several places... Where is it now?" Liu Yangfeng thought intently as he said, shifting his eyes gently to Meng Duoduo, Suddenly exclaimed, "Meng Duoduo, what's the matter with you?"

Er, Meng Duoduo was inexplicable. He blinked and whispered, "I'm fine. There's nothing wrong."

Yun Feiyang was not distracted at all. With a long arm, he easily caught Liu Yangfeng who wanted to run away: "do you think I would be fooled?"

"Yes, why aren't you fooled?" Liu Yangfeng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "it seems that you still don't care enough about this Meng girl."

"Don't care, don't bother you." Yun Feiyang smiled coldly and carelessly increased his strength: "just take care of yourself."

"Oh, hey, master Yun, show mercy. Why are you getting more and more cruel? I was hurt by you last time, but I haven't recovered..." Liu Yangfeng suddenly turned pale, and the beads of bean sweat fell straight down his head, as if he was suffering from extreme pain.

Meng Duoduo was frightened to see it. Without thinking about it, he went over and begged, "cloud is flying. Have something to say. Don't do this to him."

"What are you doing? Go away! I don't need it!" Liu Yangfeng suddenly lost his temper and swung a palm at her forehead.

fuck! What a dog! I've been treated as a donkey's liver and lung for kindness. I've seen people who don't know what's good or bad. I haven't seen such a person bite the hand that feeds me!

Where can Meng Duoduo escape such a fierce attack? For a time, I almost spit blood and die! I just thought that my little life would be wrongly left here today. I was so scared that I had to close my eyes excitedly.

However, the expected terrible pain did not fall on her head as scheduled. In an instant, she had steadily fallen into a generous and powerful arms.

It was Yun Feiyang who protected her in his arms in time and avoided Liu Yangfeng's deadly palm.

At the moment he hugged Meng Duoduo, Liu Yangfeng jumped out of the big window facing the street and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This little fox." Yun Feiyang scolded angrily, looked down at the girl who had not calmed down in his arms, joked and asked, "girl, you're not scared. Your face has no color."

Meng Duoduo was really frightened. He stroked his chest in fear before he could say: "shit! Is he sick? I was kind enough to help him speak, but he wanted to kill me!"

"So, don't abuse your kindness." Yun Feiyang smiled quietly, let go of her and walked to the window: "he doesn't want to kill you. He's sure I'll save you. However, he can't run."

"Hey, don't chase." Meng Duoduo shouted quickly and subconsciously pulled Yun Feiyang's clothes.

As like as two peas, she had a natural sense of what she felt like.

It seems that there is really something difficult to explain between them.

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