"Do you really think I'm a fool?" Xiao Moxuan gently picked the Yingting dark sword eyebrow, with a cold voice and cold eyes: "The last time Su Ying was taken away by the people of the state of Chen, I felt something wrong. I didn't know it was you so soon, but I didn't expect that you would be stupid enough to raise carrier pigeons in the palace for the convenience of sending letters. Doesn't this indicate that it's not easy to tell me your details?"

"I only raised a few pigeons, which doesn't mean I did it." Qingqing pale cheeks, still hard mouth and strong support: "when I raised pigeons, you weren't in the palace at all. Moreover, if I was really not simple, how could I be stupid enough to let you see me raise carrier pigeons?"

"Ha ha, xuanyuanhong, is this your wisdom to be a spy?" Xiao Moxuan shook his head and laughed, looking at her eyes full of obvious ridicule and disgust: "I really feel sad for your country. Your brother xuanyuanlie tried his best to cultivate you. He even let your sister enter the brothel at the cost of money just to put you next to me. But you are really not qualified. You don't know what you do if you think I'm not in the palace? I'll tell you today, even if I'm not in the palace, I'm still clear about any change in the palace. Someone will help me keep an eye on it and report it to me at any time. It's so unusual for you to keep carrier pigeons. How can you hide it from me? "

Qingqing gently bites her lips and doesn't speak. Her heart is full of miscellaneous flavor.

Yes, the reason for raising carrier pigeons was that she was in a hurry to deliver a message and made a mistake at that time. But she soon realized that if she raised carrier pigeons, it would easily arouse the suspicion of the thoughtful man Wang Ye. Therefore, she quickly dismissed the pigeons. Unexpectedly, he still lost no time to seize this subtle but key handle.

Xiao Moxuan glanced at the pale green and continued to say coldly: "I was very surprised when I heard that you had raised carrier pigeons. So I immediately sent someone to investigate all the ways before you came to Yixiang courtyard. Although your brother tried his best to create a new identity of an orphan girl for you. However, you should also know that the people sent by the king will never be idle. The news they brought back is enough I was inspired by the king's spirit. I didn't expect that a woman who had been with the king for more than two years would be such a heavyweight figure, Princess Chen, the close sister of the current monarch. Do you think this is an unexpected surprise for the king? "

After a slight pause, he looked at Qingqing with similar pity: "Xuanyuanhong, don't you think your brother is a little too cruel? For his ambition and to get close to a man who lingers in the romantic place like me, he doesn't hesitate to let his own sister laugh in a foreign brothel. Once your identity is exposed, what will happen to you? He should know better than anyone."

"You... Since you already know, why do you keep me here?" Qingqing clenched her teeth, looking gloomy and unwilling.

"Hehe, since you and your king's brother regard me as a fool, I will simply cooperate with you to play this interesting game to the end and see who can laugh last?" Xiao Moxuan coldly ticked his lips and said slowly: "Don't you think it's not as convenient for you to do things since then? Last time you said you wanted to go to the palace with me and Xiaoxiao, I've been paying attention to you. The map of the palace you drew overnight was not sent out as you wanted. Now you're still sleeping in the drawer of my study. Naturally, the map your brother received is This is a fake map that Wang asked people to draw randomly. "

Qingqing was stunned. She thought she was smart enough to do everything flawlessly. But she never thought that the story of the mantis catching cicadas and yellow finches in the future could be staged so simply. This man is more sophisticated than her.

He had already understood his true identity, and his every move had already been under his full control. However, he was still so calm and restrained. He just waited leisurely to see what new actions he would make, and then cracked them one by one. He and his brother were not the opponent of this man after all.

The expression on his face changed a few times. Qingqing suddenly rushed to Xiao Moxuan and grabbed his skirt pleadingly: "Lord, I really love you. I've been in love with you for a long time. Sending that map is the last thing I do for my brother. If you read that map, you should see that I wrote a letter to my brother. I said I don't want to do this anymore, and I don't want to go back to Chen state. I just want to stay with you at ease. Lord, please forgive me and let me stay, don't kill you I, don't drive me away! I'm willing to guard you and serve you all my life, even if I'm a servant girl. "

"Behave yourself?" Xiao Moxuan pushed her away coldly, and the hostility in her expression became more and more serious, which seemed to penetrate into people's bones: "so, Xiaoxiao, how do you explain the Hehuan San in today? Don't tell me, you don't know anything!"

"Lord, I didn't mean it. I regretted it just now..." Qingqing, no, she should be called xuanyuanhong now.

Xuanyuanhong's eyes slipped a little flustered, and then she grabbed Xiao Moxuan's hand again, and tears rushed out without losing the opportunity: "I'm just dazzled by a moment of jealousy. I really want to get the love of the Lord. Lord, please forgive me and I will correct it. In the future, I will treat the princess well, serve the Lord and Princess wholeheartedly, and never compete with the princess again."

"Do you think it's possible for the king to tolerate you after he knows that you have hurt Xiaoxiao so much?" Xiao Moxuan pushed away the pear blossom and rainy Xuanyuan red, and his anger was more clear: "your heart is so vicious. If the king keeps you again, wouldn't he leave you a disaster?"

Xuanyuanhong was pushed by Xiao Moxuan and staggered back a few steps before she stood still. Her expression became more and more bleak and decadent, with a kind of desperate desolation. The original delicate and bright makeup was also washed into a mess by tears, and it is no longer the reserved charm of the past.

Looking at Xiao Moxuan with determination, Xuanyuan Hong said sadly, "Lord, I've been with you for more than two years. From the age of 17 to now, I'm almost 20. I've given you all the best years of a woman. Don't you really tell me a little affection?"

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