"Hehe, you haven't been looking at me, so I have to come and see you." Meng Xiaoxiao blinked his eyes blatantly, looking naughty and lovely.

She found that she hadn't seen Xiao Molan for some time. Xiao Molan grew taller and looked more mature and handsome. Now standing face to face with him, she could only reach his shoulder.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry. In fact, I've always wanted to see you, but, just..." Xiao Molan said haltingly, and his cheeks couldn't help reddening.

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Lan, I understand." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled clearly and said in a low voice, "don't take it too seriously that time. I was drugged by Qingqing."

"Qingqing, how could she hurt you like this?" Xiao Molan opened his eyes angrily.

"It's over. The Lord drove her away. It's all right now." Meng Xiaoxiao said quietly and quietly. He didn't want to talk about this topic anymore: "Xiaolan, are you going to the Academy for class?"

"It was, but when you come, I can stay with you for a while." Xiao Molan said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's not good to delay your study. Why don't I accompany you to study first and wait until your class is over, let's go out to play." Meng Xiaoxiao also smiled. All the irritability and depression at the bottom of my heart these days suddenly disappeared.

It is undeniable that with Xiaolan, she is very happy and relaxed.

"Xiaoxiao, I'll just take a leave for my husband. How can you sit there with me for a long time? I'll go out with you now." Xiao Molan said without hesitation.

"However, the LORD said, your study is very busy." Meng Xiaoxiao hesitated for fear that it would really affect Xiao Molan.

"I'm not busy, sir. What I'm talking about now are all the courses I've learned before. I've already learned it. It's nothing to take a day off." Xiao Molan smiled gently.

He is also very happy, because today, he finally saw Xiaoxiao again. Moreover, Xiaoxiao was still so kind, free, generous and free to him, and there was no estrangement at all.

Meng Xiaoxiao thought to himself, it seems that the black hearted guy put me together again and lied to me that Xiao Lan is busy studying. In fact, he just doesn't want me to find Xiao Lan. Oh, I'm not as good as you.

"Xiao Lan, really don't worry?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked seriously.

"It's really all right." Xiao Molan also answered her seriously and said, "come on, Xiaoxiao, go to the Academy for leave first, and then I'll accompany you wherever you want to go."

They went out of Changxing palace together. Meng Xiaoxiao accompanied Xiao Molan to the Royal Academy first. Xiao Molan asked Meng Xiaoxiao to wait for him outside. He went in to ask his husband for leave.

Meng Xiaoxiao stood alone beside the garden outside the Academy waiting for Xiao Molan, but unexpectedly saw Princess Caiwei, who had not been seen for many days, walking leisurely in the garden accompanied by several palace maids.

"Caiwei!" Meng Xiaoxiao recognized Princess Caiwei from a distance and waved excitedly.

"Xiaoxiao, it's you. Why are you willing to come to the palace today? I thought my brother Xuan had your baby in the palace, and you didn't intend to meet us." Princess Caiwei was also very happy to see Meng Xiaoxiao, and came over and jokingly smiled.

"Hehe, I've always had some miscellaneous things, either this or that. Now I'm free." Meng Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Then you are here today. Let's go to our palace and have a good heart to heart talk with our sisters." Princess Caiwei took her hand and said affectionately.

"Another day, I'll go to your place specially. Today, Xiao Lan and I agreed to go out. He went to ask for leave for his husband, and I'm waiting for him here." Meng Xiaoxiao said frankly.

"I was waiting for Mo LAN. Alas, it made me happy. I thought you came to play with me." Princess Caiwei tooted her mouth, looking a little disappointed.

"Caiwei, if you have nothing to do, go out with us. It's boring to stay in the palace." Meng Xiaoxiao warmly invited her, thinking that if there were more lively Princess Caiwei to join them, it would be more fun and lively.

"I'd like to go out with you, but I can't. I can't go now." Princess Caiwei said in embarrassment. She was always bright and straightforward. At the moment, there was a rare twist on her face.

"Why can't you go? Is Ning Feng so tight with you? He doesn't look like that." Meng Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

"No, Ning Feng is very kind to me. Everything depends on me. But now..." Princess Caiwei glanced down at her belly, and two shy blushes flew up her cheeks: "I can't move or jump now."

Meng Xiaoxiao followed Princess Caiwei's eyes and saw her slightly swollen abdomen. Although it was not obvious, she could still see that her figure was different from that before. She suddenly realized it and cried in surprise: "Oh, Caiwei, Congratulations, so you're going to upgrade to be a mother."

"Hehe, Xiaoxiao, don't just congratulate me. What about you? You and brother Xuan got married so long earlier than me and Ning Feng. Why hasn't there been any news?" Princess Caiwei smiled happily and asked softly.

"Well... I don't know either." Meng Xiaoxiao rubbed her hair embarrassed and could only answer her like this.

"Xiaoxiao, I have some tonics specially prepared by the imperial doctor of the palace according to the unique secret recipe. Women eat very well. I've been eating since I became a relative, and I'll have them soon. Later, you can go to me and take some back. I think brother Xuan likes children very much, and you can have one earlier." Princess Caiwei took Meng Xiaoxiao aside, Tell her mysteriously.

"Er... No, I don't have to eat that." Meng Xiaoxiao quickly declined her kindness.

"Oh, why do you refuse? In this way, our sisters are pregnant one after another. At that time, they will be born at about the same time. That's good. The baby is also a companion when it is born." Princess Caiwei insisted and said irresistibly, "Xiaoxiao, that's the deal. When Mo LAN comes, you go to my place to get the medicine, and then you can go out and play."

"No, thank you, Cai Wei. I appreciate your kindness, but... We're not the problem..." Meng Xiaoxiao was worried and didn't know what to say.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone is not a little girl anymore. Many women in the palace have taken this medicine. Xiaoxiao, it's right for you to listen to your sister." Princess Caiwei patted her shoulder very considerately and said with a smile, "go with your sister to get the medicine later. I'll teach you how to use it."

"No, Caiwei, it's not me..." Meng Xiaoxiao bit his teeth and thought he'd give it up. He blurted out: "it's your brother Xuan..."

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