"Forget it, go and get me water first." Meng Xiaoxiao rubbed her hair and said listlessly.

Yes, zhier is just a little girl without personnel. Where does she know about contraceptives?

Maybe it's important to ask Xiao Moxuan. He and Qingqing have been together for so long. Qingqing seems to have never been pregnant. Yes, he must know this way

The Gardenia quickly filled with hot water for Meng Xiaoxiao. When the exhausted body was completely bathed in the big bathtub full of perfume petals, Meng Xiaoxiao felt comfortable at once, and the pain seemed to be reduced.

She carefully scrubbed her body, one by one, slowly and carefully, hoping to clean all the ambiguous and imaginative traces.

But in front of her, Xiao Moxuan and her... Scenes of hot and lingering scenes appeared. Meng Xiaoxiao's face was burning like a cloud, and his blush suddenly spread to his ears.

Originally, this is the most mysterious love between men and women. However, it is not as beautiful and fascinating as described in some books. It hurts. She doesn't like it at all. About this kind of thing, only men will feel happy

After soaking in the big bath bucket for more than half an hour, Meng Xiaoxiao put on her clothes and came out with the help of Gardenia.

The body is still soft, the waist is like breaking, and the physical strength has not fully recovered. As soon as I walk around, I can still feel a faint unbearable discomfort

I'm really upset. Has that greedy bastard never touched a woman in hundreds of years? Treat her like a ferocious hungry wolf with such great strength without thinking how uncomfortable she is. It's really hateful

Meng Xiaoxiao thought angrily and shyly, almost gnashing his teeth with hate.

Back in the house, gardenia had changed the sheets that made her blush, but she still felt that the room was full of ambiguous breath.

Head, it's still stuffy. It seems that it's time to go out and get some fresh air. So Meng Xiaoxiao came to the yard, lay on the rocking chair under the flower rack, closed her eyes and thought about her mind by the way.

Gardenia really brought a big bowl of steaming red jujube chicken soup and begged her to drink more or less, otherwise the king would blame.

Meng Xiaoxiao reluctantly drank it. His physical strength seemed to have really recovered, and he became a little better. However, who will make up for the spiritual loss?

Xiao Moxuan finished talking with the emperor in the palace and hurried back to the palace.

He remembered the stubborn, lovely, naive and charming girl who had just become his woman.

The little girl is so young and poisoned by Hehuan powder. When he asked her, she could not stand the pain and tears. She was so pathetic that she fainted at last... How could he relax?

Later, we must treat her gently. Cherish her more, take care of her, and treat her as a treasure in the palm of your hand. Let his Xiaoxiao become the happiest woman in the world

Xiao Moxuan thought excitedly, his chest full of sweet and warm happiness.

However, the closer he approached the Purple Jade Garden, his heart began to feel uneasy again.

That bad tempered little girl has always resisted such things. Every time at the last crucial step, even if she was confused, she always insisted that he should not touch her.

Today, he did not hesitate to ask her under the circumstances and ate her completely. Although it's also to detoxify her, will that stubborn and fierce little girl understand him? Will you forgive him? Will she let him go again? Even ignore him again? Will she... Cry?

Xiao Moxuan thought, and his heart hung uneasily in the air, and his steps were faster.

Anyway, she is his most precious and lovely little wife. She felt that she had been bullied by him. She felt wronged and uncomfortable. If she wanted to beat or scold, let her vent on herself.

He will let her do everything, and everything will depend on her. It's just that he will never leave if he wants to drive him away. In this life, he depends on her

Stepping into the gate of the Purple Jade Garden, I saw a beautiful girl, petite but fit, wearing a rose red shirt, lying on the rocking chair under the flower rack, slightly closing her eyes and resting.

It's his Xiaoxiao, like a lazy and obedient kitten, charming.

Xiao Moxuan walked over, gently picked up the girl, put her whole body on her legs, and sat down with her.

Meng Xiaoxiao opened her eyes and saw that it was the man who gnawed her like a hungry wolf. Her face "brushed" suddenly flew up to two gorgeous red clouds, just like the most gorgeous dawn in the morning sky.

I had thought about how to deal with him when he came, but now I really saw him, but how did I suddenly become so flustered and at a loss?

Uh! Hell, you should question him seriously, and then hurry to ask him for contraceptives. But why, those lines that have been thought out can't say a word now

Looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's flustered and evasive eyes, Xiao Moxuan's lips raised a happy and spoiled smile. His little thing is still so shy. However, he just loves her shy and uneasy appearance. This expression only belongs to him

"Xiaoxiao, are you better?" Xiao Moxuan bowed his head and kissed the hot cheek of the girl in his arms, and asked softly.

"It was very good." Meng Xiaoxiao said forcefully, dropping his eyes and not looking at him.

"Does it still hurt?" Xiao Moxuan smiled disapprovingly and stroked her faintly painful area with his palm.

"What are you doing? Keep your hands honest!" Meng Xiaoxiao suddenly opened his hands, and his pink face became more and more red.

Xiao Moxuan looked at her tight and beautiful face and felt ridiculous and lovely. Obviously, he had seen and touched her all over her body, even that. Now he is still so strict with him. His little thing is really a little thing that can grind people.

But maybe that's why he loves her so much. Love her silly, love her stubborn, love her capricious, love her more serious, love her good, love her bad, love her everything

"Xiaoxiao, my good wife, I will love you forever." Xiao Moxuan held her tightly in his arms and promised solemnly and gently.

Hearing his affectionate words, Meng Xiaoxiao felt his strong tenderness. Meng Xiaoxiao's heart rippled warmly, and the stiff expression on his face softened involuntarily.

Yes, it has happened, and it can't be all his fault. Moreover, he has been so kind and considerate to her now, just like a real good husband.

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