"Am I mysterious?" Xiao Motian asked quietly.

"Ha ha, I feel you are very mysterious." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled playfully and looked at Xiao Motian carefully again. The handsome man is really radiant and energetic. He doesn't look like the weak prince who is weak and sick in his imagination. He wondered and said, "don't you mean you are in bad health? But I don't think so."

This sentence flashed a strange light in Xiao Motian's eyes. He looked at Meng Xiaoxiao thoughtfully and asked keenly, "who have you heard of me? Who are you?"

Meng Xiaoxiao realized that he had missed his words and quickly covered up with a smile: "Hey, I overheard people's gossip. I thought you were weak. Who knows that you will not only look good, but also cure the disease and save people."

"Well, it's called a long illness to become a doctor." Xiao Motian mockingly hooked his lips and looked at her with burning eyes: "you haven't answered me. Who are you? How can you be injured in the middle of the night and sit on the street?"

"I......" Meng Xiaoxiao's tongue tied a little, and a series of smooth lies came out: "I'm a servant girl of a big family in the capital. The master of the family is cruel and cruel. He often beats and scolds me. Now the old man in his sixties still wants to take me as his concubine. I can't stand it. I escaped secretly. Unexpectedly, I broke my leg. Fortunately, I met you, the prince."

"What's your name?" Xiao Motian continued to ask, his face could not see any expression.

"My name is Wei Xiaoxue. Just call me Xiaoxue." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly and announced a name casually.

"Wei Xiaoxue? This name is very special." Xiao Motian read her name in a deep voice, and suddenly said with a funny smile: "but it really doesn't look like the name of a servant girl."

"Er... Does the servant girl still stipulate what her name is?" Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, secretly complaining. He knew he should have told him his name was Qiuxiang or Dongmei.

Xiao Motian smiled noncommittally and didn't say much.

Meng Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, "prince, I feel very lucky to meet you. I really thank you for saving me. Please don't tell people that I'm here first. Otherwise, if my former owner knows and catches me back, I'll be finished."

"Don't worry, it's the safest here." Xiao Motian raised his eyebrows and wanted to laugh: "do you think anyone dares to arrest people in the palace?"

"Oh, of course not." Meng Xiaoxiao said, but the person who wanted to catch me was different. He went in and out of the palace like going in and out of his own vegetable garden. If he knew I was here, he would catch me back even if it was a dragon's pool and tiger's den.

"Then rest assured to recover from the injury and wait until the leg injury recovers." Xiao Motian said blandly.

"Prince, how long will it take me to recover from this injury?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked hurriedly. When can I stand up and walk? This is what she cares most.

"I saw it last night. Your leg hurt a bone. So I insisted on nursing treatment. I can fully recover after almost three months of rest." Xiao Motian said lightly.

"What? Three months?" Meng Xiaoxiao screamed. She almost wanted to jump out of bed. Her body moved, but it pulled the wound on her left leg. It hurt so much that she bared her teeth and inhaled.

"Yes, in three months, you still have to recover well. Are you too short or long?" Xiao Motian looked at her stimulated appearance and felt funny. Such a girl is really rare.

"Of course it's long. Big prince, do you mean that I have to lie in bed for three months and can't move freely?" Meng Xiaoxiao looked at him with wide eyes, hoping to hear a negative answer.

"It's almost like this, but if you recover well, you can walk behind with a crutch." Xiao Motian said calmly.

God! Meng Xiaoxiao was completely dizzy. He patted his head in frustration and fell on the cushion behind him. He couldn't say a word anymore. The sweet and lovely baby face had become a bitter melon face with a sad face.

No, she just wants to sneak away and pursue a more free and unrestrained life, but she has to pay the price of being unable to walk normally and move freely for three months. God, your heart is a little too cruel.

"You don't have to worry. In the past three months, I will take care of you until you fully recover." seeing Meng Xiaoxiao depressed, Xiao Motian said to her with relief.

"Thank you, Prince. You are really a kind man." Meng Xiaoxiao was helpless and speechless, and asked with a sad face, "do you usually have anyone here?"

At the thought of being unable to move for three months, she felt so unlucky.

Moreover, staying in the palace for three months will be in danger of being discovered at any time.

If someone sees her one day, such as the emperor, the queen, or Xiaolan, or princess Caiwei, or even Xiao Moxuan himself, won't she still be dragged back obediently?

In this way, even if she ran away in vain, her leg was broken in vain.

"What are you worried about? Who are you afraid of?" Xiao Motian looked into her eyes again.

"I mean, if someone comes and sees a strange woman like me here, it's not good," Meng Xiaoxiao said with a dry smile and embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter. There won't be anyone here." Xiao Motian bent his lips disapprovingly and looked indifferent: "even if someone comes, what is it if I raise a woman?"

Er, Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help but be shocked. Does he also have many women? Like Xiao Moxuan, he is also a lecherous who wanders around the flowers all day? How did he become a woman he raised? That doesn't sound like a smell.

With this in mind, Meng Xiaoxiao asked at will: "big prince, do you have many women? Therefore, it's nothing to raise one more?"

Xiao Motian was slightly stunned. The girl's courage is not ordinary.

To be sure, she is by no means a servant girl of a large family. Can a little servant girl have such calm eyes? Free and easy bearing? He doesn't believe it.

"Oh, no, so far, I've only raised you." Xiao Motian smiled gently, with a hint of ridicule in his expression.

"I can't count. I was just hurt and saved by you. You are my life-saving benefactor, but you can't say you raised me. Big prince, you can't talk nonsense." Meng Xiaoxiao solemnly corrected his words and declared very seriously: "in fact, I have money too. I'll figure it out at that time and I'll give it back to you."

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