He stretched out his arm and took Meng Xiaoxiao into his arms. He smiled with a spoiled smile: "my lady is really capable. Well, I'll wait to taste your craft."

This time they came to a place called Qixia mountain. Xiao Fei stopped the carriage and carried jingling cooking utensils. Xiao Moxuan also took down the bows and arrows on the carriage. The four of them climbed to the top of the mountain along the steep mountain road.

Meng Xiaoxiao used to be a sporty girl in modern times. She climbed up the mountain, walked fast and didn't feel tired.

Gardenia, an ancient servant girl who often works, seems a lot weaker than her modern daughter, who can't keep up for a while.

Xiao Fei had to walk slowly with zhi'er, while Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Moxuan climbed very fast. All the way forward, they threw Xiao Fei and zhi'er away, and the four people soon divided into two pairs.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Meng Xiaoxiao turned back to gardenia and Xiao Fei, who were far behind, waved his arm and shouted, "gardenia, come on, it's coming soon."

Xiao Moxuan smiled at the vibrant girl standing under the blue sky and white clouds and thought, looking at her, her body has almost recovered and full of blood. There should be no problem bullying her again tonight.

When Xiao Fei helped Gardenia up panting, and the four people had a little rest, Meng Xiaoxiao began to arrange work for everyone.

Gardenia went to collect firewood first. Xiao Fei picked up stones to build a stove. Xiao Moxuan took bows and arrows to play game. Meng Xiaoxiao himself went to the mountains to find some edible wild vegetables.

At noon that day, Meng Xiaoxiao took the spoon and gardenia started. The four of them had a very pleasant picnic.

Xiao Moxuan called the hare and the wild turtledove. Xiao Fei caught some fish in the mountain stream. With the wild vegetables, mushrooms and tender bamboo shoots dug by Meng Xiaoxiao and zhi'er, it was really rich.

The game is roasted directly on the fire. The green vegetables are fried by Meng Xiaoxiao. They are full on the large Raincloth brought out from the palace. They have all kinds of color, smell and taste. They are mouth watering.

The four people gathered together and chatted while eating. They were very happy. The only regret is that he forgot to bring some wine. Xiao Moxuan smiled and made up the wine at night.

Originally, zhier was always a little afraid of Xiao Moxuan. But today, perhaps because she was in a good mood, Xiao Moxuan became very easy-going and close. She was not as cold and serious as before. She dared to talk to him face to face.

At the moment, they seem to have no distinction between masters and servants. They talk and laugh freely with each other, just like the closest good friends, equal and happy.

Meng Xiaoxiao likes this warm and comfortable feeling.

She likes Xiao Moxuan's kind and casual appearance, not as condescending and cold as before.

After the picturesque picnic, the four of them spent the whole afternoon strolling up the picturesque mountain. It was not until the sunset and the sunset filled the sky that the two pairs of people walked down the mountain hand in hand.

Dinner was naturally eaten outside, and I really drank wine.

Meng Xiaoxiao was also in high spirits and had to take Gardenia to join the two men for a drink. Xiao Moxuan couldn't beat her and had to let her drink a little. Gardenia was determined not to drink, but looked at her with surprise and admiration.

When I returned to the palace, the new moon was like a hook and the sky was full of stars.

Xiao Moxuan sent Meng Xiaoxiao, who was slightly drunk, back to ziyuyuan. He didn't pester her as usual, nor waited for her to fall asleep as usual. He left soon.

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help being surprised and thought to herself, eh? Has the man changed sex today? It's not sticky anymore. I left so soon

She didn't think too much. She just thought Xiao Moxuan might be tired today and wanted to go back to bed early. Where can she think of it? Xiao Moxuan's heart had already ignited an uncontrollable flame. Such departure is only temporary. He just wants to go back to take a bath first. Later, he will stay completely.

Therefore, when Meng Xiaoxiao came out of the bathroom with her long wet hair and entered her room, she saw a scene that she had never expected.

A very nice-looking man, dressed in a clean white nightgown, leisurely sat on her bed, leaned over the head of the bed, put his arms behind his head, and lazily watched her come in with fragrance all over her.

The man's expression is very calm, just like sitting in his own bed. But with moderate evil, it is the kind of evil that makes people's heart beat disorderly.

The heart really jumped irregularly. Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"It takes so long to take a bath?" Xiao Moxuan raised his lips slightly, as if he didn't hear what she asked. If nothing happened, he said, "I've been waiting for a long time. Come and sleep."

"You..." Meng Xiaoxiao blinked, suddenly angry: "who allowed you to sleep here?"

"Come here, I'll wipe your hair." Xiao Moxuan still didn't answer her. He gracefully stretched out his arm and smiled at her with full power.

"Cut... I don't need your help. You go back to your own room to sleep." Meng Xiaoxiao avoided his deadly smile, calmed down and began to rush people impolitely.

"Come here." Xiao Moxuan repeated again. His dark eyes as deep as the sea were shining and staring at her, with a dangerous light, just like a cheetah waiting for prey.

"I said, have you had enough? Go back to your own room to sleep!" Meng Xiaoxiao shouted unbearably. This man didn't drink much wine today, but how can he feel drunk again?

However, the next second, there was an unexpected whirl of heaven and earth. Without allowing Meng Xiaoxiao to think and react in time, she fell into a strong and powerful embrace. Her whole body was firmly trapped in Xiao Moxuan's arms, and her cheek was right against his hot and strong chest.

"Hey, don't mess with me!" Meng Xiaoxiao struggled with a red face.

"Give me the bath towel." Xiao Moxuan tightly hooped the disobedient girl on his chest, took the bath towel in her hand, and carefully wiped her black hair with moisture.

His movements were so gentle, as if Meng Xiaoxiao's hair was his sweetheart. He squeezed the water carefully, looking gentle and patient.

An unprecedented sweet feeling rises from the bottom of my heart, ripples in my heart, and gradually fills the whole body.

Meng Xiaoxiao was honest. She stopped moving and leaned on him obediently, allowing him to carefully manipulate his wet hair and sweetly enjoy his extreme love for himself.

No matter how careless she is, she can feel that this man really loves himself.

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