Although he almost killed her and met the king of hell, she didn't want Yun Feiyang to catch him. She just wanted him to run as far as possible.

"Oh, are you trying to keep me?" Yun Feiyang turned around and looked at the little hand of the girl holding her clothes tightly. There was a charming smile like a spring breeze on her face, which really attracted the country and the city and stirred people's hearts infinitely.

"Even if you want to stay, Yun Feiyang, why do you keep staring at him? You are the leader of Youlong Pavilion. Your martial arts are already very strong. Even if there is no Linglong pillar, no one dares to bully you. Is that Linglong pillar really so important to you?" Meng Duoduo loosened his hand and persuaded him kindly.

"It's really important, but now I've found something more important to me." Yun Feiyang stared at her deeply. The magnetic and beautiful male voice sounded particularly soft and charming at the moment: "so I can stay instead of chasing him."

"Er, what's the more important thing you said?" Meng Duoduo raised his hand and rubbed his hair, feeling a little incredible: "listen to your tone, do you mean me?"

"Hehe, if I said that the most important baby in my heart is really you, would you believe it?" Yun Feiyang's smile on his lips became deeper and deeper, with a bit of ridicule and banter.

"Of course I don't believe it. Clouds are flying. Who doesn't know you're a big turnip. You and your beautiful subordinates are afraid of a lot of love affairs." Meng Duoduo was indifferent and mocked.

Yun Feiyang's face was slightly cold, his eyes were deep and smiling: "yes, there has never been a lack of women around me. As long as I want, there are a lot of beautiful women I can choose at will, but what does it have to do with you? Why are you so sour? Are you jealous?"

"Cut! The clouds are flying. You really don't know how ashamed you are! You don't use your feelings specifically and give up all the time. You rely on your money and your handsome appearance to love each other. Why don't you feel ashamed, but feel very glorious?" Meng Duoduo brushed his lips disdainfully and said angrily: "I tell you, no matter how many women there are around you, I won't be one of them, and I won't be jealous of playboys like you! I just feel sad for the poor women around you."

Yun Feiyang was cold with a super eye-catching cool handsome face. His unfathomable eyes became more dark and unclear: "Meng Duoduo, my image in your eyes is so unbearable?"

Meng Duoduo just wanted to nod honestly, but looked at him as if he was hurt.

She suddenly had a trace of intolerance. The man in front of her was really handsome.

He is incomparably handsome. He is so handsome that his breath is unstable and his heart beats faster. He is so handsome that Meng Duoduo, a girl who has always been careless and hates him very much, can't help but have a wonderful heart of love.

Well, in both modern and ancient times, forgiving her is a real Yan Kong. She decided to stop saying those words that satirized and hit him.

Therefore, Meng Duoduo changed his expression and told him frankly: "it's not so unbearable, but I've never been used to those men with wives and concubines. You treated me like that last time with your female subordinate... And then I had a bad impression of you."

"You mean Ying'er? She was arranged by her father to accompany me when I was young. She was also very kind to me. I did have a quarrel with her, but I didn't feel the truth." Yun Feiyang looked down at the beautiful and lovely girl from a close distance. Her face was deep and solemn, her dark star eyes were shining, and she wanted to explain it to her carefully: "Moreover, it was all before I knew you. Since I found that I couldn't put you in my heart more and more, I didn't touch her again."

"Khan, why did you tell me this? I don't want to ask about your private life. You don't have to make such a statement." Meng Duoduo was a little funny for a moment.

At this moment, she could hardly connect the cloud flying in front of her with the previous arrogant and cynical leader of Youlong Pavilion.

"Yes, why do I tell you this? You're not my wife. I don't need to explain to you." Yun Feiyang mockingly hooked his lips, and his expression returned to his usual natural and casual: "Why are you here today? It was a coincidence to meet Liu Yangfeng?"

"Of course it was a chance encounter. I didn't know him before. I heard his name for the first time in you Youlong Pavilion." Meng Duoduo stared at him and said, "I'm waiting for my two friends here. Who knows he'll hide above."

"He must have startled you?" Yun Feiyang asked with a smile.

As like as two peas, I was surprised to see him on the roof. "I was surprised when I saw him on the roof." Meng duo smiled and said careless: "fortunately, I heard you say that there is a man who looks exactly like me, otherwise I must have heart trouble today."

Recalling the first sight of Liu Yangfeng just now, she felt novel and interesting.

Yun Feiyang once said that Liu Yangfeng is a clever boy who never suffers losses. Today, it looks like this. Meng Duoduo's heart can't help but be more interested in his replica of Liu Yangfeng.

She secretly made up her mind that at noon tonight, she must rush to No. 8, Muzi lane, south of the city on time to make a mysterious appointment with Liu Yangfeng.

"So you're waiting for a friend." Yun Feiyang picked a beautiful sword eyebrow carved with ink dye pen and said lazily: "last time you asked me to take the nine incense God elixir, it's also for your friends. Your friends seem to have been very many."

"There aren't many, just a few. There are too few places I can go, so I have limited opportunities to make friends." Meng Duoduo said, suddenly thinking of xuanyuanmo and Mu Xiaomi.

These two people really seem to have wandered for a long time. It seems that they are really happy and forget to return.

She couldn't help bending down and looking out of the window. The bustling crowd all over the street still couldn't see xuanyuanmo and Mu Xiaomi.

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly and went to the window to look out side by side with her.

"By the way, Yun Feiyang, don't you like beautiful women? Do you agree to my invitation to stay for dinner with us today?" Meng Duoduo said excitedly to him, "as long as you stay, I promise you will see a real and beautiful woman."

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