"You know! We will be loyal to the crown prince to the death. Today we are coming to take the life of your usurped emperor." the head man sneered, and his eyes exposed outside the black cloth showed a ferocious light: "You killed so many of us and tried to kill the crown prince! It's a pity that you were so smart and confused that you went to this remote town without a soldier for a woman. God wants to help us achieve a great cause. Muxichen, your time of death is coming. We'll take your head and report to the crown prince!"

"Where is he? I want to see your prince." Mu Xichen said calmly. Although he didn't know well, his face was still calm.

With his skill, if he wants to deal with such people in peacetime, he should have no problem at all.

However, today, his body has not fully recovered, and he is unarmed. It is obviously not so simple to get out of the danger in front of him.

"Hahaha, when you are dying, you still want to see the crown prince? Mu Xichen, just dream. To tell you the truth, the crown prince doesn't know about our action this time. We found out your whereabouts and wanted to kill you first and then ask for merit for the crown prince!" the man led by him gave a proud laugh.

"Do you really think you can kill me?" Mu Xichen couldn't help but stir up the corners of his lips and sneer: "who told you I didn't take a soldier? Haven't you heard that I never leak anything when I do things. If I'm not sure, how could I come here alone?"

His calm words made those people's hearts a little empty. Some people's eyes subconsciously glanced to both sides, as if they wanted to see if there was any ambush.

"Don't talk nonsense, brothers, go!" the masked man was very dissatisfied with his men. He was perplexed by Mu Xichen. Then he stopped drinking: "kill him and avenge the former Emperor!"

The assassins in black immediately rushed to Mu Xichen with knives, and dozens of long knives came to him with fierce spirit.

Mu Xichen had been on guard for a long time. He jumped up in the air and was as fast as lightning.

Almost no one saw how he did it. In an instant, he had rushed to the head masked man, clasped the man's wrist with his backhand, kicked away the long knife in his hand and grabbed his own hand.

Then, the cold shining blade was heavily placed on the bandit leader's neck: "if you don't want him to die, stay away."

The man also wanted to make a futile resistance. As soon as he moved, Mu Xichen mercilessly cut a big hole in his neck.

Blood immediately flowed down the bandit's neck. He gave a scream of horror and his legs began to tremble.

"I don't believe you really want to die, let them back down!" Mu Xichen ordered coldly, and the sharp blade tightened his neck again.

The bandit leader didn't expect Mu Xichen's Kung Fu to be so powerful. Under the siege of the crowd, he almost effortlessly controlled himself, so he had to shout to his men reluctantly, "stay away first."

Seeing that the leader was captured, those people dared not approach Mu Xichen casually and reluctantly gave up a road.

"Emperor, Emperor!" far away, Xueji hurried over.

Xia Qing and Zonghua also rushed here, followed by a group of bodyguards.

"I have something to find your master xuanyuanmo. If you are smart enough, go back and inform him to meet me as soon as possible. Otherwise, today, it will not be me, but you." Mu Xichen pushed away the masked man, threw the knife heavily on the ground, turned and walked towards Xueji and them.

"Emperor, are you all right? I beg your pardon for your late escort." Xia Qing and Zonghua were shocked to see so many people in black surrounded the emperor, and hurried forward to apologize.

"With these mobs, what can I do?" Mu Xichen said quietly.

Xueji rushed into his arms and hugged him tightly: "emperor, you didn't come back so late. Xueji is so worried about you."

Looking down at her beautiful and delicate face, Mu Xichen remembered his sister Mu Xiaomi again and smiled gently: "I'm fine, nothing at all."

"It's all right? You haven't recovered from your illness. You've met these bad guys. Fortunately, the emperor's martial arts are high. It's no problem to defeat hundreds of people by one person." Xueji said angrily and admiringly, raising her hand to gently wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Emperor, what should we do with these people?" Xia Qing asked.

"Let them go. I need them to inform xuanyuanmo about something." Mu Xichen replied very simply and decisively.

Xia Qing and Zonghua looked at each other. Although they wondered why the emperor suddenly wanted to find xuanyuanmo, they didn't dare to ask more. Seeing Xueji's love for the emperor, they promised and ordered the guards to expel the assassins.

"Let's go back to the inn." Mu Xichen said to Xueji.

"Mu Xichen, you can't go today." behind him, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Mu Xichen twisted her eyebrows and turned around. At a glance, she saw xuanyuanrui standing not far away. Beside him, there was a young man who looked like blossoming.

At first sight of Liu Yangfeng, Mu Xichen was surprised. The boy and blossoms look so much alike that they are blossoms disguised as men.

Xuanyuanrui was also surprised to see Xueji and almost regarded her as Mu Xiaomi.

But he immediately realized that the girl could not be mu Xiaomi. They just looked similar.

When he met Liu Yangfeng, Liu Yangfeng told him that xuanyuanmo found them and Mu Xiaomi followed xuanyuanmo away.

"Xuanyuanrui, I have agreed with Duoduo. I am not attached to the throne. As long as I contact your brother xuanyuanmo, I will leave with Duoduo and go far away to live as a fairy couple." Mu Xichen said in a deep voice, his face unchanged: "what else do you want to pester me?"

"Mu Xichen, I don't care whether you want to be the emperor or not. I want to settle with you for the Revenge of killing my parents. Last time I fought alone in the palace, I couldn't compare with you. Today, with my brother Liu Yangfeng's great help, I don't believe that we can't kill you with our two strength?" xuanyuanrui added coldly "It's best to let the lady next to you get out of the way. I just want to avenge you and don't want to hurt the innocent."

"Xueji, stand away first. We'll fight fiercely. Be careful to hurt you." Mu Xichen thought a little and knew that a fierce fight was inevitable, so he whispered to Xueji.

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