In addition to the fact that she can't lose the concept of modern people, that she is too young to get married too early, and that the existence of Qingqing often makes her feel a little uncomfortable. In other aspects, she is quite happy with him.

"Lord, I just... I just now, I don't know what's wrong with me? But I'm not like that..." Meng Xiaoxiao stammered, leaning meekly in his arms. He wanted to explain that he was not a debauchery person, but he didn't know how to say it more clearly.

"Silly girl, I know that my Xiaoxiao is the best and the purest girl." Xiao Moxuan hugged her compassionately and whispered, "someone framed you and gave you Hehuan San."

"Ah? Who is going to frame me? What is Hehuan San?" Meng Xiaoxiao opened his eyes in surprise. Why? Did what you saw in novels and TV happen to you?

"Hehuan powder is a powerful drug to stimulate people's lust. If you take this medicine, even if you have a strong mind, you will still be in the situation you just did." Xiao Moxuan paused and said in a low voice: "it's made by Qingqing."

"Ah... Qingqing..." Meng Xiaoxiao cried out.

In retrospect, indeed, it was after Qingqing came and left that he was hot and dry and difficult to restrain himself.

what the fuck! blamed! He suffered such inexplicable pain, and even almost made a big mistake with Xiaolan... It was all thanks to Qingqing.

Everything was almost understood. Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help getting angry. She tightly squeezed her fist, clenched her teeth and shouted, "shit! That hypocritical evil woman is so vicious. She pretended so well that she hurt me like this! What does she want?"

"Xiaoxiao, don't be afraid. I've solved this matter. Qingqing will never have a chance to hurt you again." xiaomoxuan held her hand and comforted her gently.

"Who is afraid of her? She is not my opponent!" Meng Xiaoxiao shouted angrily, suddenly remembered and asked, "how did you solve it? What did you do to Qingqing?"

"Qingqing is not from the state of Yu. Her brother is xuanyuanlie, the monarch of the state of Chen. I asked someone to send her back and warn her that she should never step into the state of Yu again." Xiao Moxuan said.

"You mean, she's not a real brothel woman? And she's still a member of the royal family of Chen country?" Meng Xiaoxiao's eyes widened. The unexpected news was like a Arabian Night for her.

"Yes, in fact, she is a spy inserted by Chen Guoan around me. Her real name is xuanyuanhong. Last time, Su Ying was arrested, it had something to do with her." Xiao Moxuan said in a deep voice.

"God! How do you know? If you know, let her stay with you for so long?" Meng Xiaoxiao gave another incomprehensible exclamation.

"I kept her just because, since her brother can put her around me as a spy, one day, I can also make her a chip to restrict her brother in my hands." Xiao Moxuan's face was calm and deep, with a bit of seriousness: "however, she wanted to harm you, so in any case, I won't leave her."

"Oh..." Meng Xiaoxiao suddenly realized that he didn't know what to say.

Originally, I thought that Qingqing was a pitiful and sympathetic brothel woman. But I didn't expect that she would have such a complex identity background. Unexpectedly, she was a spy from a foreign country.

Xiao Moxuan had already realized the purpose of her identity, but he also didn't make any action. He still let her stay with him as always, just to make the same use of her special identity and attack her opponent in the future.

Well, this is the real spy and undercover. Think about it again. What's the name of his stupid intelligence spying behavior compared with Qingqing? For a time, Meng Xiaoxiao's heart floated with all kinds of exclamations, all kinds of miscellaneous.

"Xiaoxiao, from now on, you will be the only one around me, and you will always be the only one." Xiao Moxuan took the girl who was stunned and thinking of her heart into his arms and expressed his feelings affectionately.

Meng Xiaoxiao recovered. She looked at Xiao Moxuan and asked the question she thought was the most urgent thing to care about: "Lord, do you have the kind of medicine that can prevent pregnancy?"

Xiao Moxuan choked and looked at Meng Xiaoxiao with some shock and stabbing. Handsome black eyes, gradually floating on a layer of gloomy shadow.

Meng Xiaoxiao looked at him seriously and stressed, "if you have, give me some, you know, I don't want to get pregnant."

What's going on in this woman's head? Don't want to get pregnant? Don't want his children? How could he forget that this heartless little girl is the best at pouring a basin of cold water on his head when he is full of tenderness and honey.

Xiao Moxuan wrung his eyebrows angrily. For a moment, he really had the impulse to throw the girl into bed and clean her up.

However, seeing her weak appearance at the moment, he knew that her medicated body had not fully recovered and could not bear his crazy request again.

Just remember this account first, and then teach her a good lesson when her body is strong enough for him to bully enough. One day, he will get back the stimulation she gave him today with interest.

Meng Xiaoxiao was still waiting for his answer. Xiao Moxuan opened his eyes and didn't look at her. He said stiffly, "No."

"That Qingqing... How can she not be pregnant all the time?" Meng Xiaoxiao was anxious and asked after her.

"I don't know." it was still a dull and unhappy voice. What was more depressed was Xiao Moxuan's mood.

I've never seen such a woman who doesn't do things according to ordinary people's thinking. I'm her husband, and I really wanted her after so long.

At this time, should she think more about how to live and fly with her kindness and love and be her gentle and considerate wife? But what she was thinking about was that she didn't want to get pregnant and couldn't get pregnant

Ho, Meng Xiaoxiao, he really obeyed her. He couldn't refuse.

Xiao Moxuan's cold and indifferent attitude angered Meng Xiaoxiao. She suddenly stood up from him, her apricot eyes wide open, her willow eyebrows turned upside down, and stared at him angrily: "Xiao Moxuan, don't pretend to be silly. You've had so many women. Why don't you know how to contraception? You just did that. Anyway, I'm wrong, and I didn't want to settle with you. But you didn't give me medicine on purpose..."

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