"Don't say you are so innocent. You have your purpose. However, I won't kill you." Xiao Moxuan said expressionless.

"Lord, I knew you still had me in your heart, otherwise you could have punished me. But you haven't, which shows that you still like me and you still don't have the heart to punish me, right?" Xuanyuan's red eyes lit up a spark of hope and said excitedly.

"Do you think the king keeps you because he still loves you? Well, you can still be so naive now. I don't know how your brother wants to send you out?" Xiao Moxuan's ironic, cold and sharp eyes are like a cold sword without a trace of temperature: "there is only Xiaoxiao in my heart. If I don't kill you, I will never leave you again."

"Lord... What are you going to do to me?" xuanyuanhong asked in a trembling voice.

Xiao Moxuan didn't speak, but approached xuanyuanhong. His palm was as fast as lightning and held her door.

Xuanyuanhong only felt a strange internal force injected into her body. Her body was numb and weak. She was surprised and asked, "what are you doing?"

"It's just to abolish your martial arts." Xiao Moxuan lightly hooked his lips, then loosened her, and said clearly and coldly: "leave Yu state immediately and return to Chen state to be your princess honestly. This is the king's maximum grace for you."

"No! Lord, I won't go! I want to stay here!" xuanyuanhong was stunned, cried bitterly and hugged Xiao Moxuan: "Lord, I'm already yours. Where else do you want me to go? I can't live without you. You ruined my martial arts and you ignored me from now on. I don't blame you and I don't complain. Just ask you to let me stay and let me do anything as long as I can be by your side. Even, I can help you and help you ascend the throne in the future."

"It's a pity that I don't want to keep a poisonous snake around." Xiao Moxuan didn't move, coldly pushed away her arm, and said in a determined voice: "haven't you heard clearly? I only love Xiaoxiao, and I only want Xiaoxiao. She is the most important woman of the king. If you want to harm Xiaoxiao, you can only say that you want to die yourself. It's the kindest thing not to kill you."

"Hehe, after all, it's for Meng Xiaoxiao..." xuanyuanhong stopped her tears and suddenly shouted hysterically, "Meng Xiaoxiao, what's better than me? She even hooked up with several men. Why do you only like her?"

Xiao Moxuan twisted her wrist, and the flame from his dark eyes could almost devour people: "xuanyuanhong, I never want to beat a woman, but if you dare to say Xiaoxiao again, I can't guarantee whether I will make an exception."

Xuanyuanhong shrank in his murderous eyes and dared not contradict directly, but he asked reluctantly: "I want to know where I lost to her? Why... I can't get the Lord's heart after staying with the Lord for so long, and she did it easily?"

"Do you really want to know?" Xiao Moxuan looked down at her coldly and said, "because Xiaoxiao has a pure and natural heart, and you have only vanity and ambition."

"Lord, I can change! I'm willing to do anything for you, just let me stay." xuanyuanhong said eagerly.

"Xuanyuan is red. Don't waste your breath. I can't hold a second woman in my heart except Xiaoxiao. I'll let you go this time just because you used to be the king's woman." Xiao Moxuan loosened her wrist and said resolutely: "The king will send someone to supervise you to leave immediately. From now on, you should remember that you can't step into the kingdom of Yu! If you let the king find a trace of you in the kingdom of Yu, you will never talk about your past feelings again!"

"Lord... Why don't you give me a chance? I said I could change anything." xuanyuanhong was still making a final plea.

"Ben Wang has made it very clear." he left a word coldly. Xiao Moxuan didn't look at her again, turned around and stepped out without nostalgia.

Behind him, xuanyuanhong cried in despair

In the study, Xiao Fei is waiting for Xiao Moxuan.

"Xiao Fei, you immediately arrange several people to send Qingqing out of the kingdom of Yu. Go now. If she doesn't go, you'll drag her out." Xiao Moxuan came in and ordered directly.

"Yes, Lord." Xiao Fei agreed and went to execute the order. He was not surprised that the LORD did so, because he knew the details of Qingqing long ago.

Xiao Moxuan also went out of his study. He was anxious to see Meng Xiaoxiao. After Qingqing's affairs were handled, his mind was full of Meng Xiaoxiao's figure, and his heart had already flown to ziyuyuan.

The enchanting little girl, I wonder if she's awake now?

Thinking of the enchanting, charming and vivid appearance of her under him just now, Xiao Moxuan's lips can't help raising the warmth of happiness. Little thing, do you still want to run now? You can't run away anymore

But he met the housekeeper: "Lord, just now someone in the Palace said that the emperor still has something to find you. Let you go to the palace again."

"I see." Xiao Moxuan answered faintly. He thought, little thing, have a good rest first. I'll come to see you when I go to the palace.

He was in a hurry when he left the palace just now. Some things have not been reported to the emperor in time. He really needs to go back to the palace.

When Meng Xiaoxiao woke up, he was still in a coma. He just felt that his bones were about to fall apart, and his whole body was very sore. Somewhere on the body is even more hot and uncomfortable, like a serious illness.

Seeing the clothes scattered by the bed, she suddenly opened the quilt, and her mind was suddenly dizzy. God, I'm naked and covered with ambiguous marks

Meng Xiaoxiao froze on the bed, stared wide and tried to recall everything before he fell asleep.

It seems that I am very uncomfortable and feel hot all the time. Later, Xiao Lan came. When he saw him, he wanted to lean over, hugged him and wouldn't let him go, and took the initiative to kiss him... But Xiao Lan still pushed himself away.

Then the LORD came again. The LORD was much softer than Xiao Lan. He kept kissing her and stroking her. She kept sticking it on him and making such an unpleasant sound. Finally, he

God, what happened to her then? Is that debauchery and coquettish woman really herself? Why did you do such a disgusting thing?

In the past, in modern times, someone pointed out that her mother was cheap and her daughter was cheap.

Every time she quarreled with people and even fought, but she knew in her heart that what her mother did was very disgraceful. And now, she herself

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