When Xiao Moxuan sent people around to look for Meng Xiaoxiao, Meng Xiaoxiao didn't know anything.

It was not until the afternoon of the next day that she woke up from her coma. Slowly opening her eyes, she found herself sleeping in a very luxurious room.

In the middle of the room, there is a gold inlaid copper stove carved with dragons and phoenixes. There is a raging fire. Sandalwood in the room is as warm as spring.

The bed lying on the bed is also very gorgeous. At the head of the bed is a red sandalwood dresser inlaid with gilt diamond mirrors. On the right side of the bed is a carved wardrobe more than two meters high, which looks luxurious and rich.

Meng Xiaoxiao looked at the whole room. She could already conclude that the person who saved her this time must be either rich or expensive. I can't help sighing in my heart that crossing women not only have a great chance of meeting handsome men, but also have a great chance of meeting rich people.

She wanted to sit up and tried to move, but there was another heart piercing pain in her left leg. She couldn't get up by herself.

When I opened the quilt, I saw that my left leg had been wrapped with thick gauze and fixed with a thin wooden board. It seemed that the man had really found a doctor for her.

There are still many good people in the world, and their luck is not too bad to be hopeless. Meng Xiaoxiao smiled happily, but suddenly surprised to find that all the clothes she was wearing had been changed.

Inside and outside, including underwear, everything is not the clothes she wore from the palace

God, uh!

Meng Xiaoxiao's surprise was no small matter. She clearly remembered that the man who saved her was a better looking man than a girl.

So, who helped change her clothes? If it was that man, didn't he see all his body

Meng Xiaoxiao's heart jumped abnormally. He didn't dare to think about it any more. He just felt that if so, he could really hit tofu.

After thinking about it, she comforted herself that it wouldn't be so miserable. His family is so rich. There must be many servant girls. Maybe the servant girls helped change it.

A person was thinking about it. The Pearl curtain was lifted, and a figure of Yushu Linfeng came in.

Meng Xiaoxiao looked at the handsome man who saved himself last night.

The handsome guy is really pleasing to the eye. He is as gentle as jade and elegant. At this time, he seems to be more handsome and elegant in the bright light of the day. It seems to be comparable to Xiao Moxuan.

"Are you awake?" the strange handsome man walked to the bed and smiled when he saw Meng Xiaoxiao with two big black eyes.

"Yes, thank you." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded foolishly, and his face turned red.

Because somehow she suddenly thought that if this beautiful man like an immortal changed her clothes, it didn't seem to be very miserable. At least, they look so handsome and have gentle eyes like a pool of spring water

"Wake up and get up. I'll change your medicine again," said the handsome man. He sat down in the armchair in front of the bed and reached for a can of medicinal wine on the square table beside the bed.

"But... I can't get up." Meng Xiaoxiao whispered.

She noticed that there were gauze, ointment, cotton swabs and many other medical supplies on the small square table.

"Hehe, I'll help you." the handsome man put down the medicine and wine, helped Meng Xiaoxiao sit up with both hands and let her lean against the head of the bed.

Then he skillfully opened the wood and gauze tied to Meng Xiaoxiao's legs, stroked her trouser legs, picked up a cotton swab, dipped in medicinal wine, and carefully cleaned her wound.

After cleaning, a layer of paste ointment was gently applied on it, which was also very careful.

Finally, he bandaged Meng Xiaoxiao's injured leg with clean new gauze, and tied the thin board to her leg.

He did all this carefully and skillfully, just like a surgeon who has been practicing medicine for many years.

Meng Xiaoxiao stared at him and asked in surprise, "are you a doctor?"

"Doctor?" the handsome man couldn't understand the new word. He looked at Meng Xiaoxiao with a little surprise.

"Oh... That's what the doctor means. You're a doctor who specializes in seeing people." Meng Xiaoxiao blinked shyly.

"Oh, not really, just a little medical skill." the handsome man understood and showed a bright smile in his clear eyes.

After helping Meng Xiaoxiao deal with the wound, he gently put down Meng Xiaoxiao's trouser legs and covered her with a quilt.

When Meng Xiaoxiao saw it, his cheeks couldn't help but turn red again. He hesitated and asked, "well, where's my... Clothes?"

In fact, she wanted to ask who changed my clothes? But the words came to my mouth, but I still couldn't ask, so it became such a sentence.

"Covered with blood, it's not easy to wash, so I decided to replace it for you." the handsome man smiled calmly.

"But... Did you change my clothes?" Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but blurted out at last.

The handsome man was stunned for a moment. Looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's tangled little face, he laughed: "when the doctor treats the patient, he looks at everything, regardless of men and women."

"Er... But..." Meng Xiaoxiao's face suddenly turned into ripe tomatoes. He always felt that what he said sounded a little wrong, but he didn't know how to refute it.

"Ha ha, don't be." the handsome man interrupted her stammering words with a smile and said jokingly: "I also know that men and women are different, so your clothes were changed with the help of a palace maid, and I wasn't there."

"Oh..." Meng Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly found a more wrong problem. She opened her eyes and couldn't believe it: "maid in waiting? You mean... Here..."

"Yes, it's the palace." the handsome man took her words easily. God, collapse! Meng Xiaoxiao took a breath and cried in his heart. How did he run around and run to the palace again? Isn't it easy for Xiao Moxuan to come here?

"So, are you?" Meng Xiaoxiao looked at the strange super handsome man and thought to himself, it won't be so coincidence. Don't be the sick prince in the legend.

"My name is Xiao Motian." the handsome man smiled faintly, which clearly confirmed the guess in her heart.

"Ah, so you are really the mysterious prince." Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but cry out in a low voice.

For a time, she only felt that the world was really small. And the girl crossing seems to be especially destined for the royal family.

First Xiao Moxuan, then Xiao Molan, the third prince. Now, even the most low-key prince in the royal family, she has met by mistake.

What a wonderful arrangement fate has made for her.

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