"Emperor! Can you not fight with them?" Xueji nervously grasped his skirt and expressed her worry.

"I don't want to fight, but you can see that they won't let me go." Mu Xichen said faintly and said to Zonghua, "give me a sword."

Zonghua handed the long sword in his hand to Mu Xichen and took a knife from the bodyguard at will.

At this time, xuanyuanrui and Liu Yangfeng have rushed to Mu Xichen with a lot of murderous spirit. Those people in black and masked who had not fled have also made a comeback and killed them with a knife again.

"Protect the emperor!" Xia Qing shouted, and together with Zonghua, including the bodyguards they brought, they protected Mu Xichen.

The scene was chaotic, with swords, flesh and blood, fierce fighting and screams.

Xueji was frightened when she saw it. Xuanyuanrui tried his best to deal with Mu Xichen alone. Liu Yangfeng and Xia qingzonghua fought together, while those masked in black fought with many bodyguards.

After playing for a long time, Liu Yangfeng saw that it was difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat for a moment. He was already impatient to fight like this. He was also anxious to see his sister blossoming.

So Liu Yangfeng jumped away from Xia Qing and Zonghua's attack. Seeing his arm move, it seemed that countless dazzling lights were emitted from his hands. In an instant, everyone present was shocked to step back a few steps, and was dazzled by the strange light.

Liu Yangfeng accurately pointed the luminous body in his palm at Mu Xichen and pressed the mechanism as fast as lightning.

Immediately, a strong light beam with irresistible murderous spirit went straight to Mu Xichen's body, but mu Xichen, who was still fighting with xuanyuanrui, was unaware of the danger behind him.

"Emperor, be careful!" Xueji, standing nearby, exclaimed.

"Third brother, be careful! Xuanyuanrui! Liu Yangfeng! Don't kill my third brother!" at this time, Meng Duoduo stumbled over from a distance, and she also saw the strong light shooting at Mu Xichen.

In desperation and impatience, Meng Duoduo rushed to them with all her strength, trying to stop all this.

As her spirit and physical strength were already overwhelmed, she tripped at her feet and the whole person immediately fell heavily to the ground. The clouds that followed her rushed forward and hugged her.

At the same time, Xueji rushed to block Mu Xichen's back.

Liu Yangfeng didn't expect that the girl would suddenly rush over. It was too late to stop. The strong light hit Xueji's body. Red blood gushed from her chest and mouth.

Xueji's injury and Meng Duoduo's fall happened almost at the same time. Everyone was shocked by the bravery of the two women in front of them.

"Don't come here, Duoduo!" anxiously stopped Meng Duoduo. Mu Xichen didn't care to fight with xuanyuanrui again, threw away his sword and hugged Xueji who fell slowly: "Xueji! Xueji!"

Xia Qing and Zonghua also quickly surrounded them.

Xuanyuanrui and Liu Yangfeng didn't expect to hurt innocent people by mistake, and they are still a girl who looks so beautiful and looks very close to Mu Xiaomi. Both of them felt bad. They were stunned there at that time.

The chaotic and tragic fighting scene just now suddenly quieted down. Many bodyguards have fallen, and many people in black have fallen. There were corpses everywhere, and the ground was a sea of blood.

Liu Yangfeng was stunned for a long time and ran towards Meng Duoduo.

"Duoduo, sister, how are you?" he squatted down and held Duoduo's hand.

Meng Duoduo's cold sweat fell drop by drop, and his lower body began to ache and numb. A cold feeling quickly filled her body from bottom to top, and she couldn't even shout out because of the pain.

Her eyes looked straight in the direction of Mu Xichen. There, Mu Xichen was with Xueji who was seriously injured.

"Emperor, hold me tight. I'm going to die... I'm so cold, so cold..." Xueji's face is no longer as bright and vivid as before. Blood keeps pouring out from her chest, symbolizing that her vitality is also losing.

"Xueji, no... you won't die, you will live well." muxichen hugged Xueji, tears fell on her increasingly pale face, and it was hard to regret in her heart.

If he had known, he would not let Xueji come here with him. If he had known, he would have been a little better to Xueji in the past.

This girl, from a foreign country, is so young and beautiful. If she had not come to Ningguo, she would have had a bright future. She could have had her own sweet love.

However, fate made her meet Mu Xichen, and fate made her fall in love with Mu Xichen. She is deeply in love with Mu Xichen, but she has never enjoyed his tenderness.

She looked so delicate, but today, with her bravest actions, she proved her deepest love for mu Xichen in front of everyone.

In order to save him, she did not hesitate to use her body to block the fatal danger for him.

In order to save him, she did not hesitate to give her gorgeous life in her youth. What kind of deep feeling is this? What kind of true love without regrets?

"The Emperor... Kiss me... Can you kiss me? I always want the emperor to kiss me..." Xueji made a faint sound in her mouth, and the light in her eyes was a little dim, but she still looked at Mu Xichen with longing.

Mu Xichen bent down his face and his lips gently fell on the girl's cold lips

The soft and sad kiss seemed to inject a new vitality into Xueji's life, and her dull eyes suddenly glowed with moving brilliance.

With all his strength and trembling hands, she grabbed Mu Xichen's arm. Her voice was dying: "emperor, I don't want to die... I really don't want to die. If I don't die, will the emperor love me... Will..."

"Yes, Xueji, I will love you! Xueji, Xueji, I will love you. Don't sleep..." Mu Xichen hugged her hard and said in tears in her ear.

Hearing what he said, Xueji's mouth turned into a sweet smile.

The pair of water cut autumn eyes looked at Mu Xichen affectionately and infinitely. Their tone was weak, but they were particularly clear: "if there is an afterlife, I want to be the emperor's wife..."

With these words, her hands hung down feebly, a lot of blood oozed from her mouth, and her beautiful eyes closed slowly like a deep sleep.

"Xueji, Xueji! Don't close your eyes..." Mu Xichen eagerly shouted her name, but Xueji didn't move.

Looking at this scene, Zonghua and Xia Qing lowered their heads and silently wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes.

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