Sometimes Meng Xiaoxiao feels tired and doesn't want to eat. Xiao Moxuan will coax and feed her herself, just to keep his favorite little wife strong and healthy.

Meng Xiaoxiao's position in the royal palace now seems to be like the queen, ranking first in everything. Xiao Moxuan himself can only rank second, but this is what he is willing to do.

Meng Xiaoxiao's feeling about Xiao Moxuan has also changed subtly. Although she never admitted what happened that day, the truth is the truth.

She has had that kind of relationship with Xiao Moxuan. It's true that she has changed from a pure girl to a really mature woman. It's also true... Do you still want to avoid it? I can't hide. She said it didn't count. It was just her idea of deceiving herself and others. Xiao Moxuan didn't think so.

However, what made Meng Xiaoxiao feel a little happy was that after that time, Xiao Moxuan didn't harass her again except that he still hugged and kissed her as before.

In fact, Xiao Moxuan wanted to sleep with her in ziyuyuan. He carefully mentioned it several times, but Meng Xiaoxiao politely refused. Xiao Moxuan didn't insist anymore. Everything depended on her, but he would wait until she fell asleep safely every day.

Meng Xiaoxiao thought, this man seems to be getting better now. She won't let him here, and he didn't bother to stay.

Where does she know? Xiao Moxuan just felt distressed that her body had not fully recovered and could not bear to touch her. In fact, his heart is not so honest.

The wonderful and intoxicating taste when he was with Meng Xiaoxiao was so perfect that Xiao Moxuan still has a lot to remember.

Unexpectedly, the little girl who is careless and doesn't care about anything on weekdays is like an enchanting poppy blooming in bed, charming and endless. He tasted it and couldn't put it down any more.

Like having an addiction, I just want to hold her in my arms forever. When I miss her, I'll take it out and have a look, rub it, bite it

Such a delicious little thing is his. He is not a gentleman. How can he let her go for too long?

Xiao Moxuan was silent on the surface, but he was already surging in the heart and ready to go. Just wait for the enchanting little girl to recover early and grow up well. He will have a good meal again.

Meng Xiaoxiao is lively and cheerful, loves to move and make trouble, and has a good body foundation. In addition, Xiao Moxuan took good care of her and nursed her with fresh soup and delicious food every day. She looked better and better, and her body really recovered quickly.

In less than half a month, Meng Xiaoxiao was as lively as before. His face has also returned to its former ruddy health, even brighter and more watery than before.

The pink face is red in the protein and can be broken by blowing. The slim and beautiful body is young and energetic. The whole person is like fresh fruit just ripe on the branches, fresh, bright and moving.

When she was well, Xiao Moxuan's heart began to move.

The girl looked more attractive. He didn't completely occupy her once. He was really uneasy. It's like clearly being a treasure of his own family, but he has to put it outside. He can't get it into his bag completely. He doesn't feel comfortable anyway.

Look at this little girl, he won't let him touch her again. Therefore, everything can not be done in a hurry, we have to make a good brewing.

Otherwise, if you can't eat the delicious food, you may be scolded by her and destroy the warmth and sweetness between them day by day, which will be miserable

On this day, the spring breeze was pleasant and the sun was bright. Under the clear sky, there was a scene of prosperity.

In such a sunny day, Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't sit still in the palace. She wanted to go out and play.

But where? There was nothing good in her heart.

Since that day, the third prince Xiao Molan has never come to the palace to find her again. Meng Xiaoxiao knew that he must be embarrassed because of what happened that day and didn't have a good intention to face her.

She felt embarrassed at the bottom of her heart, so although she often thought of Xiao Molan, she didn't ask Xiao Molan about it. She thought to herself that after a period of time, everyone's memory of this matter will be a little indifferent.

But Xiao Molan didn't come, and Meng Xiaoxiao virtually lost a good friend and playmate.

Now, even if she wants to go out to play, she doesn't have a very agreeable companion, let alone a considerate guide like Xiao Lan, who can take her wherever she wants.

Maybe she had to go out with zhier, but at most she could only stroll around the street or near the palace. It didn't mean much.

Meng Xiaoxiao felt a little dull in his heart, but he didn't expect Xiao to fly over. Reported to her that the Lord asked him to come back to pick her and zhier up. He said that the weather was fine today and was ready to take them out to play. Ask Meng Xiaoxiao where she wants to go, climb mountains or go for an outing or go boating in the lake. Everything is up to her heart.

Wow, is Xiao Moxuan really an immortal? How can he think of what she wants and help her realize it one by one?

Just like when I was thirsty in summer, I sent her ice cream, and when it was cold in winter, I sent her a warm stove. If this man really wants to be nice to anyone, he is really considerate to the extreme.

Meng Xiaoxiao's heart was filled with joy. Then he said happily, "I'm going to climb the mountain and have a picnic. We'll make a fire in the mountain and I'll cook for you!"

So she and zhi'er went to the kitchen to get pots, bowls, plates and chopsticks, as well as oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar. When everything was ready, she took the carriage driven by Xiao Fei and set off.

Go to the palace to meet Xiao Moxuan first. Fortunately, he came out before long.

As soon as Xiao Moxuan got on the bus, he saw so many rich and complete cooking equipment in the car. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Xiaoxiao, you moved the kitchen."

"Hehe, for a picnic, I'll use local materials in the wild, and then let you taste my craft." Meng Xiaoxiao bent his mouth sweetly.

Although it was the first time to hear the word "picnic", Xiao Moxuan immediately understood the meaning of this new word by contacting Meng Xiaoxiao's words and the things in front of him.

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